Where are the Save Files Located?
Your saves are located at the following locations depending on whether you play on Steam or on the Microsoft Store/GamePass:
Steam Users
- Follow this path in your computer explorer – C:\Users[USER]\AppData\LocalLow\Umanimation\Dordogne
- Look for DordognePictureData.uma and DordogneSavedData.uma files
Microsoft Store (GamePass) Users
- Follow this path in your computer explorer – C:\Users[USER]\AppData\Local\Packages\FocusHomeInteractiveSA.26534A3814B10_4hny5m903y3g0\SystemAppData\wgs\0009FFE746856B6C_0000000000000000000000006DC78E98
- Inside of this folder 0009FFE746856B6C_0000000000000000000000006DC78E98, look for another one which contains your save files (there should be 4).
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