Passpartout 2: The Lost Artist – 100% Full Achievement Guide

My achievement guide for Passpartout 2: The Lost Artist!

How to Obtain All Achievements

Non-Hidden Achievements

An Upgrade!

  • Buy your first tool.

Your tools are what you use to paint, you get tools buy completing commissions from various people around town, or by purchasing tools from Benjamin’s shop.

A New Home

  • Buy the studio from George.

To the right of Benjamin’s shop, you will see George attempting to sell off a studio. The studio costs 1,499, and has access to the color mixer, a stationary easel to paint, and a few places to hang some of your favorite artwork you don’t want to sell.


  • Make a pretty cool warning sign for that fisherman.

One of the first commissions you will have access to is for this fisherman named Harry. Go down to the docks, and he will ask you to make a warning sign. Just make something cautionary looking, and he will accept it!

Pothole? More like plot hole!

  • Help George fix the pothole.

You’ll notice a barrier (the pothole) that prohibits you from reaching the Punk area on the western side of the map. George will fix this, but you will have to pay him. You can either pay him 300, or trick Cynth into drawing a “rascal message” on a sticker. If you choose the Cynth option, she is by the docks on the left, and by the end of the commission George will ask you to pay a reduced fee of 100.


  • Do whatever it takes to get Amelie to move.

Early in the game, you won’t be able to access the upstairs park area and beyond due to Amelie blocking it with some cardboard castle cutouts. First you will need to show her that you have acquired 3 tools. Next, paint her something really cute (just paint some hearts of something). Once you give her the painting, she will let you pass!

Bye, Sweet Home…

  • Leave the seaside retreat.

You will get this achievement automatically if you just play the game. In the beginning of the game, follow the prompts and leave the island once Bobby tells you that you’re evicted. Click on the boat and leave!

Burn Baby, BURN!

  • Let Hope burn the painting.

Progress through the game until you’ve made a few commissions around the map, and collected a fair number of tools. Eventually, while walking through the park area, you will notice Hope calling out to you. Follow her prompts and commissions, and eventually, she will be down by Flash next to a trashcan (or something of the sort) lit on fire. You will have two choices: burn the painting completely, or save the painting. This achievement will pop when you choose to let the painting burn. There is another achievement associated with saving the painting, but you will have to start a new playthrough to get the other achievement.

Just a Little Charred…

  • Save the Painting from burning.

Progress through the game until you’ve made a few commissions around the map, and collected a fair number of tools. Eventually, while walking through the park area, you will notice Hope calling out to you. Follow her prompts and commissions, and eventually, she will be down by Flash next to a trashcan (or something of the sort) lit on fire. You will have two choices: burn the painting completely, or save the painting. This achievement will pop when you choose to save the painting from burning. There is another achievement associated with burning the painting completely, but you will have to start a new playthrough to get the other achievement.

Being Diverse

  • Sell one painting to each sub-culture.

There are 4 sub-cultures in the game. The La Fleur family members (like look like George but in different outfits and hair styles), the anarchist punks (Cynth and the other crazy hairstyle people at the western section of the map), the business people (Bobby and the other formally dressed people located in the eastern street section of the map), and then the elitist fancy-pants people (Lancecour and the other snobs located on the hill after you finish Lancecour’s commission/performance. Even if you don’t quite know what each subculture likes, if you bother them enough with your paintings, they will feel sorry for you and offer a super low price for it.

Mixing Colors!

  • Use the Color Mixer to make a new palette.

The color mixer unlocks once you buy the studio from George. When you go inside your new studio, you will see the color mixer, but it won’t work! Ask George about it, and he will tell you to talk to Spark, who is located at the western side of the map. Spark can fix it, but for a fee of 500 (I think, it is either 500 or 600). Nonetheless, after you pay this fee, the color mixer will be available to use, and you can either purchase new recipes from Spark, or get recipes from commissions. Once you have a recipe, go to your studio and click on the color mixer, and let it create new colors for you!

Packed Backpack!

  • Have 6 tools in the backpack.

