MU: Dark Epoch – The Monk DW Agi Build

Guide to The Monk DW Agi Build

By Ahihi.

First, I will go ahead and show you the Auto Set Up for Both PVE and PvP mode.


These skills are AoE multiple targets for LoD, Devil Square Only. If you try to put other single target skills in here. It will lower your level up process.


This set up is my calculated combo. If you want your whole combo to come out correctly. This is the set up for you. (Use for PvP and Bosses Single Target Focus).

Skill Tree

You will need to reset and put the exact ENE points to use Hell Burst. The rest could go to AGI.

Note: Hellfire 1/4 Evil Spirits 1/4 Aqua 2/4. The reason is these skills only deserve these amount of points is because Hell Fire and Evil Spirit are for PVE, Aqua Flash is the first and Weakest AoE PvP skill to go max compared to other PvP Skills at higher class tier.

Note: Explosion 1/4, This PvP skill deal the least damage, has the least role and long casting time in DW Class in General.

Manual Skills Set Up:

PvP starts, wait for 2 secs > Hit 1 > wait for 3 secs for the whole combo in PvP Mode to come out > Hit 2 To earn Damage Reduction from Switching, stay and keep attacking for 2 more sec > Pop Enemy Properties > Hit 3 Run Away and Heal > Hit 4 Hell Burst To Finish.

Note: The skill order is used in order from 1 – 4

PvP Start: You will let your character run out and let the auto mode spam the first 2 skills in the PvP set up which are the Meteors to disable Enemy Custo first. Then you spam 1. You dont spam 1 as soon as you run out because you might miss the stun while your opponent still running, and you miss your stun by spacing or You land your whole combo too early and custo will take affect and you deal less damage. When you stun your opponent. Be patient dont freak out and wait for your the whole combo to come out.

Here is how the combo should look like:

Properties Build

This is where the Monk Build come from.

(1) Max Defend Properties

First before anything.

If you Max your properties like this. It give you Immortality for 2 Sec at 0 HP then heal back to full Health Like the this:

(2) Common Properties

This first skill of common I prefer max this skill only. This Skill will make you Extra Extra Tanky for only 15 points.

(3) Attack Properties

Constellation Build

Note: For 29, 37, 53, 61, 85 take Poison Damage.

  • Legendary Sets from Tier 3 to Tier 6: Vicious, StarFall, Haion, Unnamed.
  • Vicious and Star Fall will give you 20% Deadly Chances with give you huge damages and big chances of reset Blaze And 30% Immune all Crowd Control Which help DW to do put out the whole Combo / Hell Burst without interruptions. Also you give a huge amount Damage Decrease %.
  • Haion, Unnamed Will you give you a good amount of damage and pvp attack % to make sure your combo will kill or pop your opponent properties right the way.
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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