New Players Guide
By Artix.
Quick Tips
- You won’t lack gems but you can’t just use them like gems are infinite.
- For example early on it’s good to buy from merchant cannon and cat summons in order to expand your fortress you can find merchant locations 4 times a day.
- Level up any equipment and runes to lv 30 40 50 before dismantle in order to get extra materials to change additional abilities.
- Level up your units first to lv 50 all of them then promote all legends the most you can, promote the epics units the most you can, promote uniques the most you can up to 5 stars and leave rares at 2 stars except for gildong and louis those two 5 star them, once all of your units are lv 50 and you promoted them properly lv them up all to 100 and then you will lv up directly towards 180 units like isaac, bruce, annie, loxia, gildong, louis( you can start first with louis or isaac), berys, ivy and all the slimes.
- There are different kinds of units. There are active buffers like ruingaladh(paid unit), gildong, circe, cerus and mael kinda active and also passive each one of the boost something gildong and ruin boost attack, circe defense, cerus attack speed and mael additional dmg.
- There are also passive buffers like stella, styria, elrond, valentine, mael, bruce loxia, soba, calvin, brook, circe again, victor, entiope and many more. The passive buffers are mostly used to boost your stats. Their buff is immediate and is always working even if they are dead, some have certain conditions, some are plain upgrades like loxia increase 100% base attack and circe 100% base def.
- The dps are mostly units that their whole kit of abilities are made to do dmg and only dmg most of the time are dealers but bruisers can be closer to dealers in terms of dmg if you properly set up things bruisers are more sturdy and tankier than dealers but lose some base attack.
There are also units called enablers that boost your DPS or other units’ usefulness to a whole other level. For example, Violet is a good utility unit but also does a lot of damage. If you want to focus on using Violet, you can easily use enablers like Annie, Rei, Ungula, Louis, Isaac, Stella, or anything with low cooldown.
Now, units like Mael that increase the damage based on alive allies take Violet’s summons as allies and boost the total damage.
In this case, the first mentioned enablers work to enable Violet’s max potential, but Mael needs Violet to enable his max potential. So, you build a team of units based on these interactions. There are more combinations, like tanks with healers or supports.
You need to have different teams for all the different things you can do be it farming, bossing, dungeons, guild raid, pushing, collection and farming titles.
- Unless you pay you won’t have all units at their optimal state to use so be aware of giving some time to see how each unit works read their skills learn how they can be used and use them properly at any time of your gameplay don’t set your eyes only in legendary units those units have the higher requirements to be able to use them properly most of the time lower rarity units are better.
- Early on equipment purple with stats like atk atk, atk gold or exp, se se, se gold or exp can help you progress faster even blue ones and rares.
- Rare equipment that are needed to save louis exclusive wep with gold 4.5% red stat and gildong gold 4.5 red stat and se 30% red stat those three items are worth to enhance up to +3.
- Unique items worth to save isaac gold wep, and circe gold and se wep in case you wanna use defensive stats.
- Purple items bjorn exclusive weapon with 100% red atk stat, amber wep with 9.5% gold red stat, annie spoon with 100% red atk, stella wep with gold 9.5 and se 100%, hoya wep gold or exp early on( later is not needed).
- Legendary items with stats atk atk, se se, boss dmg boss dmg, def def, hp hp, hp def, def hp, atk gold, se gold, gold se, gold atk, gold gold.
Gem Expenses
Reroll Shop:
- Gildong x47.
- Proto31 x27.
- Entiope x27.
- Gildong essences as much as you see are super important.
- Boost crystals whenever you see them.
- Legendary hero whenever you see it.
After you’re done with those units, focus only on the last 3 mentioned the moment you have enough essences to t2 gildong you start to buy gildong copies you need in total 127 gildong copies.
Limbo x27, gandalfu x27, wangsak x27, king slime x5, queen slime x5 (after all these are done focus on queen 5 stars).
- Cannon and cat ticketsx10 pre expansion 4 and also once you have legendary 1 cannon and cat in order to push legendary 4 fast.
- Boost crystals always.
- Ocean keysx5 in order to push melfork dungeon as fast as possible and after you reach stage 81+ these keys become a must buy.
Arena Shop:
- Before affinity 4
- Arena tickets cost 20.
- Bakery key x1 buy 2 daily cost 40 badges total.
- After affinity 4
- Arena tickets cost 20
- Any key with cost 10 badges
- Boost crystal cost 50
- Random hero ticket x5 cost 200
- Random hero ticketx1 cost 50
Wandering Merchant
Every 6 hours these merchants appear on random stages for each tier of merchant.

Merchant lv 1 stages 1 up to stage 4
Merchant lv 2 stages 5 up to stage 8
Merchant lv 3 stages 9 up to stage 12
Merchant lv 4 stages 13 up to stage 16
Merchant lv 5 stages 17 up to stage 20
Merchant lv 6 stage 21 up to stage 24
- Merchant slimes are also important units.
- You need them at 5 stars.
- Limbo gives you frames, titles, portraits and it’s only 27k gems.
- Gandalfu cost 54k unlocks titles, portraits, frames and more important one of your biggest attack multiplier if you want to transcend him the cost is still cheap but do it after you get queen 5* and king 5*.
- Wangsak is the same a must to have 5* cost 108k gems do not transcend before queen.
- Decorations from those 5 slimes are a must have late game (be aware of the cost for king and queen decoration; it might be better to wait to buy those later on when you’re already done with slimes and many gem things) The more decorations you unlock the better.
- You can buy them just to start unlocking extra stats, decorations are small stat boosts that once you get them all you don’t need to worry about them, there are some f2p decorations and some that are a bit hard to find.
Don’t be crazy about this but keep in mind decorations are only one time buy items with permanent stats.
How to Get Gems
I already mentioned ways of spending your gems. Now let’s talk about where you get them. There are several ways into farming gems.
Repeat Quests



