Classes and Their Perks
Classes that help with guns:
- Army Reservist: Better at shooting rifles from the hip.
- Bear Hunter: Rifle shots go through more zombies.
- Deputy: Shotgun shots stay closer together.
- Designated Marksman: Rifles do more damage.
- Detective: Better at headshots with handguns.
- Marine Veteran: Crouching makes your rifle shots more accurate.
- Police Sniper: Rifles do more damage at long range.
- Sheriff: Shotguns shoot more pellets.
Classes that help with fighting:
- Baseball Rookie*: Better at knocking zombies back with big weapons.
- Hockey Player**: Use less energy when swinging big weapons.
- Lumberjack**: Better at hitting zombie heads with melee weapons.
- Martial Arts Master: Pushing zombies actually hurts them.
- MMA Fighter*: Takes less damage when hit.
- Sous Chef*: Better at cutting zombie parts off.
- Spinal Surgeon: One-handed weapons use more energy but hit harder.
Classes that help with survival:
- Courier**: Can carry more stuff (+2 spaces).
- Deer Hunter*: Makes less noise when moving.
- Engineer: Flashlight batteries last longer.
- Football MVP**: Don’t lose energy when badly hurt.
- Nurse: Heal yourself and friends faster.
- Prepper: Find more ammo.
- Rescue Specialist*: Carry more medical items.
- Swim Captain: Have more health.
- Track Star**: Have more energy.
- Quartermaster: Can stack more ammo.
* – good Responder.
** – very good Responder.
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