Phobie Usage Guide (How to Use and Counter)
Use When:
- Your opponent has fragile mechanical Phobies you can 1-shot with Ace’s high damage.
Counter With:
- Ranged harassment.
- Electricity Phobies.
Use When:
- You want the best team fight initiator in the game.
- You have a strong team to offset Akira’s high cost as a support Phobie.
- You are able to keep the enemy at bay for 2 turns until its ability becomes ready.
Counter With:
- Akira.
- Stasis Phobies.
- Early pressure.
- Furkin Leepricarn.
Use When:
- You are in an endgame where Alastor can win an attrition war.
- You are on a map where Alastor can control space near abyss tiles.
Counter With:
- Phobies positioned to ensure Alastor cannot harass you for free.
- Pull units that can pull alastor in to be killed in one turn.
- Debuffers that stop Alastor’s lifesteal.
Alley Gator
Use When:
- You need a massive health wall to dive into the enemy team.
Counter With:
- Heavily grouped team positioning.
- Heavy melee damage.
- ‘Stop’ Phobies.
- Fighting around Alley Gator instead of striking him directly.
Use When:
- You have a heavy hitting initiator and you want to initiate safely and with flexibility.
- You want to get safe ranged harassment on an opponent’s Phobies.
- You want to pull a Frozen Phobie back out of attack range.
- You want to pull a Stopped Phobie back out of attack range.
Counter With:
- Proper team positioning.
Use When:
- You want a very high degree of map control on a Phobie that is hard to take down.
- You want to slow the match down.
- You want an AoE team fight initiator.
Counter With:
- Akira.
- Furkin Leepricarn.
- Buffed 100% AoE damage combined with mobile strike Phobies.
- Grouping your team together so that Attractor’s AoE pull puts you in reach to counter.
- Buffed Creepy Devil.
Use When:
- You need the highest from-keyhole damage possible for 1 key.
Counter With:
- A Phobie that can kill AWOL in one hit.
- A trap.
Baaaad Sheep
Use When:
- Your opponent has multiple high-value non-mechanical Phobies to poison.
- You are able to poison multiple high-value targets at once.
Counter With:
- Furkin Leepricarn.
- Creating a wall of mechanical Phobies to block out Baaaad Sheep.
- Having an AoE cure ready to go.
Baba Yaga
Use When:
- You want a mobile trapper effective against all Phobie types.
- You do not want to risk friendly fire damage from Fire Ant traps.
- You only want a Phobie for its traps, and not its fighter value.
Counter With:
- Attacks before Baba Yaga can set up a lot of traps.
- Paying close attention to where Baba Yaga has been.
- Trap detonators.
- Terrorform.
- Flyers on walls and abyss tiles.
- Tile disables.
Baby Snakey
Use When:
- You need an above-average damage melee hitter.
- You want a versatile late-game brawler.
Counter With:
- Ranged attacks.
Bad Omen
Use When:
- You push into the enemy formation and want to punish the counter-push.
- You want an initiator for a team push.
- You want to stop an enemy team pushing on your heart.
- You can hit multiple high-value enemy Phobies with his debuff.
Counter With:
- Spread-out Phobie positioning.
- Furkin Leepricarn.
Bad Sushi
Use When:
- Your opponent has no heals left, no non-mechanical Phobies, and you control space.
Counter With:
- Ranged harassment.
- Mechanical Phobies.
Badside Manners
Use When:
- You want a high health sustainable turret to control space.
- The opponent lacks high damage or poison.
Counter With:
- Displacement.
- Strong poison effects.
- Long range.
Use When:
- You need a fire Phobie.
- You have access to heals to recover Barzilla’s enormous health.
- You want a Phobie that can survive in a team fight and keep retaliating.
Counter With:
- Debuffs.
- Fighting around Barzilla.
Use When:
- You need a cheap dimensional puller.
- You want to capture a panic point and get a little free damage on an enemy.
Counter With:
- Body blocking your own Phobie from the dimensional pull.
- Using the dimensional pull to score a second hit on an enemy Phobie.
- Finishing Batula off with a 1-key to minimize losses.
- Poison Ivy’s trap can 1-shot Batula.
Use When:
- You need a high aoe damage flyer Phobie
- Line attack
Counter With:
- Smiley.
- Burst damage – to kill it before it can retaliate.
Use When:
- You want a turret with high potential staying power.
Counter With:
- Keeping a Phobie in proximity to step off and on bones without weakening your position.
Blast-0 Matic
Use When:
- You need a tanky turret.
- Need a line attack for backline Phobies.
- Need to deal with mechanical Phobies.
