I know, people might be able to go 80 stacks of Belligerence and just not get hit, duh. This guide is for people who aren’t some godgamer incarnate. You will really be unkillable, damage is alright as well.
Aya or Vik
If you don’t have Aya’s Mecha upgrades unlocked yet, I would recommend to try this build with Vik. He has much higher base HP and the Divine Might passive, which improves his Damage when under 40% HP.

What to Block?

Weapon Choice
With this build you can use almost any weapon. Since Aya has no innate guard break from her Mecha abilities, i would strongly recommend a weapon who can take care of that. Apart from that anything is cool and completely up to your choice.
There are weapons which can roll +Crit Rate or +Crit Dmg% (Monoglaive, Violet Dagger, etc.). Prop Sword seems great with 40% Crit Rate vs burning enemies, but playing without the ablity to guard break your opponents might be okay a bit later into the run. It can get you killed early though.
The Defence
You absolutely want at least 3, better 4 Mecha upgrades with Aya. This is what will make you unkillable as long as you connected your Mecha skill to any enemy and hit something.

You will have permanent guard and life leech from Mortal Combat. With damage reduction from Relics, Iron Bastions (Duel evolution) and Quantum Reinforcement you will be literally unkillable.

If you want to be super safe, you can additionally go with Survival.

You definitely want to have as much Max HP as you can get. Restore is always an easy insta pick if it appears. Relics with Max HP are great as well.

The Offence
For offense you want to get as much crit and crit damage as you can. You want all the Rage Combo evolutions.

You want to have some reliable way to proc burning to reap the 75% bonus Crit Damage. Thermal Fusion is the preferred evolution.

Making your skills crit is the next step. Hypotensor is nice to spam your skills in fight rooms/biomes. Perpetual Attack can be used to easily burst dangerous elites. Since Aya has 3-4 Stacks of her Mecha skill it’s pretty reliable as well.

The Finished Build
This is how your final build could look like. I would rather have 2 points into Kill Skill than Armor Reload, but i forgot to switch my weapon enchant.

What do you think the school torture dagger? further range and a faster hit speed.
Armor Break is mandatory in higher Alerts. School dagger is a fine weapon. IMO it’s just inferior to other options. If you like it and can handle the biomes using it, just use it.
execution + lee is too strong