After you beat 20-20 there’s a new level pass unlocked so don’t despise exp gain just because you reached lv 2000 exp still matters.
Guide Missions

Claim gems every time you reach any rank, this resets weekly making it a way to get tons of gems. note that just by reaching master 1 you get 52500 gems weekly as f2p from arena take in mind that most of the time you spend around 1k daily for the first 4 gems attempts 100 gems 200 gems 300 gems 400 gems, the total is 45500 after spending 1k daily.
I still encourage players to spend the first 4 attempts because you need badges early on those badges matter, every win gives you 10 badges and if you search arena store and buy arena tickets they cost 20 badges but you get faster to master and recover more badges daily before arena resets.
- Daily you get badges based on the highest daily rank.
- Each rank gives more or less badges each day depending on the tier.
Arena fights works like this if you fight someone that has lower rank than you you get less points but if you fight someone that close amount -25 your current trophy count and up to +25 your trophy count you get +10 points early on be aware of finding opponents with your same amount of trophy dont waste arena tickets early you need to get rid of bronze silver gold platinum and diamond almost like daily by the 5th day reach master so find players that give you +10 or +11 past +25 trophy counts you get +11 if you wait for later hours of the day you may be able to find players that got more trophies by fighting weaker opponents and use them to climb faster the ranks dont forget about this.
- The unit dps that is stronger if deployable use the skill first example of a comp.
- This is a comp based around kubera you can use mael and many more like malleus, eclypse, ivy and levis.
- You can try many more things like using tilly and louis to make time until your valentine cleans the enemy fort.
- You can also use various combos of cannons and cat kits like wrench kit + freeze cannon, burn or laser and squeak droid if you wanna boost mael final dmg.
- There are also rank rewards.

Based on the server most of the time the first ones are players that support the game, spend a lot of money and have tons of gems to spend in order to reach top 1. They also follow the rule of fighting players with almost equal trophy count.
You get 10 badges for wins, 5 badges for a loss so be careful to choose your enemy wisely. -Some players can be tricky don’t just think because you have more power you can easily win, ground units starts with their skills ready once fight starts, most onboard units have to wait their cooldown so plan your team based on this info that in the future may change who knows if they add cooldown to every unit if that happens i will change this part again based on new changes.
You can also find free tickets on merchant lv 4 in stages 13-16. The arena store has a cooldown of 1 hour. I recommend early on only buy the weekly decoration, arena tickets, boost crystals, random hero summon and hero ticketx8 ( slowly build up affinity with arena tickets and keys only kitchen keys you get mine keys for free from merchants save for the skins if you want to collect all skins).
Daily, weekly quests and achievements are important, don’t forget about them, always check achievements that you may be able to do early on for free rewards.
As a F2P you slowly progress through this as you can notice you get benefits and even stat amps referring to all basic stats you can progress by daily logins or by supporting the game buying packs etc.
Saga Journal

As you can see, saga journals give a lot of rewards each lv and way too many stats via titles, frames and portraits. This is why I recommend owning the most units you can to unlock faster higher adventure journals.
There are portraits frames or titles that requires you to have other things example this portrait:

The more things you unlock, the better every single stat matters in the long run and the earlier you get it the better for you to progress faster. As you can see portraits frames and titles have different tiers every single one of them gives a different saga journal exp.
- Rare: +1 exp
- Unique: +2 exp
- Epic: +3 exp
- Legend: +5 exp
Ignite your desire for saga exp and unlock the most you can from your saga dont forget everything is passive stats that sum into your first page of adventure journal so feel free to equip any title you want ahead of your name or brag those hard to get ones to your friends.
Kill Units Titles
With the addition of transcendence this became way more easy so follow this. Do it before stages 30-1 that way you dont lose that much farm while you do it and it’s faster due to lower rarity units having more power.
As you may notice there are titles that need to use certain units to kill 100.000 monsters. for this you need to pay attention to each unit skill because some units needs to be done without skills if possible use healing cannon to secure the kills the faster you do this the better after stage 30 you may find it hard to farm gold and exp while doing it i recommend doing it after stage 20-20 and before reaching 30-1.
Each unit will have info on skilless title or with skill and stages.
Early on you can get to kitchen lv 3 before smelter and you may ask why while you progress through the mine dungeon you get small amount of materials to craft equipment and early on equipment isn’t something that make any bigger change you can pretty much reach stage 15 16 without any equipment just by pure raw strat and farming but early on you need food, bread and cookies give more experience than flour to lv up your units.
Later on your farm soo much flour that your kitchen wont stop cooking.
Once you get to kitchen lv 3 you can go ahead and lv up smelter up to lv 4 or 5 then go back to kitchen lv 4 and aim for arcane workshop lv 6 the fastest you can but don’t forget that you have to lv up evenly the rest of facilities just for titles you need to farm tons of cans and gears and they are cheap to upgrade just keep this info in mind early on food is way more important than equipment.
Unit Efficiency
Rare units are easy to level up and cost way less than others. -There are some units you must lv up to max the earliest possible like slimes, isaac, lilith, violet, elizabeth are a must to lv up according to your farming mostly due to their possession effect skill effect and boss dmg are rare things to have early on.
Do not waste materials into expensive lv ups for your units. Level them up evenly and slowly first all to lv 50 then everyone to 70 and so on whoever you can enhance do it slowly legendary units like lilith, elizabeth and violet are important to max their lv due to possession effects passive stats that boost your early progress way faster than you think same goes for isaac his possession effect is boss dmg so if you lack any boss dmg don’t forget to get him some lv ups.
This is how it looks like lv 180 units speed in the facility so dont think green units are worthless they cost way less than any other unit to lv up.