Counter With:
- Eratic.
- Debuffers.
- Traps.
- Spreading out to avoid its AoE.
Use When:
- You need a tanky flyer Phobie.
Counter With:
- Poison.
- ‘Stop’ or action removal Phobies.
Use When:
- You need a cheap tank with AoE damage and a dimensional pull.
- You need cheap electric damage.
- You are facing multiple one key Phobies.
Counter With:
- Ranged harassment.
Use When:
- You want to initiate with the largest AoE debuff in the game.
- You can wait for Blondie to get into position.
- You want a high-health, high-damage tank to follow up on the team initiation.
Counter With:
- Strong electricity Phobies
- ‘Stop’ or action removal Phobies.
- Furkin Leepricarn.
- 3-range harassment.
Use When:
- You are facing AoE damage Phobies.
- You need a cheap flying Phobie.
- You are facing a heart rush.
Counter With:
- Using an expendable cheap Phobie to kill it.
Blue Speedola
Use When:
- You plan to use Red Speedola.
- When the combined mobility of Blue and Red Speedola are valuable in your match.
- You want a versatile threat on a map with lots of disease tiles.
Counter With:
- High-damage electricity Phobies.
- Ranged harassment
- Focus-fire on one of them (usually Blue Speedola) to remove their buff.
Use When:
- You need sustain healing.
- You are dealing with AoE poison Phobies.
- You are dealing with disease Phobies.
- You want to remove poison 4 hexes from your keyhole.
Counter With:
- Playing aggressively.
- Stand in Bluelien’s spas to use them for yourself
Use When:
- You have an AoE pusher in play to combo with Bogart’s ability.
- Your opponent has used Brony.
Counter With:
- A spread-out team.
- Limiting Bogart’s targets.
- Positioning to kill Bogart after he uses his ability.
Use When:
- You want cheap, durable, and strong space control.
- You want offensive capability in a turret.
Counter With:
- Coordinated team attacks that take advantage of Bo’s low mobility.
Use When:
- Your opponent has a single high-damage Phobie that you need to neutralize.
Counter With:
- Place something between your high-damage Phobie and Boofairy.
- Lure it to over-extend when using its ability.
Use When:
- You need a cheap potential threat to multiple Phobies.
Counter With:
- AoE Phobies that can kill it incidentally.
- 3 range Phobies that can safely kill it.
- Any 1-key.
Use When:
- You are dealing with displacement Phobies.
- You need a tanky 1 key to delay your opponent’s development.
- You need a Phobie to tank the damage/body block.
Counter With:
- Poison.
- Using its last act ability to reposition, without taking damage.
Use When:
- You want a general high-value all-purpose damage-dealer.
- You want to damage backline Phobies.
- Your opponent has multiple low-health Phobies that you can group.
Counter With:
- Furkin Leepricarn.
- Tile disables, particularly Honeybear.
- Damage debuffs, particularly Blue, Woolly Bully, or Oopsy Baby.
- Traps to control Boss’s dive angles.
- Opening up the play area with terrorform.
Use When:
- You need to shut down a heart rush.
- You want to lock your opponent out from defending a heart rush.
- You want to lock down a panic point advantage.
Counter With:
- Furkin Leepricarn; Brony has a very long cooldown.
- Indirect damage sources such as poison, disease, and traps.
- Debuffers, to prevent the opposing team from dealing damage while you are debuffed.
Use When:
- Your opponent has valuable high-health non-mechanical Phobies.
- You need a sturdy tank.
- You have some support Phobies that can help it get in to position faster.
Counter With:
- Ranged harassment.
Use When:
- You need a cheap high damage Phobie.
- You need to protect multiple panic points.
Counter With:
- Body blockers.
Use When:
- You want a Phobie that can clear disease tiles.
Counter With:
- Ranged harassment.
Use When:
- Your opponent has low single-target damage.
- You want to slowly push on the heart and force a response.
- You have a puller or movement-support Phobie to help close distance.
Counter With:
- Ranged harassment.
- Poison and then evasion.
- Traps.
- ‘Stop’ or action removal Phobies such as Rusty or Dial.
- Push Phobies.
Use When:
- You want to delay a match by disabling enemy panic points to prevent heart damage.
- You want to accelerate a heart rush by disabling enemy panic points.
- You want to shut down essential map tiles as part of a strategy.
- Your opponent is using many Phobies with fire tile effects.
- You want to dive into an area that is covered in traps.
- You want a mobile and continual tile disabler.
Counter With:
- Poison or disease.
- Direct attacks.
Use When:
- You can win a fight of harassment and attrition.
