Obenseuer – Skills Guide

Guide to Skills


Alrighty so lets get started, the whole point of this is to uhh, explain the skill system and how to best level up some skills. First thing i really wanna say is that the skill -> xp system is jank af, i’ve had skills take like the same amount of xp to level each time.

I’ve had them take half the time it took to get get the previous level and i’ve had skills that usually take like 15 minutes per level give me a level up in roughly like a literal minute.

So if anyone has questions about how xp and stuff works, ask the devs i dont know dude lmao. Anyway, lets get to the first skill i did and honestly based on how important and easy it is, you should too.


Yea im not gonna lie i hyped that one up a little bit, just make / buy lockpicks and use them to lockpick doors, it just makes (some) harder locks easier and at max level pretty much at the highest, every lock is moderate (for the current version) Except for the internet door in uhh.. deekula C? I dont honestly remember. Now for the second skill, that being… bum bum dun dun!


Yea this one is also not that hyped up and big, but anyway cooking at first really really REALLY lookings intimidating since pretty much everything you eat will cause you to contemplate open seuer slide but somehow, its actually really really easy, just very slightly time consuming.

First what you must do is go into the market, and buy as many potato and Turnip you can afford. With those either buy a grill and use it to make as many grilled potato’s and turnips as possible, since skills level based off grinding, better recipes dont give better xp, so the easiest possible foods to make give the best xp.

So just uhh, pretty much make as many grilled potato’s and turnips as possible. if you just buy all of them from the shop thats literally all you need to get max cooking (tho do know, the achievement for max cooking might be bugged as of this post). Leveling cooking is kinda good i guess?

All it really does is decrease the chance of your recipes to fail and increase the quality of your food. Im gonna be completely honest with you, its a pretty worthless skill if you have mushroom ebola, since everything tastes bad with mushroom ebola. I think it might be good without mushroom ebola but, yea it can be kinda worthless. Anyway time for one of the most painful skill grinds in the game, yet the most important skill grinds in the game. Drumroll please.


Prepare to die edition! Alright for peak efficiency here, im not gonna lie. Grab your sleeping pills, get stocked up on food and water and just sleep until you have roughly around 3.5k RM. Once you obtain this moolah, go to your local tenement building upgrader man and hopefully he’s selling the legendary item of legend.

The metal working Lathe! Anyway Yea get that, unplug your iphone charger and plug this bad boy in, buy a gaming chair, get some pop corn, turn on a movie, grab like a chest load of scrap metal and then turn as much scrap into lockpicks as possible, because you’re gonna be sittin there for like a long time. If i can give any suggestion for this grind, maybe buy 2 Lathe’s. it took me roughly 2 hours. Anyway once thats done congrats!!! you have max level machining!

Now what the heck does this do, this seem atleast 10x more worthless than cooking. Leveling Machining decreases the chance of failure and increases the quality of items made. But bro, i can only make lockpicks with this worthless billion dollar machine they dont increase in quality.. why did you tell me to buy this im bankrupt, you’ve ruined me!!! Anyway theres a special little trick that not many people know of.

If you have any gold or silver you’ve kept and not instantly sold to passmore, take said gold and silver, put them in your lathe, insert glass shards and mechanical parts and bing bang boom, you get the max quality gold / silver watches. but then you also ask, “Brother these watches are really good for money it seems like, they sell for so much.

So much that no one buys them for me, im doomed, you’ve ruined me, im going to commit oben seuer silde!!” Well you didnt get it from me and just note, this issue wont exist once the bazaar update drops (hopefully) but heres a little bit of a tip (obvious exploit).

Once you have your silver watches and gold watches in hand, take roughly 23 billion lockpicks with you (roughly 10-15 stacks) and run over to passmore. Sell him as many silver watches as possible and then sell him as many lockpicks you can. Once you sell him all your lockpicks, buy them back, and then sell them to him and buy them back over and over again, between buying / selling them back passmore will buy your gold watches for like i think around 3.5k RM each, which makes this easily the strongest source of money in the game, just requires getting lucky with looting.


