Enshrouded – Gold Chest Farm Guide (+ Loot Table)

Location #1: Elixir Well – South East of Kindlewastes Ancient Spire

I found this to be one of the better drop locations for Level 25 Armor and Weapons. Weapon drops at minimum are Epic rarity, with a decent number of Legendaries.

The “Elder”, “Radiant Paladin”, and “Eagle Eye” Armor Sets can drop here.

Once setup and you have the hang of it, it should only take about 30 seconds per run.

In addition, there is minimal enemy interaction if run without overshooting one of the jumps AND you log out quickly after looting the chest.

Enemy Level is 30, and I believe this requires Flame Level 6 to access.

Map Overview

How to Farm

Craft an Altar at Home and bring with. Fast Travel to Kindlewastes Ancient Spire.

Jump off the Southern part of the Spire, towards the South East.

Setup your Altar at the edge of the Shroud. I put mine down below to try and avoid the roaming enemies.

Fly into the Shroud, towards the Well, and dive down into it. I normally try and aim for the South East corner of the Well as I go down.

Tip: Try and fly directly down into the Well, otherwise you may have to deal with the enemies outside.

Once inside, get on the walkway, and look towards the East. You will see a outline of a rock across the way. Aim for the rock, jump, and glide over to it.

Tip: If you fall, don’t panic. Run back up to the West and then use your Grappling Hook to get back up and try again. However, if you overshoot you will run into enemies. Use the rock for a stop block.

Just over the ridge will be a Gold Chest below. Jump down behind it if possible to help block any enemy ranged attacks. Loot and Return to Main Menu quickly.

Logging back in should put you back at your camp above. Start at Step 4, rinse and repeat till you have what you want, or get bored.

Loot Table

Noble SwordEpic251-Handed Melee
GorestrikerLegendary251-Handed Melee
Fearsome ClubLegendary251-Handed Melee
Fearsome ClubEpic251-Handed Melee
Enflamed SwordEpic251-Handed Melee
FleshgrinderLegendary251-Handed Melee
Hair SplitterEpic251-Handed Melee
Twin Soul MaceLegendary251-Handed Melee
Tainted AxeEpic251-Handed Melee
Tainted AxeEpic251-Handed Melee
NovaLegendary251-Handed Melee
Ice BaneLegendary251-Handed Melee
Ice BaneLegendary251-Handed Melee
GuillotineLegendary252-Handed Melee
RotbloodEpic252-Handed Melee
Ornate Wood BowEpic25Bow
Ornate Wood BowEpic25Bow
Ornate Wood BowEpic25Bow
Ornate Wood BowEpic25Bow
Wolf’s Snarl LongbowEpic25Bow
Arsonist’s BowLegendary25Bow
Radiant Paladin GlovesCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin HelmetCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin TrousersCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin ChestplateCommon25Heavy Armor
Elder BootsCommon25Light Armor
Elder ChestCommon25Light Armor
Eagle Eye HelmetCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye HelmetCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye HelmetCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye GlovesCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye GlovesCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye TrousersCommon25Medium Armor
Root StaffLegendary25Staff
Shepherd’s LightningEpic25Staff
Undergrowth StaffEpic25Staff
Blackened StaffEpic25Staff
Luminous WandLegendary25Wand
Luminous WandEpic25Wand
Frozen Core WandEpic25Wand
Ritual Tempest WandEpic25Wand
Ritual Tempest WandEpic25Wand

Location #2: Sun Temple – North East of Kindlewastes Ancient Spire

I found this to be one of the better drop locations for Level 25 Weapons and 23 Armor. Weapon drops at minimum are Epic rarity, with a decent number of Legendaries.

The “Spellbinder”, “Gloom Monarch”, and “Hawk” Armor Sets can drop here.

This does require you to do some fighting in order to clear out the space to lay down your Altar at an optimal location. You could always do it outside as well, but it’ll make the runs longer.