- You have sufficient mechanicals on the board to protect Chuck.
Counter With:
- Poison or disease Chuck, then try to evade
- Debuffs.
- A team rush.
- Late-game: resurrect units such as Daisy that Chuck can’t directly kill.
- Heartbreaker.
Use When:
- You have a high-value Phobie that has been significantly damaged or poisoned.
- You are in an attrition-based endgame scenario.
Counter With:
- Only attacking enemy Phobies for the kill.
- Follow-up poison after the initial cure.
Use When:
- You need a Phobie that can get to the fighting zone/enemy heart quickly.
- You need a Phobie that cannot be cornered easily.
Counter With:
- Action removal, to prevent it moving then attacking.
- High pressure units to kill clobster whenever he dives.
Cluck Norris
Use When:
- You are planning to dive and can plan in advance.
Counter With:
- Poison.
- Ranged harassment.
Use When:
- You have already used Razor Mouth.
- The 10 damage benefit over Razor Mouth makes a difference.
Counter With:
- Direct damage.
Use When:
- You want a cheap and flexible trap detonator.
- Your opponent cannot step on bones without losing a Phobie.
Counter With:
- Keeping a Phobie in proximity to step off and on bones without weakening your position.
Use When:
- You want a slightly above average health 1-key.
- You want to differentiate your Phobie types to avoid poison/disease.
Counter With:
- Nothing in particular.
Use When:
- Your opponent has an undead Phobie you want to soften up.
- Your opponent has a 1 movement dimensional Phobie far away from the vault.
Counter With:
- Cheap healers (especially Muffintop).
- Healing spas.
Creepy Devil
Use When:
- You want to snipe out a backline low hp Phobie.
- You are on a map with a high amount of poison or fire tiles and need burst damage
Counter With:
- Traps reveal creepy devil’s location.
- Heavo 3.0 / Puff will reveal his location with fire.
- Guess where he’s hiding by placing a Phobie on the tile you suspect.
Use When:
- You need one-off extra damage for a Phobie.
- You need an expendable buffer to have more room for a same-turn Phobie summon.
- You can benefit from a quick heal or cure.
Counter With:
- Pre-calculating possible damage received when Cupcake is used.
Use When:
- Your opponent has over invested in 1 movement Phobies.
- You are in an endgame against a single 1 movement Phobies.
Counter With:
- Droney.
- 1 keys kept in proximity.
- Playing flexible teams.
Use When:
- You are facing tanky melee Phobies.
- You want to limit a high-value Phobie’s options.
- You want to minimize the enemy’s retaliation opportunities.
Counter With:
- Positioning your Phobies to kill Dial when it tries to debuff.
Doctor Dermic
Use When:
- You can benefit from his full heal value.
- You are not worried about recurring poison sources.
Counter With:
- Continued pressure while Dermic recovers.
Doom Doom
Use When:
- You are dealing with multiple trapper Phobies.
Counter With:
- Damage Doom Doom when it’s deactivating traps.
Use When:
- You are dealing with tanky melee Phobies.
- You need a very tanky turret.
- You can afford the tempo loss incurred by his slow movement.
Counter With:
- Multiple coordinated turrets.
- Long-range push Phobies to keep it at bay.
Use When:
- You need to step on a resurrect Phobie’s bones.
- Need to take a further panic point.
- You need emergency positioning for a push/pull orientation.
Counter With:
- General mindfulness of a potential Droney snipe from the vault.
- Traps that can instantly kill Droney.
Edgar Allen
Use When:
- You can benefit from multiple Phobies receiving individual damage buffs.
- Your team is spread out or far away from the vault, and you need damage support.
Counter With:
- Positions that limit your opponent’s engagement options.
Use When:
- Your opponent is playing heavy mechanicals.
- You need a 1-key with above-average health.
Counter With:
- Body blockers.
Eternal Knight
Use When:
- To deal high dimensional damage upon dying.
- Using the pull effect to your advantage from AoE attacks.
Counter With:
- Use a fire Phobie to avoid receiving the last act damage.
- Use another Phobie to body block to avoid the pull.
- Kill him with a 1 key to minimize impact of dimensional damage.
Use When:
- Your opponent has played at least one high-value mechanical Phobie.
- Your opponent has played several low-value mechanical Phobies.
Counter With:
- Poison or disease (eg from Sheeping Gas), then outmaneuver it.
Use When:
- You need a cheap teamfight initiator.
- You have a Phobie that can devastate a team, but has difficulty approaching.
Counter With:
- Ensuring that Fantôme dies on the turn after it uses its ability.