This facility is one of the most important ones you can craft your heroes weapon and trinket be aware that is based on gacha system so you may have to craft a lot of weapons and trinket i recommend you to assign each worker for different weapons and trinket that way you maybe get lucky and find other things you may need not just frustrate over one type of item.
At lv 3 you start unlocking some unique-legendary equipment so before lv 3 just craft a few dealer weapons and trinkets so you get enough to transcend later on like a louis weapon with gold or experience red stat.
Take note that some trinkets have better white stat than others example flame of life has more base stat than the other legendary trinket for double attack trinket try to go for whatever appears first but keep in mind flame of life is the best one.
Arcane Workshop
Very important for your early mid game power essence is way more important working on your dormants do give a huge boost in progress after you are done with dormants before you reach legendary cannon and cat you need to have one worker doing world tree leaf for future fusions and the new rune materials added at lv 6 will be your last thing to focus so first get perfect dormants or close to perfect. Later on you might need to craft one of each or sometimes focus on one with all your workers.

I would recommend to unlock only random common runes and depend only on rare runes, uniques or epic with atk atk, gold gold, and then once you gather star crystals push lv 6 to unlock legendary runes.
This is where you convert your materials you get from bakery dungeon into food that gives many times more experience than flour, eggs or butter keep in mind that bread is the best choice to make early on only bread once all your units are lv 100 and the most important ones are lv 180 or you lv up your kitchen to lv 5 then you start to make also cakes or cookies cakes are worth to have if you have one slave lv 180 make that one the cake maker of your kitchen.

Canning Facility
Is a good way to lv up your cats so dont treat this facility as useless bring some rare units with good levels and it will slowly gather good materials for you.

Gear Facility
Is a good way to lv up your cannons so just treat it like the canning facility.

Just put some units that you don’t want to level up faster. This is the last facility to upgrade dont mind too much.

Every single one matters; each map is a grimoire that counts for titles. You need to max all collections in order to unlock better titles and stats. There is no worse or better stat in the collection, just something you must do.

Cannon cat collection is also important they give a lot of rewards so don’t just think only canon matters.

Early on try not to sweep stages always wait before reset and push the most you can you get daily x amount of keys do not sweep all of them or avoid from retrieving key rewards until you reach stages that gives you the most rewards possibles in order to progress if you get 3 keys or more daily based on your blessing level.
Have 5 or 6 at your storage before reset that way you can progress the next day and maybe sweep all the remaining keys.
Strategies about every dungeon depends on what units you got, amount of constellation points, upgrades and units equipment so keep in mind that you first need to understand how every unit works in order to find your own strat or copy others there are some units that excels in some dungeons example lilith is the queen of melfork.
Violet, waldeck, zelos with their respective weapons are good units too for this, louis, ruingaland, gildong or isaac are good units also to make things work there are too many strats just find the one you like and you can fulfill.
This is mine at stage 81 after stage 50 you may start to use this kind of strats before stage 50 you can use waldeck if you don’t have zelos with his weapon and after stage 81 you might even need to switch isaac for gildong in order to buff lilith charmed units to be able to kill the elite mobs that can’t be charmed. (special note you can change dangerous wrench for squeak droids).

This is where you find melfork keys cheap i would recommend to buy them always because you need to push cats lv to get more stardust the train dungeon keys are far more expensive.
Orihalcon Mines
This is just basically deployable units, violet, waldeck summons also deal dmg you can also try annie+violet early on to do a lot of damage with their respective constellations your main dps will be violet summons so don’t focus any constellation towards annie she’s just here to summon a lot of violet goons gildong, ruingaland plus 2 buffers are also needed (buffers like mael,valentine, soba, loxia,brook,calvin) bruce is also a buffer but does no damage to the cristal.
After stage 50 you need to use an ice cannon and a dangerous wrench kit in order to freeze.

Before stage 50 you can just use bjorn 5 stars or zelos, ravia, eclypse, violet+annie. For dps your pick depends if they are 3 stars or higher (this apply to ravia, zelos and eclypse over bjorn) they are better choice than bjorn always check their stats and levels you need to use gildong or ruingaland and buffers like bruce loxia calvin or brook i will explain what uses can those units have later on and constellations full attack.
For this boss pre stage 50 you can just freeze him and kill him with any dps buffers you got after stage 50 you need to slowly progress based on your damage and use red barrier and zelos with his weapon to buy some time. You need to be able to kill him in a matter of seconds before he kills you but before stage 50 you can even apply the same as mine.

Something like this or you can also use dps like mael, kubera, ivy, eclypse and other strategies like using tilly to make your fort be able to endure the burst dmg that boss does.

This dungeon has their own kind of cheeses from the previous guide. I won’t go too deep. Basically you have two ways early on. Progressing this with hp constellations makes some tank be able to resist while your dps clean. I’m still looking for an easy way to cheese this and progress even if it can be like melfork dungeon.
Recommended comps 1 active buffer ruingaladh or gildong.
- 1 or 2 passive buffers valentine, soba, mael, bruce.
- 1 tank or violet, zelos, kubera.
- 1 dps rei or jibril (ungula could work too if constellation page 5), there are more options to try to find them.
Dwarven Treasure Trove

Only ranged units deal dmg to this boss.
Past stage 50 you need to use stella so keep in mind you get a good stella wep with skill eff but it doesn’t matter any stella wep works.
- After stage 50 you might need to play manually to ensure Stella cleanse on time.
- DPS like ungula, annie, jibril, rei and valentine are the main dps for mostly everyone.
- After stage 50 basic comp soba, valentine, gildong/ruingaladh, stella and DPS.
- Daily reset maps and also you can find them on merchant lv 6 stages 21-24 for free.
Tower of Transcendence
This is a random mix of bosses there’s no exact comp for this each stage is different for later info i will update with comps for each but it depends on what units you got.