An easy achievement, just buy more tools from Benjamin or complete some more commissions! (or buy some tools at the snobby hill area northwest from Ben’s shop, but those are crazy expensive).

Getting the Ball Rolling!

  • Sell 10 paintings, Nice!

Sell paintings! If you want to sell paintings fast, go to the punk area on the western side of the map. I personally find selling them paintings the easiest, because all you have to do is choose bright, crazy colors, and scribble a bunch on your painting!

Master Salesman

  • Sell 100 Paintings. Impressive!

Sell paintings! If you want to sell paintings fast, go to the punk area on the western side of the map. I personally find selling them paintings the easiest, because all you have to do is choose bright, crazy colors, and scribble a bunch on your painting!

Like Riding a Bike

  • Get back into selling art!

An easy achievement, just sell a panting to anyone!

Family Friendly

  • Sell one painting to one of the La Fleur family members.

The La Fleur family members are the ones that look like George but in different outfits and hair styles. Paint something they like, but if you can’t figure it out, bother them enough with your paintings and they will feel sorry for you and offer a super low price for it.


  • Sell a painting to an anarchist Punk.

The anarchist Punks include Cynth and the other crazy hairstyle people at the western section of the map. Paint something they like, but if you can’t figure it out, bother them enough with your paintings and they will feel sorry for you and offer a super low price for it.

Non-Hidden Achievements Cont.

Ran out of room on the first one


  • Sell a painting to one of the business people.

The business people include Bobby and the other nicely dressed folks on the eastern side of the map (the street area). If you can’t figure out what they like, just pester them long enough and they will feel sorry for you, and will offer a super low price for your painting.


  • Sell a painting to one of those elitist fancy-pants!

The elitist fancy-pants people include Lancecour and the other snobs on the hill you unlock after participating in Lancecour’s scam (I mean production play). You must have access to the park, as well as at least 2000 in your pocket to start the play. If you can’t figure out what these people like, then just bother them long enough and they will feel sorry for you, and will offer a super low price for your painting.

Hidden Achievements

Sharing the Spotlight

  • Put Benjamin’s art in the Museum of the Masters.

Reach the end of the game, where you are at the Museum of the Masters, and you have been asked to present your masterpiece! Instead of choosing your masterpiece to present, choose Benjamin’s artwork that he gave to you after he was kicked out of his store.

I’m the Master!

  • Hang your own art in the Museum of the Masters.

Reach the end of the game, where you are at the Museum of the Masters, and you have been asked to present your masterpiece! Choose your masterpiece, and you will get the achievement! (both this achievement and the “Sharing the Spotlight” achievement require separate playthroughs.

Among the Masters

  • Get your art in to the museum.

Beat the game! or just present something at the Museum of Masters at the end. I believe you will get this achievement no matter if you present your masterpiece or Benjamin’s artwork.

Plot Twist!

  • Skip Lancecour’s epic quest.

First, access the park area and show Lancecour that you have 2000. Then, immediately go to the city area and talk to Belforte, where he will give you the skull for 3000. Give him the money, and he will give you the skull. Then, go directly to Lancecour and give him the skull. Also, if you want the “What a Plot” achievement, you will have to start a new playthrough.

What a Plot!

  • Embark on Lancecour’s epic hero’s journey.

Complete the quest with Lancecour, when he asks you if you have 2000. He will then scam you out of that 2000 by forcing you to take part in his acting shenanigans around the map. Although you might be mad at Lancecour for taking your money, he does dress up in some silly outfits (The Mermaid is my favorite). Also, if you want the “Plot Twist” achievement, you will have to start a new playthrough.

Good Egg

  • Top Secret.

Find Banky on the east side of the map (area above the beach). There will be a bird that doesn’t fly off on top of a stone right next to Banky. Click on that stone (or below the bird), and you will get an egg!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. Right next to the left of banky there is a pigeon sitting on a stone, if you click under the bird you get the achievement. I had a lot of trouble with this achievement as well.

  2. for the plot twist one. I got this achievement on my first playthrough without realizing it and now on my second playthrough I got the alt achievement. What happened on the first playthrough was I bought the skull directly from Belforte instead of going with all that quest sheanigans.

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