Alright so uhh, now that you’re a multi billionaire buy like one or two band saws from the secret funny tenement upgrade man. then go and buy as much wood and glue as possible, turn all your wood into furniture parts (3 wood in the band saw) and then you’ll have a bunch of furniture parts and sawdust, remove the furniture parts and put in the glue to make plywood (8 sawdust + 2 glue = plywood).

Once you do this just do it again like 100 times and you should get max level. Now the bonuses.. yea im not gonna sugar coat it, this one is worthless, this one just like the others, decreases chances of failure and increases quality, but theres nothing quality with wood working as of right now so its worthless. plus if you have a bandsaw, you dont need the failure chance, its like so low it may as well be 0 at level 1. Now for the skill thats like, literally just a very tiny money save.


This one is like kinda good i guess, very useful for being happy because a high quality raw onion somehow gives alot of happiness even though its a raw onion. Quick important side note, you can only farm in your tenement, dont think about ever farming in the greenhouse, it literally gives so little xp that it may as well be 0. Anyway what you need to do is get really lucky with blueprints and get just craft a bunch of flowerbeds, and then make a bunch of flowerbeds with the uhh.. lights i think idk.

And then go back to your local wallmart and buy roughly like 40 potato’s. use the potato’s as seeds (if you put any raw veggie in a planter it can be used as a seed) plant them in your planter boxes and just wait for them to grow (tho i do have an alternate xp grind idea but will explain later). Once they grow grab the fruits of your labors and oh my god… they’re so low quality they’re like worthless, someone quickly! post the vomit emoji.

But until you get really high farming, the quality is literally worthless. Anyway quickly grab all your worthless potato’s and replant them. Just a small note is that for whatever reason, xp is gained through planting not harvesting so… honestly if you really wanna, just buy every veggie from your local k-mart and plant them in your planters and instantly de-root them and plant them again.

Until you get max level i guess (just note i havent tested that so if it dont work, it dont work.) Anyway Getting max level on farming is literally just you getting all your plants at max quality which is good for food i think. But it time for the most important skill.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. No better distillery than the medium right now so its quite a worthless skill, Using the church’s upstairs cooker is an idea i’ll give you that but not really a big time / money saver, same with the saw bench since you can buy multiple band saw’s and get multiple grills to increase the xp gain for as many as you want.

    • Yeah but this was about how to skill if your getting that many bandsaws you would already have tons of cash my method can be done right from the start of the game the cooking yeah it’s not a big money saver but if you want to actually keep what you cook then this is the best option

      • The issue that you’re not understanding is that the guide isnt about the best way to get cash, its about the best way to level the skills.

        • Then the best way to level the skill wood working is the table saw as you can start day one and once you have enough maybe get a bandsaw, but i wouldn’t bother by the time you have the cash you will most likely have maxed out wood working with just using the table saw (I mean it’s simple buy planks from the stalls take them to table saw turn into furniture parts then sell them back. easy simple and fast wood working)

  2. Also with the table saw you can make furniture parts 5 at a time for 24ms which you can take to the renovating guys place and use his worktable to make furniture, the hardest thing is to find the recipes/blueprints to make furniture so buying a bandsaw or a worktable are not really needed i would stick to maybe getting just the metal lathe and maybe a gas furnace.
    (Also out of curiosity can you get a better distill then the medium one? i haven’t found a better version yet)

  3. For Cooking i suggest using the Church’s upstairs cooker to cook as it also gives better chances to not fail, when i cook it’s mostly to make Jarred Veg (called canned for some reason) as you can use the worst quality veg without any issues, it’s a cheap easy long lasting food

  4. I just found out you can use a saw bench at the Furniture guys shop (Deekula C) to cut logs up, you can cut up to five logs at once in 4ms it’s also the best chance not to fail, (I’m at level 4 at it’s 2% chance of fail).

    • High level veggies have one use, (currently) that being that they’re good for making you happy. If you have alot of max quality carrots for example they’re really good for increasing your happiness.

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