You get daily maps plus you can find some extra every 6 hours on merchant lv 6 by watching ads or for free.
Reroll Shop
Once you get to affinity 8 you can get pretty much every 2 hours and get tons of free gems, keys, materials, equipment, etc.
The pay back of what you spent on those units (gildong, proto31, entiope) will be affinity 8 and also be able to buy legendary units for 3k gems and find cannon cat and even hero summon tickets cheaper than previous affinity levels so keep in mind this it is best way to reach higher affinity by unlocking those units rather than using gems for tickets that you will be able to buy with better offers later on and recommended to buy them on wandering merchants.
Each reroll shop reset 2 hours after you opened it. For example, if you log out, the shop won’t be changing. The shop will wait for you to open it in order to reset so you can be aware every 2 hours to reset it.

This is where you mostly find summon tickets materials for facility and food.
You can farm loot via farming stages online or being afk the more monsters you kill per minute the more loot you get you can check it here [Acquired Item] then click [All] and [Reset] list once each on all must appear now a [/min]. You wait for a few minutes and you can get a clear info of how much you can farm per minute at your current farming stage.
The more monsters you can kill per minute, the more loot you get. Usually farming stages are lower than your current stage progress due to different ways of farming. Every 50 units you rack around 20 to 25 loots not fully tested.

This is mostly for those that support the game. I don’t have clear info how much you can get by spending money but pretty much a lot early on, get the most boost crystals you can and dungeon keys in order to progress faster to your dungeon and reach the highest stage.

I recommend only using legendary hero tickets. This is every 2 weeks up to you if you want to take the risk of buying the 5 random hero ticket 1 but never buy the random hero ticket 2.
Skin Shop

This is mostly why I recommend saving badges from the arena for the skins. Once you get the skins done you can pretty much use all your badges directly at arena shops.
The same applies to cannon and cats. They also own skins but first buy fortress skins.
Some skins are better to own first than others like opera fortress, paladin fortress, lion king fortress, after that aloha fortress or whatever appears that has better possession effects remember possession effects are passive stats and skins are a big boost to your stats all fortress have portraits so more journal experience meaning more stats also you can see the gem related skins they give a big boost on stats too so don’t forget whenever you feel you are close to any legendary rank 1 rank 2 rank 3 etc cat or canon you might need gems for the skin you can get skin tokens via events and battle pass every skin that appears on battle pass will appear later for skin tokens so spend wisely.
Once you unlock any legendary cannon or cat you unlock a 30k gem cost skin, the second a 50k, the third a 70k and so on so be aware that you need to start saving gems once you get close to fuse any legendary next tier cannon or cat you can find cannon and cat summon tickets on reroll shop and arena shop. But I recommend only buying from wandering merchants.
Hero Shop

This spot have a hot take but its always recommended to buy pick up summon tickets unless there is a unit example you are 1 copy close to get jibril 3 stars ravia, zelos or whatever unit you like if you want to get them to 3 stars or 4 stars or 5 you can spend hero tokens for it but most of the time is better to buy pick up summon tickets you get moonstones a lot of units and sometimes even more legendaries than just picking what you want is way better and you can apply to the banner event summon.
Banner Hero
As f2p you can reach 500 without fear with hero tokens and gems early on i recommend to spend gems here most of the time is worth to get those 3 copies of each unit that appears sometimes players are lucky enough and reach 3 stars within the 500 summons so go ahead and test your luck but once you reach 500 you need to start saving for next banner even if it means gems or tickets so be wise.
You can also do 300 summons if you want to push slime queen or king that are expensive.
There are many ways to play it that I currently tested but this one is what I recommend.
ATK+HP+DEF this build will be mostly related to F2P players the progress won’t be slow just be aware rec is not needed you can use a lot of comps with this build from tank to healers. Quick note (def is applied after all dmg is calculated so def and hp ratios should match not too much def or too much hp to make it work this ratio is based on price.)

As you can see here atk hp have the same price def base cost x10 but can easily have the same price and % upgrades must be x5 the price of your base stats to get the same power per upgrade. Crit dmg% must be equal to atk% if you have lower than 70% crit rate if you have more you can get your crit dmg% x2 your atk% same for 80% crit rate you get your crit dmg x3 your atk% price.
After this point once you have a solid foundation you can pick 1 of the 3 daily upgrade cycles. Based on +10000 upgrades so make your numbers clean like the example to make it easier to follow.
- -20 times atk, 20 times hp, 2 times def, 4 times crit dmg, 4 times atk%, 4 times hp% and 4 times def%.
- -20 times atk, 10 times hp, 2 times def, 4 times crit dmg, 4 times atk%, 4 times hp% and 4 times def%.
- -40 times atk, 10 times hp, 4 times def, 8 times crit dmg, 8 times atk%, 8 times hp% and 8 times def%.
I recommend saving gold and checking how much gold is needed to do 1 cycle. That way you measure your progress with daily cycles of upgrade that you can change at any time you want.
- Pick the cycle you want you could also do 1 week of.
- 40 times atk, 0 hp, 0 def, 8 times crit dmg, 8 times atk%.
- And the next week 0 atk, 40 hp, 4 def, 8 hp% and 8 def%.
But you need to be precise to check how many cycles you can do daily 1, 2 or 3.
This dont need too much to be explained once you reach lv 1585 you start upgrading only attack or hp. Attack gives you 25% per 10 points hp gives you 50% up to you how you wanna spend your points here you can use my way as example half hp than hp to maintain the same % if later on i need more hp i just tie them up in lvs.

