Microcivilization – Useful Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

Resources are very important but in my opinion you shoud watch out especially for these: wood, stone, food, workers and money.

To wood is to say that you need it in all game steps not only for building. Much more important is the fact that you can recruit in each tech stage your main fight unit (spearman, archer, Phalanx,…) with wood. So don’t understerminate it because the units get more expensive. E.g. spearmen cost 100 wood per unit, the phalanx is on 750 wood per unit.

Stone is also important the whole game and the only resource you can’t get trough trading. Most building need it and its your main way to generate money (50 money per 1000 stone) So you can say if you produce more stone you can can get faster more money

Food is just required to generate new population. on special points the number of population generates a worker for you. you can also loose this workers if the population dies. Population dies also when ur food is not enough to keep all them feed.

On the map you have often the question what shall I do, do the war quests and get +20 food per second or go for the worker. The only reason I would go for the 20 food per second is the achievement. Workers are too important to ignore them. In later game stages you need some of them to run all the buildings. Sure in early game there is no other way then prioritize which buildings should run but later it is no problem to run them all especially if you have bonus workers from the map or trough Ascension.

Money is the big cheater in this game, if you make it right you can easily controll some situations. I will give you an example:

To recruit new troops you need wood. If your wood income per second is not high enough you can use the market to trade a wood production buff for 5 minutes. In this game is it no problem to stack such buffs. So you can buy 10 at one time and get easy the control over some crisis (if you have the money, each wood buff costs 300 gold, but believe me its not unrealistic).

About the level of heroes is to say the heroes with the lowest level u get on the start. The level of the heroes represent your tech level. So if you want to farm high level heroes u should do this in the last tech age. For farming heroes I personally would first go the last tech epoch then let me completely hit from an battle or something to get the bonus for more rare drop and then use the theater building with the lightning Ability.

You can also find unique heroes but they seem to be really rare. The problem is that this heroes drop actually on around lvl. 22 or less and you need to upgrade them to higher levels some unique heroes.

For a good game progress you should read the game options. There you can see that it’s also possible to farm ressources by using keybord.

A very nice feature is it that you can change the game speed to 400%. In the game options its normally that the game speed returns to normal speed if there starts a crisis or war so u don’t need to be worry.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2158 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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