If you setup the Altar at the bottom of the stairs, it should only take about 15 seconds a run. Otherwise 40-ish seconds?

Enemy level is 25, and I believe this requires Flame Level 5 to access.

Map Overview

How to Farm

Craft an Altar at Home and bring with. Fast Travel to Kindlewastes Ancient Spire.

Jump off the North Eastern part of the tower and glide down to the Sun Temple.

Once you enter and activate the waypoint, head through the doorway on the right side.

Once through the doorway, take a left, follow the hall down, then take another left.

Go forward a little through the door and then head down the stairs to your right.

Down below here is where I would recommend setting up an Altar. You will need to clear out the area below of enemies. If you can’t easily kill the enemies here, setup an Altar outside.

Tip: Quick gist, for the puzzle, take the upper left and right wings here to push the two buttons behind the small doors. Go down below to the door that was sealed and kill everything including the nest.

Once everything is dead, you can go back up and place the Altar where I have mine in the screenshot. This will also allow you to Dismantle the doors.

Head into the Shroud and open the doors in front of you and then move forward down the next set of stairs.

Note: After going through the door, you will likely be met with some Level 25 enemies, including red exploding critters. Careful of these.

Take the left path, which leads down some more stairs, then take an immediate right. Open the double doors and head inside.

Collect the Gold Chest in the middle of the room. Should not be any enemies here.

Use “Return to Main Menu” and then log back in. Rinse and repeat from wherever you decided to set up your Altar.

Loot Table

Enflamed SwordEpic251-Handed Melee
Enflamed SwordEpic251-Handed Melee
Enflamed SwordEpic251-Handed Melee
GorestrikerLegendary251-Handed Melee
GorestrikerEpic251-Handed Melee
Hair SplitterLegendary251-Handed Melee
Hair SplitterLegendary251-Handed Melee
Hair SplitterEpic251-Handed Melee
Hair SplitterEpic251-Handed Melee
Lightforged AxeLegendary251-Handed Melee
Lumenshade AxeEpic251-Handed Melee
Major ArcanaLegendary251-Handed Melee
Twin Soul MaceEpic251-Handed Melee
Wolf Pack AxeEpic251-Handed Melee
Noble SwordLegendary251-Handed Melee
Noble SwordEpic251-Handed Melee
GorestrikerEpic251-Handed Melee
Enflamed SwordLegendary251-Handed Melee
Enflamed SwordEpic251-Handed Melee
Sword of RadianceEpic251-Handed Melee
Ice BladeEpic251-Handed Melee
Ice BladeEpic251-Handed Melee
FleshgrinderEpic252-Handed Melee
Misfortune MaceLegendary252-Handed Melee
RotbloodEpic252-Handed Melee
RotbloodLegendary252-Handed Melee
GuillotineEpic252-Handed Melee
Deeproot AxeEpic252-Handed Melee
Ignited HammerEpic252-Handed Melee
Ignited HammerEpic252-Handed Melee
RotbloodEpic252-Handed Melee
RotbloodEpic252-Handed Melee
Composite BowLegendary25Bow
Wolf’s Snarl LongbowEpic25Bow
Gloom Monarch BootsCommon23Heavy Armor
Gloom Monarch BootsCommon23Heavy Armor
Gloom Monarch BootsCommon23Heavy Armor
Gloom Monarch ChestplateCommon23Heavy Armor
Gloom Monarch GlovesCommon23Heavy Armor
Gloom Monarch GlovesCommon23Heavy Armor
Gloom Monarch GlovesCommon23Heavy Armor
Gloom Monarch HelmetCommon23Heavy Armor
Gloom Monarch HelmetCommon23Heavy Armor
Gloom Monarch TrousersCommon23Heavy Armor
Gloom Monarch TrousersCommon23Heavy Armor
Gloom Monarch ChestplateCommon23Heavy Armor
Gloom Monarch ChestplateCommon23Heavy Armor
Gloom Monarch HelmetCommon23Heavy Armor
Gloom Monarch HelmetCommon23Heavy Armor
Gloom Monarch GlovesCommon23Heavy Armor
Spellbinder BootsCommon23Light Armor
Spellbinder BootsCommon23Light Armor
Spellbinder ChestCommon23Light Armor
Spellbinder GlovesCommon23Light Armor
Spellbinder HatCommon23Light Armor
Spellbinder HatCommon23Light Armor
Spellbinder PantsCommon23Light Armor
Spellbinder HatCommon23Light Armor
Spellbinder HatCommon23Light Armor
Spellbinder HatCommon23Light Armor
Spellbinder BootsCommon23Light Armor
Spellbinder PantsCommon23Light Armor
Spellbinder PantsCommon23Light Armor
Spellbinder PantsCommon23Light Armor
Ethereal PlaneLegendary25Magic Shield
Hawk BootsCommon23Medium Armor
Hawk GlovesCommon23Medium Armor
Hawk HelmetCommon23Medium Armor
Hawk TrousersCommon23Medium Armor
Hawk BootsCommon23Medium Armor
Hawk HelmetCommon23Medium Armor
Hawk ChestCommon23Medium Armor
Hawk ChestCommon23Medium Armor
Hawk ChestCommon23Medium Armor
Ring of the AncientsEpicn/aRing
Ring of the AncientsEpicn/aRing
Ritual Tempest WandLegendary25Shock Wand
Root StaffEpic25Staff
Root StaffEpic25Staff
Hopeful GlimmerLegendary25Staff
Hopeful GlimmerLegendary25Staff
Hopeful GlimmerLegendary25Staff
Undergrowth StaffEpic25Staff
Blackened StaffLegendary25Staff
Blackened StaffLegendary25Staff
Frozen Core WandEpic25Wand
Frozen Core WandEpic25Wand
Luminous WandEpic25Wand
Frozen Core WandEpic25Wand
Scorching WandEpic25Wand
Scorching WandLegendary25Wand

