Contains information for every boss. There are spoilers, so please be careful to not scroll too far while reading this guide.
Definitive Guide to All Bosses

He drinks blood through the Holy Chalice. To avoid sunburn, he hides in the darkness.
- HP: 390
- Location: At the end of the vampire’s domain
- Skills: Attack, Vampire
- Weaknesses: Fire, Holy

The primeval demon of chaos. He towers over humans.
- HP: 400
- Location: Inside the last treasure chest inside the Ice Cave near Framheim
- Skills: Attack, Fire Breath, Ice Breath, Sharp
- Weaknesses: Holy, Wind

A demon in the shape of a beautiful woman. She is delighted to “inspire” and corrupt humans.
- HP: 510
- Location: Vangaria Castle throne room
- Skills: Attack, Double Attack, Twinkle, Mute
- Weaknesses: Fire, Holy
Orc Lord

The pig-faced king of orcs. He’s very lazy and unmotivated.
- HP: 520
- Location: Vangaria Castle throne room
- Skills: Attack, Double Attack, Body Slam
- Weakness: Water

The lord of the seas. He can swallow ships in just one gulp!
- HP: 930
- Location: Within the lake of Avalon, by the Excaliburian idol
- Skills: Attack, Whirlpool
- Weaknesses: Dragon, Ice, Lightning

An ancient court mage who became immortal through forbidden arcane techniques.
- HP: 900
- Location: Tower to the Heavens 1F
- Skill: Darkest
- Weakness: Holy

A monocular giant. While not very intelligent, he boasts terrifying strength.
- HP: 900
- Location: Tower to the Heaven 2F
- Skills: Double Attack, Bodyslam
- Weaknesses: None

A giant warrior. His armor weighs 60 tons and his sword has magical powers.
- HP: 900
- Location: Tower to the Heavens 3F
- Skills: Double Attack, Tough
- Weaknesses: None

The messenger of Hell who reaps human souls. Those injured by his cold sickle will instantly die.
- HP: 900
- Location: Tower to the Heavens 4F
- Skills: Attack, Twinkle, Darkest, Knockout
- Weaknesses: Fire, Holy (Resists status ailments)
Green Dragon

Once rampant throughout the world. One flap of its wings can cause a destructive tempest.
- HP: 700
- Locations: Treasure chest in Midura, Treasure chest in Palscea Palace, Treasure chest in Al Sheba (underground)
- Skills: Attack, Gustiest
- Weaknesses: Dragon, Ice
Blue Dragon

Once rampant throughout the world. Breathes a cold wind that freezes everything before it.
- HP: 800
- Locations: Treasure chest in Vangaria Castle, Treasure chest in the Pyramid of Al Sheba
- Skills: Attack, Ice Breath
- Weaknesses: Dragon, Fire
Red Dragon

Once rampant throughout the world. Spits a burning flame that turns everything to ashes.
- HP: 900
- Location: Treasure chest in the Alexandrian prison
- Skills: Attack, Fire Breath
- Weaknesses: Dragon, Ice
Undead Knight

The guardian of the forbidden spell, Starriest. He’s afraid of the letter T.
- HP: 6000
- Location: Moon
- Skills: Barrier Shift, Double Attack (Note: Barrier Shift will randomly shift between physical and magical barriers; there is no set pattern.)
- Weaknesses: None
War Machine

An ancient war machine from a prior world cycle. Its death laser can instantly kill an enemy.
- HP: 2000
- Location: Tower to the Heavens 1F (rare encounter)
- Skill: Death Laser
- Weakness: Lightning (Resists status ailments)

A six-armed demigod with a thirst for power. He slashes with such frightening fury!
- HP: 2000
- Location: Tower to the Heavens 2F (rare encounter)
- Skill: Attack
- Weaknesses: None

An immortal bird that resurrects itself. Its tail can help swooned allies get right back up!
- HP: 2000
- Location: Tower to the Heavens 3F (rare encounter)
- Skill: Fieriest
- Weaknesses: Ice, Water, Wind
Cyber Dragon

A high-tech dragon from a prior world cycle. It can cast Starriest, but it takes a while to charge.
- HP: 2000
- Location: Tower to the Heavens 4F (rare encounter)
- Skills: Scan, Charge Up, Starriest (It will always do these skills in this order.)
- Weaknesses: Dragon, Lightning (Resists status ailments)
Black Knight (Rematch)

A knight who’s obsessed with the color black. His armor can break blades. No one knows his true name.
- HP: 9000
- Location: Enryuu’s coliseum (Can be fought after reaching the heavens and speaking with the king the very first time (when he asks to speak with you outside). Travel back to the coliseum and speak with him in the room to the right of the main area.).
- Skills: Double Attack, Bright Flash, Chuckle, Mute
- Weaknesses: None
Demon King (Abomination)

The creator of the earth. He takes the form of an abomination to suppress his magical power (Does not display within the bestiary).
- HP: 2000
- Location: Heavenly Castle
- Skills: Attack, Double Attack, Fieriest, Iciest, Flashiest, Stormiest, Quakiest, Gustiest, Darkest
- Weaknesses: None (Resists status ailments)
Demon King (Dragon)

The creator of the earth. He takes his true form in order to maximize his magical capabilities. (Does not display within the bestiary)
- HP: 6000
- Location: Heavenly Castle
- Skills: Double Attack, Starry, Fire Breath, Ice Breath, Sonic Wave, Odd Mist, Bright Flash
- Weakness: Dragon (Resists status ailments)

The ultimate sentinel of the heavens. He wields the power of the six Judgment Stones thought to be lost to time (Does not display within the bestiary).
- HP: 7000
- Location: Heavenly Castle (Select “No” when prompted to begin a new cycle.)
- Skills: Attack, Witty, Careful, Holiest, Starry
- Weakness: Dark (Resists status ailments)
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