PERISH – Codex

In this guide I will tell you where to find all codex entries.


I separated the game into 4 acts and zones. Every “act” means a “Crown” that allows you to skip to this act. (If you equip First crown – you’ll enter act 2, second Crown – to act 3, etc).

For weapons entries – you’ll need to unlock them with Orphic Rites and buy them.

For some entries you need certain objectives on a map. If you can’t find some entries, tell me which one, I have a video for any of them.

Acts, Zones and Their Names

Pantheon (Hub and Tutorial area)

Act 1

  • 1.1 Orphic temple
  • 1.2 Ruins of Necromanteion
  • 1.3 Pyristaktos Ravine
  • 1.4 Lair of the Kathorao – mini boss area
  • 1.5 Ophion’s Labyrinth
  • 1.6 The Ares Amphitheatre – main boss area

Act 2

  • 2.1 The Trajan Palace
  • 2.2 The Forges of Hephaestus
  • 2.3 The Treasury – boss area

Act 3

  • 3.1 Thalassian Fissure
  • 3.2 Maelstorm of Charybdis
  • 3.3 Limen of Karkinos – boss area

Act 4

  • 4.1 Charoun’s Harbour
  • 4.2 Charon’s Crossing
  • 4.3 Throne of King Minos – boss area
  • 4.4 Tartaros/Elysium (Bad/Good endings)


  1. Athanatoi – area 1.1 (Orphic temple)
  2. Acolyte – area 1.2 (room full of traps) (Ruins of Necromanteion)
  3. Minotauros – area 1.2 – go left from pile of corpses where you found artifact number 2 (room for minotaur and torch objectives) (Ruins of Necromanteion)
  4. Erinyes – area 1.3 – check ballistas (Pyristaktos Ravine)
  5. Kathorao – area 1.4 – after boss fight, near the exit, turn around (Lair of the Kathorao)
  6. Pyr – area 1.4 after boss fight go forward, behind the mirror (Lair of the Kathorao)
  7. Ophidian – area 1.5 (Ophion’s Labyrinth)
  8. Lamia – area 1.5 (ONLY available when you building a bridge on the left side – “Find the Stelae” objective) (Ophion’s Labyrinth)
  9. Python – area 1.5 (ONLY available when you building a bridge on the left side – “Find the Stelae” objective) (Ophion’s Labyrinth)
  10. Kourai Khryseai – area 2.1, on a statue, room with torches as objective (The Trajan Palace)
  11. Deimos – area 1.6, after boss, check stadium (The Ares Amphitheatre)
  12. Phobos – area 1.6, after boss, check corners (The Ares Amphitheatre)
  13. Forge Cyclops – area 2.2 – outside (The Forges of Hephaestus)
  14. Talos – area 2.2 – inside, on a tube (ONLY when you building Talos as an objective) (The Forges of Hephaestus)
  15. Kakos – area 2.3 – inside the boss arena, when you first falling down, check corners, if fell to lava area – it will be too late to take it. (The Treasury)
  16. Kourai Toxotai – area 2.1 – a bit forward, check left side (The Trajan Palace)
  17. Gladiator – area 2.1, before the room with a chalice (The Trajan Palace)
  18. Kavouraki – area 3.1 (Thalassian Fissure)
  19. Eidolon – area 1.2 look left from a chest with Phobos gun (Ruins of Necromanteion)
  20. Phorcid – area 3.1, near a lake with a cerberus and a head with a pearl (Thalassian Fissure)
  21. Karkinos – area 3.3, after the boss fight, inside the temple (Limen of Karkinos)
  22. Kavouria Vrasta – area 3.1 (Thalassian Fissure)
  23. Aiakos of the Belfry – area 4.2, go right, check inside the big stones (Charon’s crossing)
  24. King Minos – area 4.2, go left, but not on the beach, check in the dark (Charon’s crossing)