Location #3: Deepcut – South West of Kindlewastes Ancient Spire

This is a bit of a run to reach, filled with Level 30 enemies. Once you get there and get your Altar down though, it’s fairly simple.

This chest is honestly nowhere near as good as Location 1 or 2, as it frequently drops Rare quality Weapons and seems to have less of a chance to drop Legendary.

The “Elder”, “Radiant Paladin”, and “Eagle Eye” Armor Sets can drop here.

If you setup the Altar at the bottom of the rocks and use Double Jump to get up it should only take about 30ish seconds a run.

Enemy Level is 30, and I believe this requires Flame Level 6 to access.

Map Overview

How to Farm

Craft an Altar at Home and bring with. Fast Travel to Kindlewastes Ancient Spire.

Jump off the South West part of the tower and glide over the Shroud. Land on the area just past.

Keep running South until you reach Shorewatch, which should be on your right. Enter Shorewatch, run through the town to the West and jump over the broken bridge.

Note: Watch out for the trap at the entrance to the bridge…

Once past the bridge, make your way West, following the road through the second part of the town and then continue to follow the road.

You are going to be following the road for awhile, through a Shroud, and you will exit to some Ancient Fossile Bones.

From here, point yourself South West, and start running. Skirt the small Shroud and you should arrive at Deepcut.

Setup your Altar on the outskirts of Deepcut. I like to place mine near the Southern rocks, as it gives easy jumping access up and makes the next part a little easier.

Jump to the top of the rocks and locate the cave entrance to the East. Get ready to RUN.

Perform a full sprint to the cave entrance, avoiding the trap that is set as you enter. Grab the Gold Chest and “Return to Main Menu” quickly.

Rinse and repeat from where you set up your Altar.

