Legend of Mushroom – Star Hero Guide

Provided is an outline of the Star Hero system. Where to get them, what they do, etc.

Guide to Star Hero

By F2Pshroom

For best options for each build that will take time for testing, but this should suffice to navigate confused players through the new system.

Equip Location

  • To the right of avian slot.


  • Cross server PvP Arena Shop.
  • 2 x “Pact Coupon” for 500 Glory Badges (Weekly limit of 3 buys) .

Therefore 6 Star Hero Draws per week from Cross server Arena shop.

Daily Tasks

  • Defeat 50 enemies =  50x Pact coins.
  • Defeat 100 enemies = 150x Pact coins.
  • Defeat 150 enemies = 200 Pact coins.

Therefore 2 Star Hero Draws from Dailies earned per day.

Paid methods (Shop tabs)

Limited-Time Shop (far right shop tab) “Pact Coupon Pack” (Daily limit of 2) — $4.99.

  • 5 Pact Coupons
  • 1,050 pink diamonds

Pack Shop (middle shop tab) “Star Hero Pack” — $49.99

  • Genie of Wishes x 1 (SSR Star Hero) 
  • 5 universal SR Star Hero Shards (used to upgrade SR Star Hero)
  • 20 Pact Coupons
  • 12,000 pink diamonds

Star Hero Draw

  • 1 draw costs 1 Pact Coupon or 200 Pact coins 
  • Guaranteed SSR in every 100 draws
  • Rarity (Lowest to highest):
    • 69% drop rate —> Item (one of the following: 100x pink gems, 100x lamps, 5x speed up tickets, 10x pal tickets, 10x skill tickets, 500x ore, 1 x high-yield fertilizer, 50x crops, 5x clockwinders, 5x uku fruit)
    • 20% drop rate —> R Hero (11 total)
    • 10% drop rate —> SR Hero (9 total)
    • 1% drop rate —> SSR Hero (5 total)

My First Impressions 

Similar to avians these new Star Hero’s seem to bring active effects for their deployment, but instead of passive traits one uses other Star Hero’s as supporting characters. 


  • 2 parties active at single time —> “Battle Star Array” + “Developing Star Array”
  • You must pull or buy (Genie of wishes) the Star Hero before you can equip it. Afterwards, any duplicates become the specific shard to upgrade these Hero’s
  • Universal Shardes can be used on any Star Hero (as long as the shard matches the rarity of the Star Hero)
  • Like Pals/skills, unlocking each one gives passive Base HP, ATK, and DEF bonus 
  • Able to upgrade level (stars) of Star Hero with shards (universal for proper rarity or specific shard for specific hero)

 “Battle Star Array” 

  • Think “Battle Star Array” as extra bonuses for battling in PvP and PvE.
    • You get 3 total slots which can use a maximum of 10 “cost”
  •  The middle slot is your main Star Hero and provides the “Main skill” (marked active)
  •  Whereas the left and right Star Hero are your Support Star Hero which each provide “support Skill” (marked passive) 
  • Switching Star Hero in battle star array doesn’t give change cooldown

“Developing Star Array”

  • Think “Developing Star Array” as an extra bonus for resource acquisition.
  • You get 4 total slots which can use a maximum of 8 “cost”
  • Switching Star Hero in developing star array gives a 25 hour cooldown
  • For example, SSR Star Hero “Genie of Wishes” gives 50% lamp open speed + 5% more magic lamps unlocked from lamp dungeon (“assault lamp thief”) 

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2158 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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