This topic depends too much on how much stardust you have.

Early on I recommend to get the most hp for frontline or attack onboard units you can for waves and bosses as for farming always cannon attack speed, cannon attack, exp and gold your main target is always trying to get to the last page in some cases I want hp and def for my tank to be able to do higher stage collections and then go back to farm a higher stage i was before due to collections bonus it all repeats most of the time you get stuck just because you don’t properly setup your constellations for example if you use annie as your dps and you lack boss dmg you need to see how much stardust you got and what can you get in order to enhance annie dmg example.

Reaching scorpi page allow you to spend too few stardust for something that previously costed you more.

A 10/10 aquaril and before constellation cost around 110 stardust meanwhile scorpi start costing 10 then 20 30 40 50 and as you can see in both images you get the same attack for epic heroes for just 30 stardust on scorpi so in order to reach scorpi you need to spend the less stardust on previous pages don’t mind if its something useless all you want is reach scorpi page or capricorni the fast as you can once you reach scorpi you can start leveling up scorpi and cleaning some older constellations you don’t need and lv up more scorpi and higher all you need is 120 total levels to reach scorpi once you get to scorpi and you lv up 5 times you can take away 5 levels from previous constellations that you don’t need everything is up to you later on when you farm enough stardust you will just have everything but early on you need to manage properly what you want to do based on your units you can always click all constellations and read what they do and which units apply to that constellation.
There are no useless constellations, just read them and try to use them wisely.
Some skins have ways to place your units example this one the spot where bruce is vs bosses is often taken by my annie because boss just don’t hit that unit some other skins have their own placements for certain strats if your fortress can endure being hit you can use your fortress to defend your units be aware of this.

For example, bruce and proto31 need a high ground placement in order to spread their skills towards the most number of enemies, check every unit skill and some benefit from lower ground placements like nox.
Cannons and Cats
(I recommend only buy cannon cat tickets from wandering merchant there are a few titles that involves buying items from merchant).
You can get some easy stardust via promotion to 1 star or more as you can see i promote my main cannon because i’m far from getting the next rank but also some lower cannons are being upgraded because they give a lot of stardust early on. You might ask what, how and when to lv those cannons well this is easy you will lv up your cannons and cats based on your current progress but mainly like this 10 levels each until you reach rare ones those you level them up to 30 and once you reach unique you level them up to 50 once you reach unique lv 50 all 4 you go back to the others normal elite rare to lv 50 once you get to epic you reach lv 75 and start saving for the first legendary one when you get your epics to 75 you go back to normal elite rare unique to lv 75 and once you get your first legendary rank 1 to lv 99 you go back to all others cannons and lv them up to lv 99 then start promoting after you already enhanced the heroes you wanted to be careful boost crystals early are too few any mistake will make you wait a few days to fix it but most of the time it’s all worth its an idle game there’s nothing you can do if you have to wait don’t stress out. you get titles portraits and frames for promoting your cannon and cats so reach 1 star as soon as you can once your units are 5 stars or at least the ones you want to have 5 stars heroes don’t give enough stardust back for the boost crystals but you can solve that problem with cannon and cats promotion.

This is where you can check all existing skins and their effect and also decorations you can try to hunt the ones you like or the decorations you want this is all up to you.