Loot Table

Bronze SwordEpic251-Handed Melee
Enflamed SwordEpic251-Handed Melee
HatchetRare251-Handed Melee
Ice BladeEpic251-Handed Melee
Ice BladeEpic251-Handed Melee
Meat ChopperRare251-Handed Melee
Meat ChopperRare251-Handed Melee
Melstar MaceCommon251-Handed Melee
Noble SwordEpic251-Handed Melee
NovaEpic251-Handed Melee
Stonewrought SwordRare251-Handed Melee
Sun AxeRare251-Handed Melee
Wolf’s ClawRare251-Handed Melee
Melstar MaceCommon251-Handed Melee
Stonewrought SwordRare251-Handed Melee
Meat ChopperRare251-Handed Melee
Deeproot AxeEpic252-Handed Melee
FlailRare252-Handed Melee
FlailRare252-Handed Melee
Sun HammerRare252-Handed Melee
Wooden ToothRare252-Handed Melee
FlailRare252-Handed Melee
Club of DefianceRare252-Handed Melee
Ignited HammerEpic252-Handed Melee
RotbloodLegendary252-Handed Melee
Wooden ToothRare252-Handed Melee
Spine SplinterRare252-Handed Melee
Forest LongbowRare25Bow
Forest LongbowRare25Bow
Hunter’s BowRare25Bow
Ornate Wood BowEpic25Bow
Tarred BowRare25Bow
Tarred BowRare25Bow
Forest LongbowRare25Bow
Crackling WandRare25Fire Wand
Radiant Paladin BootsCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin ChestplateCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin ChestplateCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin GlovesCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin TrousersCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin TrousersCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin HelmetCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin BootsCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin ChestplateCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin ChestplateCommon25Heavy Armor
Elder HatCommon25Light Armor
Elder BootsCommon25Light Armor
Ethereal PlaneLegendary25Magic Shield
Ethereal PlaneLegendary25Magic Shield
Eagle Eye ChestCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye TrousersCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye TrousersCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye TrousersCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye TrousersCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye ChestCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye ChestCommon25Medium Armor
Ring of StaminaRaren/aRing
Elder’s StaffRare25Staff
Root StaffEpic25Staff
Sheperd’s LightningRare25Staff
Sheperd’s LightningRare25Staff
Sheperd’s LightningEpic25Staff
Gleaming StaffRare25Staff
Frozen Core WandLegendary25Wand
Infernal WandRare25Wand
Infernal WandRare25Wand
Infernal WandRare25Wand
Scorching WandLegendary25Wand
Blazing WandRare25Wand
Scorching WandEpic25Wand
Ritual Tempest WandEpic25Wand

Location #4: Open World – South of Kindlewastes Ancient Spire

Nice easy spot to farm, within gliding distance of the Kindlewastes tower. Low drop rates on Legendary weapons. Good drop rates for Level 25 armor set pieces.

The “Elder”, “Radiant Paladin”, and “Eagle Eye” Armor Sets can drop here.

Very quick runs… 10ish seconds a run.

Not sure what Shroud level is required to get to this area, but there are roaming Enemies, including some annoying fliers at Level 30.

Map Overview

How to Farm

Craft an Altar at Home and bring with. Fast Travel to Kindlewastes Ancient Spire.

Jump off the Southern part of the tower and glide over the marked point below.

The Gold Chest should be nearby. Make sure to place your Altar far enough away from the chest so it is not within the ring. I placed mine at the bottom of the hill.

Use “Return to Main Menu” and then log back in. Rinse and repeat from wherever you decided to set up your Altar.

