This guide tells you where to find Tokens for different side stories in the game. If a Token is unlocked through a side quest, it’ll mention which quest you need to do.
Face the Legend in the Shadows | Token: Macho-ism
- Shopping District, Main Street (Noon)
- Arcade MEGA (Noon)
- Shopping District, Main Street, Backalley (Night)
- Abandoned Building, Floor 3 (Night)
- Abandoned Building, Rooftop (Evening)
- Warehouse (Noon)
- Saotome Dojo (Evening)
- Children’s Home: Sunflower Garden (Noon)
- Yamato’s Room (Noon)
- Yamato’s Room (Night)
- Classroom Wing, Floor 2, Hallway (Noon)
- Classroom 2-A (Noon)
- Gym Storage (Noon) | Quest: The Locked Gym Storage
- Multipurpose Wing, Rooftop (Noon)
- Traces of Aliens Exchange
- KJ Graffiti Exchange
Kiyoka’s Big Scoop | Token: Lead on a Scoop
- Warehouse (Evening)
- Shopping District, South Street (Noon)
- Classroom Wing, Floor 2, Hallway (Noon)
- Classroom Wing, Floor 2, Hallway (Evening)
- Photography Club/Newspaper Club (Noon) | Quest: A Dangerous Leak
- Photography Club/Newspaper Club (Noon) | Quest: A Dangerous Leak
- Equipment Storage (Noon) | Quest: Hide-and-Seek
- Gymnasium (Noon)
- Gym Storage (Evening) | Quest: The Locked Gym Storage
- School Store/Cafeteria (Noon)
- Multipurpose Wing, Rooftop (Evening)
- Administrative Wing, Floor 1, Hallway (Noon)
- Teachers’ Office (Evening)
- Traces of Aliens Exchange
- Mind Wipe Records Exchange
- Akamon Stamp Exchange
Kitty Kat Detective Agency | Token: Cat Toy
- Shopping District, Main Street (Night)
- Restaurant: Tendoya (Evening)
- Shopping District, Main Street, Backalley (Evening)
- Abandoned Building, Rooftop (Noon)
- Shopping District, South Street (Night)
- Talent Development Center (Noon)
- Talent Development Center (Evening)
- School Route, near Takadai Park (Night)
- Takadai Park, near the Pond (Noon)
- Takadai Park, near the Pond (Night)
- Takadai Park, Overlook (Evening)
- A Nook in the Schoolyard (Noon)
- A Nook in the Schoolyard (Evening)
- Multipurpose Wing, Rooftop (Evening)
- Research Control Chamber: Circle (Noon)
- Research Control Chamber: Circle (Evening)
Jun and Momoka’s Series of Matches | Token: Idol Philosophy
- Shopping District, Main Street (Noon)
- Shopping District, Main Street (Night)
- Arcade MEGA (Evening)
- Restaurant: Tendoya (Noon)
- Shop: Bando Flower Shop (Evening)
- Bakery: Kitsuneya (Evening)
- Saotome Dojo (Noon)
- Saotome Dojo (Evening)
- Seikoku Academy, Front Gate (Evening)
- Gymnastics Club (Noon) | Quest: Beauty Takes Time
- Karate Club (Evening) | Quest: Hearts and Clubs
- Home-Ec Room (Noon) | Quest: Party Favors
- Art Room (Evening)
- MEGA Medal Exchange
- Mind Wipe Records Exchange
- KJ Graffiti Exchange
Jun and Ibushi’s Gourmet Report | Token: Heart of Gourmet
- Restaurant: Tendoya (Evening)
- Bakery: Kitsuneya (Evening)
- Abandoned Building, Floor 3 (Noon)
- Abandoned Building, Floor 3 (Night)
- Shopping District, North Street (Noon)
- Maid Cafe: Angel Heart (Noon)
- Diner: Benny’s (Noon)
- Classroom Wing, Floor 1, Hallway (Evening)
- Classroom Wing, Floor 3, Hallway (Noon)
- School Store/Cafeteria (Noon)
- Karate Club (Evening) | Quest: Hearts and Clubs
- Men’s Locker Room (Noon)
- Commanding Officer’s Chamber (Noon)
- Commanding Officer’s Chamber (Evening)
- MEGA Medal Exchange
- Akamon Stamp Exchange
Takumi and Kota’s Travels | Token: Book of Otaku Tickets
- Bookstore: Ono Books (Noon)
- Maid Cafe: Angel Heart (Evening)
