Isle of Arrows – 100% Full Achievement Guide

Need help to unlock achievements? Look no further!

How to Obtain All Achievements

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First of all, be patient.

Most of the achievements require to have unlocked more towers/cards, to make it much more easier/bearable.

So good luck and have faith in the RNG (nah I’m joking)

Normal Achievements

Penny Pincher

  • Hold 99 coins

Recommend: The Arboretum/Architects

Stategy: Don’t overthink this one, first unlock as many towers as you can as the game will get easier. Then I recommend this Campaign and Guild as this is the “easiest” to be op and gather money from experience.


  • Have a spike trap place spikes on all of its 4 sides

Recommend: Any Campaign/Cannoneers

Stategy: Guild is great to use as you can replace path with bomb to make sure you have a 4 corners path.

Garden Square

  • Build a 3×3 Garden

Recommend: Campaign/Guild The Arboretum/Architects

Stategy: Arboretum will give you tons of garden tiles and architects allow you to build easily a 3×3 garden.

Clean Slate

  • Reach Wave 40 without losing any lives

Recommend: The Arboretum/Architects

Stategy: Don’t overthink this one, first unlock as many towers as you can as the game will get easier. Then I recommend this Campaign and Guild as this is the “easiest” to be op and gather money from experience.

High Road

  • Build a straight path of 15 tiles

Recommend: Campaign/Guild The Any/Architects

Stategy: First waves, simply do a proper protection for your first Compass Stone then create a long path until you reach 15 tiles long, easy peasy! Careful not to forget your other compass stones along the way.

Mountain Range

  • Build an isle with a width of 40

Recommend: Archer’s Oath/Founders

Stategy: Make sure use the water+flag tile as a straight line with the water in between them to space them out the most. And make “useless” path to even more extend the line of flag.

Water World

  • Build a lake consisting of 20 water tiles

Secret Achievements

Cover Grounds

  • Playing as the Founders Guild, cover all grounds on the isle


  • Fully surround an Arrow Tower by water tiles
Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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