Loot Table

White Wolf SwordEpic251-Handed Melee
Melstar MaceCommon251-Handed Melee
Melstar MaceCommon251-Handed Melee
Melstar MaceCommon251-Handed Melee
Meat ChopperRare251-Handed Melee
Wolf’s ClawRare251-Handed Melee
Club of DefianceRare252-Handed Melee
Great MaceRare252-Handed Melee
Masterful MaceRare252-Handed Melee
Masterful MaceRare252-Handed Melee
Spine SplinterRare252-Handed Melee
Sun HammerRare252-Handed Melee
Sun HammerRare252-Handed Melee
Hunter’s BowRare25Bow
Hunter’s BowRare25Bow
Tarred BowRare25Bow
Tarred BowRare25Bow
Radiant Paladin GlovesCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin BootsCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin ChestplateCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin ChestplateCommon25Heavy Armor
Elder HatCommon25Light Armor
Elder HatCommon25Light Armor
Elder BootsCommon25Light Armor
Elder BootsCommon25Light Armor
Elder TrousersCommon25Light Armor
Ethereal PlaneLegendary25Magic Shield
Ethereal PlaneLegendary25Magic Shield
Eagle Eye GlovesCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye GlovesCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye GlovesCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye TrousersCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye BootsCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye BootsCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye BootsCommon25Medium Armor
Ring of StaminaRaren/aRing
Shield of LightRare23Shield
Sheperd’s StaffRare25Staff
Sheperd’s StaffRare25Staff
Root StaffEpic25Staff
Root StaffEpic25Staff
Root StaffEpic25Staff
Gleaming StaffRare25Staff
Luminous WandRare25Wand
Luminous WandLegendary25Wand
Infernal WandRare25Wand
Silver StormRare25Wand
Silver StormRare25Wand

Location #5: Open World – South East of Kindlewastes Ancient Spire

Nice easy spot to farm, within gliding distance of the Kindlewastes tower. Low drop rates on Legendary weapons. Good drop rates for Level 25 armor set pieces.

The “Elder”, “Radiant Paladin”, and “Eagle Eye” Armor Sets can drop here.

Very quick runs… 10ish seconds a run.

Not sure what Shroud level is required to get to this area, but there are roaming Enemies, including some annoying fliers at Level 30.

Map Overview

How to Farm

Craft an Altar at Home and bring with. Fast Travel to Kindlewastes Ancient Spire.

Jump off the South Eastern part of the tower and glide over the marked point below. We want to land on the West side of the Shroud.

Place your Altar near the edge of the Shroud, but far enough away the radius will not affect the chest.

Be careful of the insta death that is the red on the ground. There should be a small ledge you can safely drop down from.

Within the cave is the prize you seek. Loot the Gold Chest, use “Return to Main Menu”, and then log back in. Rinse and repeat from where you set up your Altar.

Location #6: Open World – FAR South West of Kindlewastes Ancient Spire

Weapon drops at minimum are Epic rarity, with a decent number of Legendaries (ok, got ONE common). The “Elder”, “Radiant Paladin”, and “Eagle Eye” Armor Sets can drop here.

It’s a bit of a long dangerous run to get to, roaming through areas with Level 30 Enemies, but once you get an Altar setup, it’s 10 seconds per run and SAFE.

Map Overview

How to Farm

Craft an Altar at Home and bring with. Fast Travel to Kindlewastes Ancient Spire.

Jump off the South West part of the tower and glide over the Shroud. Land on the area just past.

Keep running South until you reach Shorewatch, which should be on your right. Enter Shorewatch, run through the town to the West and jump over the broken bridge.

Note: Watch out for the trap at the entrance to the bridge…

Once past the bridge, make your way West, following the road through the second part of the town and then continue to follow the road.

You are going to be following the road for awhile, through a Shroud, and you will exit to some Ancient Fossile Bones.

Continue to follow the road until you reach a wooden shack on the left, and a 4-way crossroads. We’re going offroading from here.

Head North West, towards the edge of the hill marked on the screenshot.

Follow the Western edge of the hill, skirting between the hill and the Shroud.

Continue North West, passing between two stone pillars. You should then see the remains of a home and a lone stone pillar to the left. Head to the pillar.

Setup your Altar here, as your prize awaits you just East, below the deadwood tree. Loot away!

Use “Return to Main Menu” and then log back in. Rinse and repeat from where you set up your Altar.