  1. Ponos – unlocked by default
  2. Labrys – safe zone after area 1.1 (Orphic temple)
  3. Zophos – area 1.2 (Ruins of Necromanteion)
  4. Eos – area 1.3 (Pyristaktos Ravine)
  5. Sorokos – in a safe zone after Katorao boss fight
  6. Aklys – area 1.5-1.6 safe zone
  7. Eurus – safe zone before 2.1
  8. Byzantine Cannon – area 2.3, after defeating boss, lava area
  9. Boreas – area 2.2 (The Forges of Hephaestus)
  10. Spitha – area 3.1 (Thalassian Fissure)
  11. Arbelos – defeat Gladiator in the arena (area 2.1, only available when you have objective for the arena) (The Trajan Palace)
  12. Zeus Conduits – area 4.1 (Charoun’s harbour)
  13. Apollonian Bow – complete the Orphic Rite
  14. Staff of Thyrsis – complete the Orphic Rite
  15. Harvest Scythe – complete the Orphic Rite


  1. Purgatory – hub
  2. Amyetri – hub
  3. Danake – hub
  4. Priestess – hub
  5. Radamanthys – hub
  6. Idryma – safe zone between area 1.1 and 1.2 (Orphic temple and Ruins of Necromanteion)
  7. Hipparchia – tutorial area


  1. Pantheon – hub
  2. Orphic temple – area 1.1 (Orphic temple)
  3. Ruins of Nekromanteion – area 1.2 right at the start, look left (Ruins of Necromanteion)
  4. Pyristaktos Ravine – area 1.3, just go left (Pyristaktos Ravine)
  5. Lair of the Kathorao – area 1.4, just go forward (Lair of the Kathorao)
  6. Ophion’s Labyrinth – start of area 1.5 (Ophion’s Labyrinth)
  7. The Ares Amphitheatre – area 1.6, after the boss, check stadium (The Ares Amphitheatre)
  8. The Trajan Palace – area 2.1, check a dead end (The Trajan Palace)
  9. The Forges of Hephaestus – area 2.2 – outside (The Forges of Hephaestus)
  10. The Treasury – area 2.3 before the boss (The Treasury)
  11. Thalassian Fissure – area 3.1 (Thalassian Fissure)
  12. Maelstorm of Charybdis – area 3.2, right before the exit, after falling down (Maelstorm of Charybdis)
  13. Limen of Karkinos – area 3.3, right at the start (Limen of Karkinos)
  14. Charon’s Harbour – area 4.1 – go left, check the beach (Charoun’s harbour)
  15. Charon’s Crossing – area 4.1 – go right, check the beach (Charoun’s harbour)
  16. Throne of King Minos – area 4.2, go right, almost at a dead end (Charon’s crossing)
  17. Elysium – Good ending area only! (one big tablet at the end, also don’t miss one small tablet at the start)
  18. Tartaros – area 4.2, go left, check the beach (Charon’s crossing)

Orphic Rites

  1. Orphic Rites – before exiting area 1.1 room on a right side (Orphic temple)
  2. Apollo Rite – purchase first Apollo Rite
  3. Dionysus Rite – purchase first Dionysis Rite
  4. Persephone Rite – same as above


  1. Hymn to Hephaestus – before exiting area 1.1, check left wall (Orphic temple)
  2. Law of Destiny – area 1.2, in a pile of corpses (Ruins of Necromanteion)
  3. Wellspring of Aidoneus – area 2.1, jump on Cerberus, look up, check columns (The Trajan Palace)
  4. Four rivers – area 1.4 – at the end, after the boss fight and teleportaion, right before going to a safe zone, look behind the mirrors (Lair of the Kathorao)
  5. River of Fire – area 1.5 (Ophion’s Labyrinth)
  6. The Orphic Light – area 3.1, near a lake with a cerberus and a head with a pearl, go behind cerberus (Thalassian Fissure)

Two More

There are 2 more small tablets that I could not find in the codex:

There is one codex entry in area 2.1(The Trajan Palace), outside the palace, in lava area, near the big skull head – that one called “Aphlektos card” when you pick it. I think it unlocks a skin.

There is also a small tablet in Elysium(Good ending). I think this one for “The Orphic Light” skin.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3642 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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