A guide for people who don’t wanna play the game and just wanna see the scenes.
For all of you lazy chumps who don’t wanna play the game and just want to see the scenes. You can bypass the hacking section by just finding the dream then clicking the yellow devil in the lower right corner and inputting the crack code. I haven’t beaten the game yet so I’ll be updating the guide as I progress with new dream addresses and crack codes. You may need to do them in the order listed, I know more signals unlock as you progress. To find a new dream signal you select the wave then turn the dial. For each dream I’ll include the dial number and the wave.
Strong Signals
Ones that have scenes done.
- Albina – Wave 1 – 1677
- Cracking Code: 76a0b2240e4410d43fa62ccc61b969460aa94d9e
- Onigiri Yuki – Wave 2 – 777
- Cracking Code: d302f25df363fc78fbd29c809d5ea1dc201a01c2
- Minako – Wave 3 – 850
- Cracking Code: 5032353cf098e9152f3c07560be1c6188c28e8c6
- Aya Furukawa – Wave 3 – 1145
- Cracking Code: 02276f43608b25794d5e70ee8318d89e63133f6a
- Ai Sekkura – Wave 4 – 1225
- Cracking Code: e83385a6c41ea32e2d816ec6ae625d2feb564981
Weak Signals
Not available as targets for scenes yet. The game seems to suggest that these will be filled out in future updates. Currently they are intended to provide more packets for beating other levels.
- Momo – Wave 1 – 800
- Cracking Code: Weak Signal
- Lin – Wave 2 – 633
- Cracking Code: Weak Signal
- Nanami – Wave 3 – 525
- Cracking Code: Weak Signal
- Ayamiya – Wave 4 – 1111
- Cracking Code: Weak Signal
Momo: d302f25df363fc78fbd29c809d5ea1dc201a01c2
Just Beat Ai– Code: e83385a6c41ea32e2d816ec6ae625d2feb564981
If you wanna beat it, just use all the required packs and all non-large recharges, having cap raisers helps a lot
For others who want to beat Ai themselves. I found it incredibly easy by using the Lock recharger. Cuz it’s special ability is that it keeps your power from going below 1 for like 10 seconds. So you activate the Lock then just spam activate anything you see until you fill the bar. Just have to get it done within the 10 seconds.
i have beaten Ai Sekkura – Wave 4 – 1225. here is the cracking code e83385a6c41ea32e2d816ec6ae625d2feb564981