This is easy to explain. Pick up is the current banner where a hero has more chance to appear than others doesn’t make it secure just more chance to get the hero as you can see. I’m saving the hero to pick up tickets for the next banner along with moonstones for the next legendary units.
You also build up a summon bonus towards 200 pity for a random legendary unit.
Early on you can spend gems on pick up banners because you need to progress and you get rewards for doing summons at the banner you have another choice that is buying reroll shop hero summon lucky discounts from reroll shop and arena shop, never use gems directly on normal hero summons.
Cannon and cats also have affinity like reroll shop and arena shop so you might end up doing a lot of cat and cannon summons in order to progress but be careful with your expenses and do not spend all your cat cannon summon tickets in one go sometimes there are events that needs you to summon cat and cannons or even heroes you need to be ready for those events.
HEROES not updated yet from this point onward. This will be extensive because I want to explain what are the pros and cons of every unit. That way you have a base on how to make them viable for anything you want.
Rare Units
Rare units a must to transcend to 5 red stars due to being able to boost all your units stats by 300% each total of 15 units.
The f2p buffer, his main skill boost your attack and his passive increase attack speed of allies can be used for anything at mine he can increase units effects example eclypse passive every 5 atacks he deals % damage to the boss, all units benefits from this passive.
Can be found on reroll shops only total cost until you reach 5 stars 8100 gems his main stat is skill effect on potential, equipment and if possible titles etc.
You can transcend this unit by buying more copies of him at reroll shop and later on also buy his shards at reroll shop. If you want to be ready for the next update, start buying gildong from the reroll shop before shards appear.
This unit is needed in order to do certain kill titles such as healers, supporters, most rare units and some bruisers like fenrir and howling that their skills stops you from killing units.
This unit can be found on wandering merchant stages 1 to 4 that appear randomly every 6 hours. He’s mostly used for facility workload and to unlock titles, frames and portraits.
One of the few you enhance to 5 stars without a doubt mostly because his titles and frame gives attack and skill effect he’s cheap with only 27k gems used on him.
You can transcend this unit by buying more units from merchant lv 1 and his shards appears on merchant lv 6. This unit kill title must be done with skill.
Facility worker. A good possession effect. Must have 5 stars + Potential skill effect only.
Equipment his exclusive weapon with gold or exp red stat you choose gold is mostly used by everyone, trinket gold gold or exp gold or gold exp what you have or anything with gold or exp red stat.
This is the only rare weapon you might transcend to +5 end game for the title. Do not transcend it early on to more than +1 or 2 if you want. Once resources aren’t a problem you can keep going for the title. One of the best buffers in the game due to his passive. Have the most synergy with all units but mostly summoners team comps. You can easily transcend this unit.
This unit will carry your rare unit kill titles so keep in mind to transcend this unit and find good runes with some attack for farming.
Can be found on reroll shops with gildong and entiope. Potential: gold exp if you wanna get the title from this unit. Possession effect attack amp good to have early a great unit for facility alongside all rare units.
Equipment: gold exp while you farm his title. Must have 5 star total cost 8100 gems on reroll shop. You can transcend this unit by buying his copies and shards from the reroll shop. Buy copies before shards appear because once shards appear you won’t see copies too often due to a large pool of items to buy.
This unit kill title needs to be used with skills and use a skin with close to unit high ground.
Good facility worker. Must 5* or more. Potential: skill effect for wave buffing, boss dmg for boss buffing and gold or exp for farming. Equipment gold or exp for title farming. This is another easy unit to transcend. This unit title farming can be done with skill or without.
Another attack buffer you can use him with skill effect potential or boss dmg but also gold or exp if you want him for farming. Equipment: gold or exp for title farming. His kill title must be done with skill but can also be done skilless.
A wonderful facility worker. Must enhance to max stars. Potential: gold or exp. Equipment: gold or exp. This title must be done without skill but can be used with skill if paired with Calvin or brook.
Another facility worker that has a good possession effect plus titles. potentials: gold or exp if you’re trying to get her title from kills. Equipment gold or exp. Must transcend this unit. Her kill title can be done with skill or without skill.
Another facility worker has a good possession effect plus titles. Potentials: gold or exp if you want to farm his title. Equipment: attack, gold or exp. His kill title must be done without skills. Must transcend units.
Facility worker with hp possession effect. Only enhance him to 3 stars then wait until boost crystals are abundant. Potential: gold or exp only use him for facility and get his title fast is a pain to do this title later. Do his kill title without skills.
Good possession effect excellent facility worker. Potentials gold exp for title. Equipment: gold or exp. Do his title without skills. Must transcend units.
Excellent facility worker. Potential: gold or exp use her to farm the title as early as possible. Her title can be done with or without skill.
Another facility worker with good titles potential skill eff or gold exp if you want to get his title do it fast you can do it with or without skill.
Unique Units
Unique units a must transcend to 5 red stars total units 13 total stat boost 260%
Another slime that comes from wandering merchant stages 5 to 8 appears every 6 hours.
A must buy 5 stars whenever you find him on merchant and lv him up as soon as you can without using too much resources possession effects attack amp gold potentials gold or exp just get his title for killing mobs and move on he’s just a passive income unit also can be used for facility. total cost 54k gems.
Here we start with the unique buffers loxia is a great unit to start with early hp constellations and a bit of investment into hp stats might make him a frontline for a good round of stages while boosting your main dps attack his possession effects are useful and his overall stats make him able to do things for you equipment with hp in case you need him to tank a bit or just attack on potentials i recommend you skill effect he uses 1 slot doesn’t require more investment than minimal to unlock potential early on i rank this unit a solid +3 don’t forget he’s a bruiser so he benefits from bruiser boss dmg constellations take note for mine or sub stages 1 to 19.
Another good facility slave I mean worker can be found at reroll shop alongside with gildong and proto31 cost a bit more but it’s worth to get helps into the goal of reaching max affinity at reroll shop faster possession effects are useful too so worth getting to 5 stars
His skill stops waves farming and takes too much to cast it. be aware when doing his title you need to have gildong onboard and no auto skill.
I haven’t found any weird uses for her, maybe someone finds that. possession effects aren’t bad so you can get her to 5 stars without a doubt equipment full attack. you can do her title with skill or skilless makes no difference.
One of the best buffers for bossing and even for waves early on he can carry you alongside your main dps and gildong faster than you think potentials boss dmg if you want him for bossing or you can mix skill effect and boss damage into him or full skill effect depends if you want to fully buff your atack with gildong passive later on when you have too much skill effect you may need to switch to boss dmg potentials equipment double att but put whatever you have there that boost his dmg. early on you can use his weapon later on you can use any other legendary weapon with double attack.
Another defense buffer but this one is different this is the best defense buffer this is your gildong bruce all in one for defense. Might give her a try if you want to try defensive tank frontline for potential skill effect and for weapon skill effect on everything. her kill title must be done without skill. Her weapon is a must have if you plan on using her.
Good possession effect, gold or exp potentials and gold or exp equipment when you plan on doing his title he’s easy using skill on ground waves.
Don’t invest too much resources on this unit and do his title without skills.
The last hope for any early game player in terms of waves and many things this hero has massive possessions effects a good main skill plus a passive that greatly improve his main skill his weapon make sure that you always have a keen analysis out of your enemies has a perfect synergy with louis and summoners like violet and waldeck. potential gold or exp i could say he’s way better for farming than anything else alongside waldeck or violet if its violet it’s better but it’s up to you. For farming equipment his weapon is the only unique weapon you will +5 like louis mostly for titles so you get a good weapon of his with exp or gold and you’re good to go.
This is his exclusive weapon.

