Megaloot – Guide to Basics

General Guide

By WelshPixie and approved by the Devs!

Planning Your Character Build

The game’s shop tends to show you items you’ve bought before. This happens less the more you buy. Because of this, it’s good to plan your character build before you start playing. This way, you know what items to look for in the shop. You can either use these items or sell them for permanent stats in the black market. If you only buy what you need for your build, you’re more likely to have high-level gear for the harder levels later in the game.

The character rune tree gives bonuses to your character, not to enemies. Look at these bonuses and think about which ones work well together for your build. Use the library to see all the items you’ve found before. This can help you plan your build. Also, note which level each item starts appearing on.

You’ll probably change your gear once or twice before getting your final set for the late game. Planning this out helps you avoid wasting money in the shop and gets the most out of what the store offers.

Important Equipment and Stats

Some general stats are helpful for progressing through the game and dealing with tougher enemies. Look for equipment sets and items that work well together. These combinations may change as the game developers make updates.

If you’re having trouble dealing damage in the early stages, try using a weapon from the Swiftness set. This lets you attack twice as much, which can help you defeat enemies faster.

Good Early Equipment Sets:

Scout Set:

  • Available from the start
  • Helps you avoid getting hit early in the game
  • In the current test version, you can choose an option to change into a Striker at level 5, which lets you attack enemies when you dodge

Silver Set:

  • Available from the start
  • Removes negative effects at the beginning of your first two turns
  • You only need one item to get this benefit
  • Works well with another set called Royal Sin later in the game

Mercenary Set:

  • Very useful for extra attacks and finding more equipment
  • Available from level 2
  • Can be used effectively even at very high levels

Ethercrest Set:

  • Available from level 2
  • Includes armor, jewelry, and weapons
  • Gives you good defense and a freezing attack that damages enemies over time
  • Gets stronger as you collect more pieces of the set

Turtle Set:

  • Available from level 3
  • Prevents damage on your first turn
  • Gives good defense
  • Works well with another set called Dazzle for even more protection

Demon Set:

  • Available from level 6
  • Lets you attack multiple times on your first turn
  • With three pieces, you also get multiple attacks on your second turn
  • Even using one piece (usually the ring) can greatly increase your damage

Royal Set:

  • Available from level 7
  • Works well with other sets to make you very hard to defeat

There’s also a useful item called the Common Marauder’s Helmet that counts as part of two different sets at once, giving you benefits from both.

Good Items to Salvage

At the end of each level, you can break down an item in the Black Market to get permanent stat boosts for your character. This is very important for surviving in harder levels later in the game.

Important stats and items to look out for:

  1. Precision: You need 100 to hit enemies on level 20. Keep a good Hunter’s set item to break down before level 20.
  2. High-quality weapons and armor: These give big boosts to your attack and defense.
  3. Giant’s Ring: Available from level 8, gives a good boost to your health percentage.
  4. Dazzle: Gives you lots of temporary armor. The amulet is the best piece to use.
  5. Cataclysm mask: Good for increasing your power.
  6. Believer’s Locket: Increases faith, which helps you do more damage to tough enemies.
  7. Bloodedge: Gives a big boost to physical attack, life steal, and armor penetration.
  8. Turtle Gauntlet: Gives a big bonus to attacks based on your armor. Works well with Dazzle.
  9. Rod of Doom: Gives a big magic attack bonus, but magic attacks might not be the best choice for getting to higher levels right now.
  10. Throngler: Gives big bonuses to physical attack, critical hits, and health. Most players will want to switch to this weapon as soon as they can get it.

Remember, breaking down these items is just as important as using them. Try to save extra ones to break down for permanent stat boosts.

Pay Attention to Enemies!

Attack Order

The order in which you attack enemies can be very important. For example:

  1. From the first level, there’s an enemy (the boar) that can stop you from attacking. Try to kill it first.
  2. From level 4, there’s an enemy (Wizard Skeleton) that blocks extra attacks. Always kill this one first.
  3. Pay attention to which enemy defeats you and why. Think about whether attacking a different enemy first would help.
  4. Kotya is a famous tough enemy. He blocks attacks on the first turn. To beat him, skip your first turn or use abilities that protect you on the first turn.
  5. Jupiter is another difficult enemy. It can dodge attacks and then stop you from attacking. Make sure your attacks are very accurate to beat Jupiter.
  6. The Iron Golem has strong armor and tough attacks. Use attacks that can get through armor to beat it.


You can sacrifice items in the shop to get their stats for one round. This doesn’t cost anything except for resetting the shop afterwards. Use this if you need a big boost in power for one round. For example, if you’re not doing enough damage, look for items that increase your attack power and convert them before attacking.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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