Loot Table

Melstar MaceCommon251-Handed Melee
Melstar MaceCommon251-Handed Melee
Noble SwordEpic251-Handed Melee
HelixEpic251-Handed Melee
Fearsome ClubEpic251-Handed Melee
Fearsome ClubEpic251-Handed Melee
Major ArcanaEpic251-Handed Melee
Enflamed SwordLegendary251-Handed Melee
Twin Soul MaceEpic251-Handed Melee
MirageEpic251-Handed Melee
Tainted AxeLegendary251-Handed Melee
Tainted AxeEpic251-Handed Melee
NovaEpic251-Handed Melee
NovaEpic251-Handed Melee
Sword of RadianceEpic251-Handed Melee
Sword of RadianceEpic251-Handed Melee
Sword of RadianceEpic251-Handed Melee
Wolf Pack AxeEpic251-Handed Melee
Ice BladeEpic251-Handed Melee
Ice BladeEpic251-Handed Melee
GorestrikerEpic251-Handed Melee
GorestrikerEpic251-Handed Melee
Bronze SwordEpic251-Handed Melee
Bronze SwordEpic251-Handed Melee
Major ArcanaEpic251-Handed Melee
FleshgrinderLegendary251-Handed Melee
Twin Soul MaceEpic251-Handed Melee
Lightforged AxeEpic251-Handed Melee
Tainted AxeEpic251-Handed Melee
Tainted AxeLegendary251-Handed Melee
NovaEpic251-Handed Melee
NovaEpic251-Handed Melee
Sword of RadianceLegendary251-Handed Melee
Wolf Pack AxeLegendary251-Handed Melee
Ice BladeEpic251-Handed Melee
Misfortune MaceEpic252-Handed Melee
Misfortune MaceLegendary252-Handed Melee
Deeproot AxeLegendary252-Handed Melee
Dawning Sun HammerEpic252-Handed Melee
RotbloodLegendary252-Handed Melee
RotbloodEpic252-Handed Melee
Hair SplitterLegendary252-Handed Melee
Deeproot AxeEpic252-Handed Melee
Deeproot AxeLegendary252-Handed Melee
Dawning Sun HammerEpic252-Handed Melee
Dawning Sun HammerEpic252-Handed Melee
Dawning Sun HammerEpic252-Handed Melee
RotbloodEpic252-Handed Melee
RotbloodEpic252-Handed Melee
Ignited BowEpic25Bow
Composite BowEpic25Bow
Ornate Wood BowLegendary25Bow
Arsonist’s BowLegendary25Bow
Ignited BowEpic25Bow
Radiant Paladin TrousersCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin TrousersCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin HelmCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin TrousersCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin TrousersCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin BootsCommon25Heavy Armor
Radiant Paladin ChestplateCommon25Heavy Armor
Elder HatCommon25Light Armor
Elder HatCommon25Light Armor
Elder BootsCommon25Light Armor
Elder BootsCommon25Light Armor
Elder GlovesCommon25Light Armor
Elder TrousersCommon25Light Armor
Elder HatCommon25Light Armor
Elder HatCommon25Light Armor
Elder BootsCommon25Light Armor
Elder GlovesCommon25Light Armor
Eagle Eye GlovesCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye TrousersCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye TrousersCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye TrousersCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye BootsCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye TrousersCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye BootsCommon25Medium Armor
Eagle Eye BootsCommon25Medium Armor
Ring of the AncientsEpicn/aRing
Shepherd’s LightningLegendary25Staff
Blackened StaffLegendary25Staff
Blackened StaffEpic25Staff
Root StaffLegendary25Staff
Shepherd’s LightningEpic25Staff
Shepherd’s LightningEpic25Staff
Blackened StaffEpic25Staff
Scorching WandEpic25Wand
Ritual Tempest WandEpic25Wand
Luminous WandEpic25Wand

All Gold Chest Locations on the Map

Here are all known location of Gold Chests in Enshrouded as of right now.

Keep in mind that a large number of these chest locations may be discovered underground in dungeons, caverns, or the Shroud.

West Map

East Map

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3753 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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