This guide is to help new players understand what to do in the game.
Progress/Play Guide
Control Basics
The only controls to worry about are using the WASD to move and the E key to interact.
In multiplayer games you can left click on other plays to push them.
How to Progress/Play
When playing the game a floor has a random chance to spawn an anomaly, however on easy mode these occurrences are set.
When exiting the elevator players should look out for anything out of the ordinary with some changes being subtle or others being major hallway alterations.
Whenever you see a change has occurred, return to the elevator that you just arrived from and go up.
If you can not see any changes on a floor then you must move across the hallway to the opposing elevator and go up a floor.
If you guessed incorrectly then you will be returned to the beginning and have to try again.
Checkpoints are given after bosses so if you make a mistake then you simply return there.
Guide to Fixes
Solution to Black Screen When Starting the Game
This problem occurs due to unknown save corruption.
Please try the following steps:
- Turn off the game cloud function in the Steam collection library
- Eradicate the entire archive folder (C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Hospital666)
- Restart the game
If that still doesn’t work, try:
- Enable game cloud function in Steam collection library
- Eradicate the entire archive folder (C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Hospital666)
- Restart the game
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