Epic Units
These heroes are must to transcend no matter what total units 12 total stat buffs 480%.
Another slime that can be found at stages 9 to 12 wandering merchant trademarks. Amazing possession effects the moment you get him you start getting a lot of experience plus greatly boost your hp i recommend to buy all 27 units you need to 5 star as soon as you can you have this last unit you’re free to go for slime queen and king without any worry of extra expenses later on. The total price of this unit 5 star is 108k gems bear that in mind. potential get some gold exp potentials get his title and leave him be at your facility as a wonderful worker.
One of your best farming units early on her passive increase gold acquisition and her possession effects are also worth to notice potentials gold or exp legendary if possible if you can get full gold it would be perfect for her weapon try to find it with gold red option but it’s better to have both exp and gold type trinket gold gold if possible.
This units is a good choice for farming if you don’t want to use your violet for that job alongside isaac and louis he can do pretty much fine with amber and hoya or stella if you use dangerous wrench kit possession effects are good to reach 5 stars potentials gold or exp equipment his main weapon with gold or exp up to you trinket gold gold if possible or gold exp up to you. I give this unit a solid rank +2 uses 1 slot and pretty much work for some cheese strats with summons and farming with louis isaac.
possession effects are useful, a must to 5 star potentials can be used with boss dmg or skill effect this unit can be useful for bosses somehow you can feel free to try if you want to weapons skill eff attack trinkets.
Possession effects are useful worth to 5 star the moment you can he has a good use early on for the mine dungeon if you don’t have a good eclypse, zelos, ravia or any frontline dps legendary rank high stared feel free to try this one potentials boss dmg equipment his main weapon with attack red stats trinket attack attack. Not his ideal but just get the same with attack attack attack.
Early on this unit might help you to farm pre dangerous wrench kit alongside isaac louis waldeck and amber try to use attack speed and fortress attack constellations once you get to dangerous wrench kit she may already killed her 100a mobs for title so just leave her be on your bench it was a good run.
potential gold exp equipment, her exclusive weapon and a gold or exp trinket up to you.
She’s indeed a wizard what a good dam wizard there’s no way to explain how good she is for bossing has a great synergy with violet and waldeck if you don’t want to run a frontline just use waldeck or violet with annie to spam a huge army of spoons and goons potential boss dmg would be the best choice but skill effect can also work to boost a bit more your skill eff from gildong buff or ruingaland. equipment as you can see her main weapon with attack red and a trinket with double attack her weapon might be the only purple weapon you might need to +5 for future title progression so keep in mind to get a max stat one. I rank her with a solid +10. She’s the goat with only 1 slot for such a spammable skill.
Now without a biased opinion I can say possession effects are useful and good to enhance all the way to 5 stars her skills scale of your units hp same goes for the shield so the stronger your other units are the better stella heals and shield may be. potentials this kinda is a hot take you can use her for waves bosses or farming depends on what you need and if you have a better elrond around 2 stars or higher but if you don’t want to use your elrond for farming feel free to give your farming party to stella she will take care of everything and boost your gains if you want to use dangerous wrench kit you can choose from skill effect potentials for waves bossing to gold experience for farming equipment her exclusive equipment is a must you can use it with skill effect for waves and bosses for farming gold or experience trinket double skill effect for waves and bosses and gold or exp for farming up to you to choose this goddess can heal your fortress, your units, cleanse cc and shield your units meanwhile giving you 30% additional dmg to any unit that has a shield making it good synergy with a lot of tanks, summoners, bruisers, dealers and even healers like violet, waldeck, malleus, solum, eclypse, elrond, scarecrow, louis.
Is a versatile unit that dont excel exactly on something but gives you plenty of tools to use her. By far the second best healer and the third best support while being a support. I hope you enjoy her.
This is the ideal stella equipment with legendary additional ability skill effects:

Legendary Units
By far the best healer great synergy with tanks, bruisers, other healers and supports potentials must be skill effect no way other thing is needed equipment as you can see his skills can be greatly affected by louis lower cd and his passive is the cream on top of the ice your tank and summons from violet will be able to tank harder hits for a whopping amount of 8 seconds with louis help making it almost all the time on going a good unit to have but if you don’t have him dont worry like i previously said stella will be able to fill the spot for a good time.
Here’s his exclusive equipment.

Possession effects godly price 20k per copy very expensive can be found at stages 17 to 20 wandering merchants are crazy they breed these kinds of expensive luxuries.
Potentials gold gold gold nothing more equipment gold gold gold and more gold you can use her to farm once you get her exclusive equipment with gold after you reach 5 stars with her do not buy her equipment before 5 star her or buy once to try luck once you reach 3 stars.
Here’s her ideal equipment, not mine.

