You cannot delete things that you have manufactured. Do not build extra mob spawners. Only build exactly as many as you need. This will save a lot of inventory space and you won’t have to fiddle with them to keep a tidy inventory.
After purchasing a new floating island, build a straight wall from one side to the other to start directing the mob spawns. This is to leave 3 rows of empty space to place a lot of additional spawners in the future. At some point, you’ll often find you need more mob loot, Leave space to add 20 or 30 spawners from the start.
The 8 damage weapon is tricky to use. It requires an incoming shot to produce it’s outgoing 8 damage shot. One square is required between the 8 damage weapon and the other weapon. It won’t work if you build them with no space between.
Liquid manufacturing looks confusing but is actually rather simple. Pipes can do a 90 degree turn. Avoid using the merge and divide pipe sections as they aren’t worth the hassle. Its easier to produce what you need without them.
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.
Worms can be cheesed with 2 area damage (3 to be sure) and Spiders have the same with 3 (4 to be sure). And because they are AOE, It’s quite scale-able 😀
Worms can be cheesed with 2 area damage (3 to be sure) and Spiders have the same with 3 (4 to be sure). And because they are AOE, It’s quite scale-able 😀