Need help to unlock achievements? Look no further!
How to Obtain All Achievements
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First of all, be patient.
Most of the achievements require to have unlocked more towers/cards, to make it much more easier/bearable.
So good luck and have faith in the RNG (nah I’m joking)
Normal Achievements
Penny Pincher
- Hold 99 coins
Recommend: The Arboretum/Architects
Stategy: Don’t overthink this one, first unlock as many towers as you can as the game will get easier. Then I recommend this Campaign and Guild as this is the “easiest” to be op and gather money from experience.
- Have a spike trap place spikes on all of its 4 sides
Recommend: Any Campaign/Cannoneers
Stategy: Guild is great to use as you can replace path with bomb to make sure you have a 4 corners path.
Garden Square
- Build a 3×3 Garden
Recommend: Campaign/Guild The Arboretum/Architects
Stategy: Arboretum will give you tons of garden tiles and architects allow you to build easily a 3×3 garden.
Clean Slate
- Reach Wave 40 without losing any lives
Recommend: The Arboretum/Architects
Stategy: Don’t overthink this one, first unlock as many towers as you can as the game will get easier. Then I recommend this Campaign and Guild as this is the “easiest” to be op and gather money from experience.
High Road
- Build a straight path of 15 tiles
Recommend: Campaign/Guild The Any/Architects
Stategy: First waves, simply do a proper protection for your first Compass Stone then create a long path until you reach 15 tiles long, easy peasy! Careful not to forget your other compass stones along the way.
Mountain Range
- Build an isle with a width of 40
Recommend: Archer’s Oath/Founders
Stategy: Make sure use the water+flag tile as a straight line with the water in between them to space them out the most. And make “useless” path to even more extend the line of flag.
Water World
- Build a lake consisting of 20 water tiles
Secret Achievements
Cover Grounds
- Playing as the Founders Guild, cover all grounds on the isle
- Fully surround an Arrow Tower by water tiles
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