Warning! This guide is full of spoilers! So read on your own risk.
List of Item Evolutions
List of Kadomon and Needed Items for Evolution
- No. 003: Drillagan: Heaven Cracker
- No. 006: Obsimian: Flame Belt
- No. 009: Crabalier: Spare Shell
- Barnicull: Fishing pole
- Fwanstatic: Thunder Comb
- Armachillo: Broken Shield
- Dudenoot: Sunglasses
- No. 012: Wormonger: Broken Rock
- No. 015: Beeting: Heavy Belt
- No. 018: Swanana: Anti-Gravity Ball
- No. 021: Octostrich: Health Attractor
- No. 024: Hisstamean: Flame Flower
- No. 027: Shonkka: Alarm Clock
- No. 030: Grizzlie: Lost Toys
- No. 033: Nekomashī: Cursed Shamisen
- No. 036: Anklogram: Radioactive Gem
- No. 042: Eclipsect: Eye Pendant
- No. 045: Scorpyon: Campfire
- No. 048: Shameleon: Spare Button
- No. 051: Aerozard: UMMM-BRELLA
- No. 054: Amallion: Lightning Yarn
- No. 057: Froak: Seedling
- No. 060: Lumbrador: Folding Chair
- No. 063: Krakulent: Cracked Pot
- No. 066: Tentesla: Toxic Lamp
- No. 068: Jellufo: Radar Dish
- No. 071: Gempact: Telescope
- No. 073: Astrominable: Ice Club
- No. 076: Galiant: Chariot
- No. 079: Plodfather: Backup Call
- No. 083: Purrlectric: Water Wheel
- No. 085: Paraflight: Spare Parachute
- No. 090: Musquitone: Sombrero
- No. 091: Acoustick: Bongos
- No. 094: Smolder: Ice Mallet
- No. 097: Opossohm: Chewed Wire
- No. 100: Komonox: Toxic Sludge
- No. 103: Moletician: Bouquet
- No. 105: Houtshot: Small Cloud
- No. 107: Drownaught: Bubble Wand
- No. 110: Escarsnow: Spoon
- No. 113: Skeleeton: Bone Armor
- No. 116. Specturnal: Scary Glasses
- No. 120: Rockabully: Audio Cable
- No. 123: Weevelve: Weighted Dice
- No. 126: Tortification: Cannon
- No. 129: Amperial: Quick Escape
- No. 131: Thermight: Spear
- No. 138: Capybaric: Retreat Plan
- No. 141: Hogspectore: Minecart
- No. 144: Zeporus: Goggles
- No. 147: Taikwando: Training Weights
- No. 150: Abhorrilla: Skull Mask
- No. 153: Radger: Spotlight
- No. 155: Thrashade: Shock Ball
- No. 158: Cenchillion: Broken Shield
- No. 161: Tembature: Frozen Fire
- No. 164: Depudile: Sheriff’s Badge
- No. 167: Thoraladon: Bottled Storm
- No. 170: Snowidow: Ice Web
- No. 176. Plantomime: Hand Mirror
- No. 179: Beetbrute: Fertilizer
- No. 180: Torbrute: Glowing Stick
- No. 183: Phantis: Wanted Poster
- No. 186: Tundrage: Carrot on a Stick
- No. 189: Rabizord: Leaking Battery
- No. 192: Torrizelle: Portable Fan
- No. 195: Locoviathan: Shovel
- No. 198: Nostrabyss: Magic Orb
- No. 201: Glastronaut Empty Jar
- No. 211: Archasm: Jar of Dirt
- No. 217: Wyvernity: Ice Throne
- No. 220: Kaijoule: Titan Claw
- No. 223: Emberor: Phoenix Feather
- No. 226: Marvelisk: Sleep Mask
Alternate Evolutions
- No. 004: Creeze > No. 106: Crabuttle > No. 107: Drownaught
- Evolution Method: Before evolution, have a Max Synergy of Air (4) on the team
- No. 007: Monku > No. 108: Kongbusta > No. 109: Houtshot
- Evolution Method: Before evolution, have a Max Synergy of Physical (4) on the team
- No. 064: Plasmula > No 067: Jellien > No. 068: Jellufo
- Evolution Method: Before evolution, have a Max Synergy of Air (4) on the team
- No. 069: Peblo > No 072: Cosmelt > No. 073: Astrominable
- Evolution Method: Before evolution, have a Max Synergy of Ice (4) on the team
- No. 083: Paranoot > No. 086: Scootnoot > No. 087: Dudenoot
- Evolution Method: Before evolution, have a Max Synergy of Water (4) on the team
- No. 088: Laraca > No. 089: Pupachi > No. 091: Acoustick
- Evolution Method: Before evolution, have Earth (3-4) Synergy on the team
- No. 127: Luminant > No. 130: Moltant > No. 131: Thermight
- Evolution Method: Before evolution, have a minimum of 2 Physical and 2 Fire on the team
- No. 177: Bulbish > No. 178: Brutebarb > No. 180: Torbrute
- Evolution Method: Before evolution, have Toxic (4) Synergy on the team
- No. 224: Flofty > No. 225: Fwonder > No. 227: Fwantastic
- Evolution Method: Before evolution, have Lightning (4) Synergy on the team
Secret Kadomons
No. 101: Bereaf > No. 102: Demoleize > No. 103: Moletician
- How to unlock:
- Have 3 Dark Type Kadomon in the Party
- Beleaf MUST be in the Party
- Sell Beleaf
Knightree hyper evo is with sharp roots
Torbrute is listed as needing 4 toxic synergy but just got it with only 3
and the middle stage is called Moshade
Hey, the Kitzap alt evo is 4 lightning synergy and it turns into Thrashade
Torbrute is listed as needing 4 toxic synergy but just got it with only 3
Kitzap alternate is 4 electric synergy, evolves into moshade and then thrashade
Can’t remember how I got them but the alternate evolution for Kitzap is Moshade and then Thrashade, both still keep the dark and lightning type, with their ability being Non-Token Ally Faint, grant a random ally 1/2 last wish. And super being grant other allies 2/3 attack then take 2/3 damage 2/3 times. I’ll see if I can figure out how I got them but hopefully this helps you guys in figuring out what causes it
BTW; I suspect Kitzap has a split evolution dependant on a type combo, there’s two mon after it in my Kadodex before the next family, which usually leads to a split evo, I’ve tried swapping Kitzap’s dark to fighting and putting it on a 4-fight team, didn’t work. Best of luck.
Just so you know this is incorrect I was never able to get this posted method to work.:
No. 101: Bereaf > No. 102: Demoleize > No. 103: Moletician
Unlock Method:
Have 3 Dark Type Kadomon in the Party
Beleaf MUST be in the Party
Sell Beleaf
But I did find that to unlock Bereaf you:
Just need to let Beleaf die, then either Win or Lose the fight and when you get to the shop sell them. That’s it typing is irrelevant. I did it with Beleaf and the starting Gnock.
You can unlock hyper Houtshot with the small cloud
If the fire element is applied to Lumant then it unlocks an additional evo line. I forgot the middle evolution but final is Thermight.
Also, I don’t know if it fits here but I discovered an alternate evolution line.
No. 83: Paraswoop if applied additional element of water or converted ice element to water via abilities, it will evolve to No. 86: Scootnoot.
Have to verify again since I think this happened when I added water to him before he evolves and became air water water
the items effect was, getting speed if u deal slow debuff to the enemy
and the dragons passive was getting slowed when attacking a slowed enemy, ability was turning own slow into dmg and attack 4 times