- Rushing before its ability lock is done.
- Furkin Leepricarn.
Use When:
- You need a pusher that also has high damage.
- There is a slow melee Phobie on the enemy team.
- The board is generally empty and you need a powerful 1v1 Phobie.
- You need high melee damage with 2 movement.
Counter With:
- Poison.
- Ranged harassment.
Use When:
- You need a cheap pusher.
- You are on a map with damage or abyss tiles.
Counter With:
- Understanding the push rules so you can control Finnigan’s displacement.
Fire Ant
Use When:
- Use in a stale game to plant multiple traps.
- You are dealing with a freeze Phobie.
- You are playing on a map with a lot of obstacles.
Counter With:
- Attacks before Fire Ant can set up a lot of traps.
- Paying close attention to where Fire Ant has been.
- Trap detonators.
- Terrorform.
- Flyers on walls and abyss tiles.
- Tile disables.
Use When:
- You want a high damage melee tank.
Counter With:
- Any electricity option.
- ‘Stop’ or ability removal Phobies.
- Tanky melee units that can survive and retaliate against Fishtank.
Use When:
- You want a melee AoE damage initiator.
- You want large AoE damage.
Counter With:
- High range.
- Defensive positioning that allows you to punish his dive.
- Furkin Leepricarn, to lock out an incoming dive or enable one.
Use When:
- You want a cheap and flexible trap detonator.
- Your opponent cannot step on bones without losing a Phobie.
Counter With:
- Keeping a Phobie in proximity to step off and on bones without weakening your position.
Use When:
- You need a high damage melee fighter.
- The disease could also come in handy.
Counter With:
- Positions that ensure Fowl dies when he dives.
- Bluelien to stop the targets Fowl diseases from dying.
Furkin Leepricarn
Use When:
- You need to deactivate an enemy Phobie’s ability
- Use to protect your own Phobie’s ability from an enemy’s Furkin Leepricarn.
- You want to play a turret and there are abilities you can disable.
Counter With:
- Furkin Leepricarn.
- Using Phobies with no ability, or ones with a short cooldown.
- Using multiple strong abilities, as Furkin can only disable one.
Use When:
- You want to defend against a heartrush.
- You are facing multiple aoe damage Phobies.
Counter With:
- Furkin Leepricarn can stop its ability in a key situation.
- Use displacement Phobies to pull enemy’s out of the smoke or away from your Phobies.
- Placing your own Phobies in the smoke (Greylien works well for this).
Use When:
- You need high single target damage to mechanical Phobies.
- You need to freeze multiple targets.
Counter With:
- Furkin Leepricarn.
- Avoid positioning in perfect lines.
- Kill it with burst damage (eg electricity) due to its low health.
Use When:
- You can use Gargles’s ability to lock out an essential part of the map.
- You want a temporary obstacle that you can still move and fire through.
Counter With:
- Furkin Leepricarn.
- Ranged harassment.
- Terrorform to open up the map and remove valuable choke points.
- Prepare enough damage to kill it when it transforms back.
Use When:
- You want a cheap sacrificial damage Phobie.
- The combination of ranged and flying are important to you.
- Your opponent is too close to your vault.
Counter With:
- AoE damage.
- 3-range Phobies such as In-oculus to prevent it approaching.
Use When:
- You want a high damage turret.
- Your opponent has poison and disease on the board.
Counter With:
- Electricity Phobies that can survive its attacks, such as Eratic.
Use When:
- You need a flexible damage dealer.
- You need a lower-cost 2 movement ranged unit.
- Your opponent has grouped Phobies close to your keyhole.
Counter With:
- High-stat turrets.
Use When:
- You need a line attack Phobie.
- You need a tanky unit with high sustain.
- You want a melee unit that has a ranged option for versatility.
Counter With:
- Poison.
- Avoid lining up to allow devastating line attacks.
- Furkin Leepricarn, if you need to line up your Phobies when attacking Goon.
Gonzo Bonzo
Use When:
- You have an AoE damage Phobie.
- You want to need additional damage on defense to deter a dive.
- You want to extend your damage potential in multiple map directions at once.
- One of your Phobies will get to attack twice in the same turn.
Counter With:
- Furkin Leepricarn.
Grave Digger
Use When:
- You want to remove obstacles in a map for superior positioning.
- You have an opportunity to place a wall to shut down your opponent’s options.
- You can remove a wall to enable a kill.
- You are playing AoE Phobies that can benefit from targeting the terrorform obstacle.
Counter With:
- Early pressure.
- Cheap poison.
- AoE Phobies that punish his obstacle placement.
