A brief overview of each of the weapons you can find/buy within the world of Hypercharge!
Definitive Guide to Weapons
Quick Overview
In both Co-op and PvP, you can find or buy weapons around the map. You can hold up to 2x weapons at a time and usually spawn with a set weapon depending on the map. You can perform actions without interrupting a weapon’s reload (such as melee, swapping weapons, climbing, ect.) so be sure to take advantage of this mechanic to keep your DPS going!
Also note: Almost all weapons are hitscan
- Cost: 100 credits
- Slots: 1x
- Damage: Low
- RoF: High
- Accuracy: High
- Magazine: 36

Despite being the starting weapon on most maps, the (assault) rifle is by no means a bad weapon. Cheap, accurate, low recoil, decent magazine size, and good damage output; this weapon will not let you down! It’s very good at spraying down enemies and will compliment basically any other weapon you find in the game.
Feels like:
- M4 Carbine
- R-201 (Titanfall/Apex Legends)
- Cost: 175 credits
- Slots: 1x
- Damage: High
- RoF: Medium
- Accuracy: Low
- Magazine: 4

The good ol’ shotgun does high burst damage up close and can have surprisingly decent range with some accuracy attachments. The shotgun feels god tier in PvP, being able to quickly drop players with critical hits, and is a good finisher weapon in Co-op. The Shotgun also counters spinners, usually killing them in one hit. The only thing holding this weapon back is the small magazine but I still think it’s worth learning/using.
Feels like:
- Peacekeeper (Apex Legends)
- Shotgun (Bioshock)
Machine Gun
- Cost: 250 credits
- Slots: 1x
- Damage: Low
- RoF: Medium/High
- Accuracy: Low
- Magazine: 60

This is probably my favorite weapon. The machine gun has a large magazine, sub-par accuracy and is great at sustained DPS. This weapon shines most at mowing down large groups of enemies up to medium range and has the most noticeable effect when gaining accuracy attachments. This is a great primary weapon to have! I feel it’s complimented best with long range weapons such as the sniper or laser, but anything will work with it!
Feels like:
- Thompson SMG
- Assault Rifle (Halo: CE)
- XO-16 Chaingun (Titanfall)
- Cost: 350
- Slots: 1x
- Damage: Low
- RoF: High
- Accuracy: Perfect
- Magazine: 20

The laser is a great all around weapon and feels like a sidegrade to the rifle. It has super long range, pinpoint accuracy, and will quickly melt enemies from afar. Just hold click on anything you want dead!
Feels like:
- Focus Rifle (Halo Reach)
- Sentinel Beam (Halo series)
Grenade Launcher
- Cost: 375 credits
- Slots: 1x
- Damage: High (AoE)
- RoF: Low
- Accuracy: Arching Projectile
- Magazine: 1

The grenade launcher is exactly what it says on the tin. Lob a high explosive grenade and do large damage to anything caught within it’s AoE! This is a great weapon for groups of weak enemies or fighting demolishers. The grenade will not hurt you or allies, but instead will push with the blast. One such example is grenade jumping higher to reach areas you otherwise cannot reach. Overall a great weapon to have.
Feels like:
- M79 Grenade Launcher
- Noob Tube (Call of Duty)
- Detonator (TF2) (Jumping only)
- Cost: 450 credits
- Slots: 1x
- Damage: High
- RoF: Medium
- Accuracy: Very High
- Magazine: 3

Snipin’s a good job, mate. Click on enemy weak points and watch them die! The magazine is low, but this weapon still feels god tier in PvP and is great at picking off enemies in PvE. Scope attachment is highly recommended. The sniper is great with the shotgun for close threats or the rifle for a reliable fallback.
Feels like:
- Sniper Rifle (Halo series)
- Barrett .50 cal (Call of Duty series)
Pulse Cannon
- Cost:
- Slots: 1x
- Damage: High
- RoF: Low
- Accuracy: Very High
- Magazine: 3

This weapon feels like an alternate to the sniper. Charge up a powerful beam that will pierce through enemies and disintegrate them. This weapon is surprisingly good for grouped enemies due to it’s penetration, and will kill exploding enemies without them exploding which is a big deal in expert/nightmare. The only downside is this weapon has a learning curve due to the need to charge up before firing.
Feels like:
- Railgun (Quake series)
- Cost:
- Slots: 2x
- Damage: Medium
- RoF: High
- Accuracy: N/A
- Magazine: 100

The flamethrower feels like a high risk, high reward type of weapon. You need to get up close and personal with enemies which can be very dangerous if you are not careful. The upside is you can melt groups with ease and it has a nice large magazine for sustained DPS. This weapon also kills exploding enemies without them exploding which is a huge plus (a trait also shared with fire traps).
Feels like:
- Flamethrower (TF2) (No afterburn though)
- Cost: 3,000
- Slots: 2x
- Damage: Low/Medium
- RoF: Very High
- Accuracy: Low/Medium
- Magazine: 100 (200 with minigun bottom)

Its not a British videogame without a minigun. This weapon has a massive magazine, high recoil and high rate of fire. How much you like this weapon depends on how well you can control it’s recoil, which is helped greatly by accuracy attachments. The magazine also goes from 100 > 200 with the minigun bottom attachment, so be on the lookout! If you put the time in to learn the minigun, nothing will stand in your way… except the demolisher.
Feels like:
- Negev (CSGO)
Ice Blaster
- Cost: 1,450
- Slots: 2x
- Damage: Very High
- RoF: Low
- Accuracy: Very High
- Magazine: 2

Another weapon with a high learning curve, the ice blaster feels like the big brother to the pulse cannon. Each shot does massive damage and will shatter most enemies in a single hit, even groups if they are tightly packed enough as the impact has a small AoE. This weapon has lots of downtime though, and you will feel each missed shot as you need to go through a lengthy recharge. But if your aim is true, all will crumble! This weapon also kills exploding enemies without them exploding.
Feels like:
- Spartan Laser (Halo series)
Btw, minigun cost 1 credit in tutorial 🙂
Yeah, all weapons and attachments cost 1 credit in the tutorial