Shion enters a particular dungeon where Ayano, a fellow Demon Slayer, vanished. They explore the depths of this massive dungeon, swarming with strange animals, with the aid of her pals Karin and Hinako. Will they discover Ayano’s fate, or will the macabre layout of this dungeon get the better of them?
Download the Uncensored Patch
It”s a free patch! You can download the official patch of Demon Slayer Shion by this links:
How to Install the Uncensored Patch
- Click “Next. After reading the agreement and accepting the terms, click “I Agree. And then click “Next” again.
- The patcher is automatically configured to install the required files into the default Steam directory for the game you are installing. If your installation of the game is located outside of Steam”s default directory, please use the “Change” button to locate the game”s installation folder.
- Click “Next” 2 more times. After the patch is finished installing, your game should now be patched.
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