Construct No More Than 5 Turrets During Contract
The main question is:
- Which turrets/building should you use for this?

Short answer:
- The limit only applies to turrets, if it’s on your platform itself then it doesn’t count, so nighttime abilities are a safe bet, particularly the drones one.
In details
I did it with Random Turrets I Picked Along the Way (1x Shield Ray at the bottom and 2x Minigun at the top of the lowest set of mounts, 1x Fireworks and 1x Mk2 Drones in the middle of the middle mount).
Important parts of my strategy were:
- Play at minimum difficulty for that Qualification (because it’s hard enough).
- Frost biome (so I won’t have to invest in combat).
- Start with Rocket Watchtower (RW specifically works slightly better at deshelling armoured bugs and ) and Hospital (to compensate for…).
- Rushing 3rd upgrade on the top path of the vision Research tree for -1 Coal per drilling (…lack of Ferix Injections).
- Getting all the coal.
- And then drilling straight to the target depth when I can afford it.
I think I did that in 9 days.
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