The last slime I will talk about here can be found at stages 13 to 16. A yellow color wandering merchant possession effects are good enough but I recommend you to reach 3 stars on both queen and king then go for 5 star queen and then go back to king. it’s expensive so don’t forget to control your resources.
I don’t even know where to start with lilith possession effects early on she’s a must to lv up to max lv boss dmg crit dmg and gold no need to explain early crit dmg and boss dmg are very rare to find and expensive to upgrade potentials don’t even need to care equipment just find her weapon biggest synergy she has violet isaac louis waldeck and zelos with his weapon she just need some army to stop melfork army and she will do the job by herself after melfork stage 50 before you dont even need her but you can use her to push further if you got the comp i already mentioned don’t just stand at melfort i’m currently trying to make her work also on railroad if someone has any idea let me know to post it here but I’m sure she works also there the problem is that railroad has less time so we need to find a way to stall time for her and also kill enemies.
The second best support. Possession effects is also another must lv up unit like lilith isaac violet and slimes.
Potentials are skill effect and equipment attack attack once you get her exclusive weapon she starts to do interesting things can be used for sub bosses 1 to 19 instead of ice cannon with dangerous wrench so you get to cc the boss without using ice and you can use fire cannon if you have gildong on your comp she will attack faster and stun the boss faster not a bad take if you don’t want to have too much investment into attack stats as a sub dps she can also be used as a cheese strat with violet louis isaac waldeck to cheese flying waves.
Possession effects are good to have his main skill is important to know how it works in arena it can pulls your enemies onboard the fortress down to the frontline and every 5 normal attacks generates a shield equal to his 100% max hp has great synergy with stella, elrond, eclypse, circe and more.
This is his exclusive equipment ideal stats hp or def red stat if you want to use him as a tank or attack if you want him to do dmg but i think hp or def are way better up to you to choose what you want to do with him.
Potentials skill effect or you can try something different with hp or def up to you to decide. equipment already said what I suggest or wep so depends on what you want a double hp trinket a double def trinket or a double attack trinket.

This dude is mainly the reason you will be able to do “collection” of maps that have flying mobs unless you have a lot of attack and a different strategy.have good synergy with elrond and stella. potential needed skill effect.
Possession effects are good, main skill has a base 800 dmg one of the highest base dmg for any skill, potential skill effect, weapon skill effect attack red stat, trinket double attack if possible flame of life double attack. Here is a weapon from a top player. This one isn’t the same as a normal one. A perfect normal one might just have 100% red attack less than this one but you get an idea what you need to find.
Unless she’s 3 stars or higher be aware that Annie or other units could do more dmg than her. When she has her weapon her main skill takes more time to finish meaning into a lot of flying time and dps overtime.
Possession effects are ok nothing fancy his main skill is a bit tricky has a great base stat which makes him useful for arena because he does a single blow that most of the time takes 1 second to hit and also gain a shield based on his max hp so you can find him uses for arena, waves,bosses if you want farming too but that’s kinda weird up to you to choose what you want potentials depends for what kind of things you want him skill effect might be the best choice. equipment his exclusive weapon with red attack stat and a double attack trinket.
Here you can see what else his exclusive weapon is. He summons a clone in the same position he started his main skill and his passive makes him good for bossing if you can make him hit many times, maybe using violet summons or any other tank with a taunt like solum.
Her possession effects are the best of the best in terms of getting stats you usually don’t find too easy unlike attack amps you get from a ton of units her potentials depends for what you want to use her some players use her for farming ground waves others use her for pushing waves or bosses so if you wanna farm with her, gold potentials is the right choice.
For cheese waves even if she has gold potentials will work she only needs her weapon to cheese and for bossing get her boos dmg potentials.
Equipment for farming her weapon with gold red stat and gold gold trinket, for waves cheesing you can use the same gold items for farming and for bossing get her weapon with double attack and a trinket with double attack. do not forget that if you have hp def rec stats summons have 200% of current violet stats when they are summoned everything is up to you to decide here’s her weapon exclusive effects.
Possession effects are good, main skill is a good amount of time and can stun bosses if it’s possible to stun, passive skill is a kind of life steal not bad his exclusive weapon feature makes him invulnerable to all dmg for 6.66 seconds which allows him to do certain strategies and cheeses previously mentioned on this guide and the mega guide.
Potentials: skill effect or boss dmg depends on what you want him to do. Equipment: his main weapon with attack red stat and trinket double attack are the recommended but you can feel free to find any other way.
Possession effects are good. Main skill very good for waves, bossing and some dungeons. Passive skill too good bosses and units have 85% their max hp when facing ravia. If ravia has her weapon and any enemy unit dies she can constantly repeat her skill making her able to farm and wave if wanted to. I see some good uses for collection. Potentials depends for what kind of uses you want her skill effect for waves or boss dmg if you want her more related to boss contents or a mix to help your buffer reach a bigger attack buff. Equipment her main weapon with attack red stats and additional abilities attack x3 trinket double attack. Synergies winter, solum, bernhard, eclypse, elrond, gildong, ruingaladh, violet, waldeck, louis, zelos, malleus. Arena uses are also valid if you can afford to get hit by eclypse or if she kills eclypse and malleus first needs to be tested for more info.
His main possession effect is def so keep in mind that if you dont run a playstyle that uses def you shouldn’t enhance this unit too much and save boost crystals for other things.
His main skill may work if you run a solid strategy that involves reducing defense stat from enemy bosses or units. That way you dont need too much attack investment to be able to do massive amounts of damage while his debuff is in effect. the moment you find his weapon with a good red stat roll you may be able to do things i recommend hp red stat or attack depending on what you want him for but don’t forget you need a clear strategy into using this unit we still haven’t found uses for cc immune units and or reducing defense.
This unit main possession effect stat is hp also has many uses so is worth to enhance her or even use her with the cheese strats shared on other guides once she gets her weapon you can do other things than just cheesing i see a clear use for her on railroad but still need more testing.
Her main skill is pushing enemy waves making her a good combo for cheese strats. Good unit to have but not needed to invest a lot unless you plan on using her as your main tank with her weapon.
Main stat: skill effect on everything. Her main skill heals 40% of all heroes max hp (80% if she has her exclusive weapon) and shields them for 3 seconds based on their max hp (5 seconds if she has her exclusive weapon. Her passive skill greatly boosts all your units base hp 300%. Possession effects: same as elrond.
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