- Hobby Shop: Romando (Noon)
- Kindaichi Industry Inc. (Noon)
- Kindaichi Industry Inc. (Evening)
- Sci-Fi Research/Science & Tech Club (Noon) | Quest: A Waste of Space
- Classroom 2-B (Evening)
- Music Room (Noon) | Quest: That’s a Rap
- Observation Path (Noon)
- Briefing Room (Evening)
- Vending Machine Area (Noon) | Quest: A Drinking Problem
- Mission Counter (Evening)
- Sickbay (Noon)
- Underground Dock (Evening)
- MEGA Medal Exchange
- KJ Graffiti Exchange
Tonky Saw That! | Token: Resident’s Secret
- Arcade MEGA (Night)
- Restaurant: Tendoya (Noon)
- Shopping District, Main Street, Backalley (Noon)
- Abandoned Building, Floor 3 (Noon)
- Abandoned Building, Floor 3 (Night)
- Abandoned Building, Rooftop (Evening)
- Takadai Park, near the Pond (Evening)
- Takadai Park, Overlook (Night)
- Library (Noon)
- Multipurpose Wing, Floor 3, Hallway (Evening)
- Strategy Center: Land Eye (Noon)
- Observation Path (Evening)
- Briefing Room (Noon)
- Vending Machine Area (Night) | Quest: A Drinking Problem
- Surveillance Analysis Center (Evening)
- Underground Dock (Night)
Spy Maid Infiltration | Token: Suspicious Gaze
- Arcade MEGA, Inner Office (Night)
- Shopping District, North Street (Noon)
- Shopping District, North Street (Night)
- Akagicho, Residential Area (Noon)
- Akagicho, Residential Area (Night)
- Teru’s House (Night)
- Sci-Fi Research/Science & Tech Club (Evening) | Quest: A Waste of Space
- Nurse’s Office (Noon) | Quest: The Pickiness of Youth
- Men’s Locker Room (Evening)
- Mission Counter (Night)
- Rogue Hanger II (Noon)
- Rogue Hanger II (Night)
- Executive Conference Room: Blue Coats (Night)
- MEGA Medal Exchange
- Mind Wipe Records Exchange
- Akamon Stamp Exchange
Spoiler Warning: It’s best to finish Chapter 23 of the main story before reading the next parts to avoid spoilers.
Masamune’s Busy Day | Token: Smiling Symbol
- Outer Ring Observatory
- AV Room
- Interrogation Room
- Solon, East Street
- Solon, Plaza
- Solon, Entrance to Takadai & East Street
- Solon, Victor’s House, First Floor
- Solon, West Street
- The Sun Hotel
- Togomon, near the Station
- Diner: Togos
- Mall, Floor 2
- Togomon, Residential Area
- Togomon Hospital, Floor 1, Entrance
- Togomon Hospital, Floor 5, Maja’s Room
- Classroom Wing, Rooftop
Note: You need to finish the Rebuilding Solon side quest before you can go back to some places in Solon.
Bad Boy Fashion | Token: Silver Accessory
- Thrift Shop: Kujaku
- Mall, Floor 2
- Togomon, near the Station
- Togomon, Riu and Ana’s House
Jun and Momoka: Frenemies | Token: Friendship Bracelet
- Classroom Wing, Rooftop
- Mall, Floor 1
- Togomon, South Street
- Abandoned Building, Floor 3
Kota and Momoka’s First Date | Token: Limited Time Stamp Card
- Saotome Dojo (Evening)
- Strategy Center: Land Eye (Noon)
- Mall, Floor 1 (Noon)
- Togomon, Main Street (Night)
Arshem and the Art of Udon | Token: Udon Flour
- Solon, Victor’s House, Second Floor
- Solon, Entrance to Takadai & East Street
- Solon, Riu’s House
- The Lost Village, Plaza (Night)
Note: You need to finish the Rebuilding Solon side quest before you can go back to some places in Solon.
Demir Gawler | Token: Xidol-Flavored Spices
- Solon, Residential Building, Floor 6
- Solon, Maja’s House
- Solon, Private Residence
- The Lost Village, Plaza
Note: You need to finish the Rebuilding Solon side quest before you can go back to some places in Solon.
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