Mirror 2: Project X – Basic Guide (Chapters, Endings, The Flowchart and Progression)

A quick guide for individuals who are playing the first release and commenting on it “Is this what I’m supposed to be doing? Is there anything I’m missing?”

Guide to Basics


Although the release announcement said six chapters, we only have access to one chapter (in English). Maybe others have been unlocked in the original language?

The original Mirror game required you to complete initial chapters before it unlocked additional chapters. That’s not the case here. If you have completed the available chapter and are think you have missed something because the others didn’t unlock: You haven’t. That’s all there is for now.


The available chapter has four possible endings. None of them are great. You die in one, two end with you enslaved, and the fourth is ambiguous whether you have escaped or if you’re actually enslaved. Many occur fairly high in the flowchart, which may leave you thinking you have missed some. You haven’t.

The Flowchart

If you play through the game in a linear fashion, you will reach one of the four endings. Presumably you will stop to buy and equip new abilities, skill gems, and to level your stats. Pretty soon you will reach an ending. Cutscene, flavor text, dump to main menu. Rather than having to play through the game again, you can use the flowchart to see your progress and re-insert yourself in the middle of the story. Then you can choose different dialogue options and steer yourself toward different endings. The flowchart also allows you to replay levels to get better scores and therefore unlock really cool backstory documents and new skill gems.

When you insert yourself into the story using the flowchart, your old stat improvements and skills are erased and your character is reset to starting values. However you do receive a cash budget based on the depth into the flowchart. So when using the flowchart, remember to re-equip your character before entering combat.

Combats are indicated by tiny game controller icons on the bottom of the flowchart bubbles. Clicking on those icons will show you whatever bonus rewards you earned and also show if there are additional rewards waiting to be unlocked by replaying the level and achieving a higher score.

Progression and Rewards

When you win a combat, the next step of the flowchart unlocks. What is not apparent is that how well you perform affects your progression. A basic victory unlocks the next cutscene. If you win an A-class or S-class victory, you unlock rewards including “classified report” backstory documents, and adding new valuable skill gems to the store for purchase.

The entire flowchart is laid out for you, connected with blue lines. The path you have taken in this particular playthrough is shown with amber lines.

The “Date night’ and “Final examination” minigames do not yield 18+ content rewards. Scoring near 100% with Rita earns you a seductive pose and a declaration that she will spend the night. Leah does a little wiggle-dance and praises you. Hopefully more content will be added later. I have earned those rewards with scores as low as 96%. I’m not sure what the real threshold is.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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