- Your own terrorform Phobies.
Use When:
- Your opponent plays a very high-value target that must be pulled.
- You are willing to sacrifice 7 keys to remove a target.
- Your opponent plays Furnaceface and uses his cloud ability.
Counter With:
- Positions that place your high-value targets behind low-value targets.
- Furkin Leepricarn.
Use When:
- Your opponent is using an excessive number of 1 key Phobies.
- You are playing pullers that can guarantee Grimes as the last hit.
Counter With:
- Positioning to ensure that Grimes will take damage or die after last-hitting.
- Dimensionals, for their pull on death.
- Baiting Grimes into a position where you can kill it.
Use When:
- You want a cheap blocker.
- Your opponent is using AoE Phobies.
Counter With:
- Indirect damage, like traps and lava tiles.
- Ignoring Haphe if you can play around his positioning.
- Knowing when it is safe to damage it.
Use When:
- You want to remove poison tiles to comfortably play non-mechs on those tiles.
Counter With:
- Coordinated strikes that make Hazmat fall back.
Heart Breaker
Use When:
- You are on a map with abyss tiles so Heart Breaker’s ability can instant-kill.
- Your match is at a stand-still and you can pick off targets one at a time, slowly.
- Your opponent has a high-value target that you want to remove.
- You want to combo with strong abilities such as Freeze or mind-control
Counter With:
- Low-value body blockers.
- Stasis body blockers.
- Ensuring that Heart Breaker dies on the turn after his pull.
- Rushing Heart Breaker before his ability lock is done.
- Furkin Leepricarn.
Use When:
- You want a cheap, tanky lobber.
- You are playing on a map with a good number of walls to profit from Heavo’s lob.
Counter With:
- Coordinated strikes that make Heavo fall back – he has low damage.
Heavo 2.0
Use When:
- You have other high-impact Phobies to combo with in a coordinated strike.
- Your opponent has Phobies out who are particularly susceptible to push.
- You are on a map where push effects are strong due to abyss, lava, etc., tiles.
- You want to limit enemy retaliation options.
Counter With:
- Furkin Leepricarn.
- Spacing your team out to minimize AoE push combos.
Heavo 3.0
Use When:
- You want a general high-value all-purpose damage-dealer.
- Your opponent has weaker backline Phobies that Heavo 3.0 can soften up for your team.
- You are in a position to continually AoE harass the opponent’s team.
- You are in a map where lobbing is strong.
- You have a terrorformer.
Counter With:
- High HP electrical Phobies like Eratic.
- Tile disables.
- Damage debuffs, particularly Blue, Woolly Bully, or Oopsy Baby.
- Traps to control Heavo 3.0’s dive angles.
- Strong single-target Phobies.
Heavo Plaid
Use When:
- You want a mobile lobber.
- Your opponent is playing low health mechanical Phobies.
- There are a lot of angles for you to abuse Heavo Plaid’s flexible approach.
Counter With:
- High HP electrical Phobies like Eratic.
- Traps to control Heavo Plaid’s dive angles.
- Protecting your low health mechanicals.
Hematic Ginsting
Use When:
- You want a general high-value all-purpose damage-dealer.
- Your opponent has weaker backline Phobies that Hematic can soften up for your team.
- Your opponent is susceptible to high-value burst damage.
- You have a terrorformer.
Counter With:
- A damage debuffer Phobie.
- Furkin Leepricarn.
Use When:
- You can get value from Henrietta’s poison.
- You want to control space vs cheap undead Phobies such as Creep and Gravedigger.
Counter With:
- Aggressive play. Henrietta’s damage and poison are both weak.
- Mechanical Phobies.
Use When:
- You want a general high-value all-purpose damage-dealer.
- Your opponent has weaker backline Phobies that Hercules can soften up for your team.
- Your opponent is susceptible to high-value burst damage.
- You have a terrorformer.
Counter With:
- A damage debuffer Phobie.
- Reposition to avoid taking the maximum damage.
Use When:
- You want to heart rush.
- You need something more durable than Squiggles.
- You want a tanky melee brawler.
Counter With:
- Body blocks.
- Debuffs.
- Ranged attackers.
Honey Bear
Use When:
- You want to delay a match by disabling enemy panic points to prevent heart damage.
- You want to accelerate a heart rush by disabling enemy panic points.
- You want to shut down essential map tiles as part of a strategy.
- Your opponent is using many Phobies with fire tile effects.
- You want to dive into an area that is covered in traps.
- You need a long-range, flexible trap disabler.
Counter With:
- Direct attacks.
Use When:
- You want to play a stall strategy and keep your heart healthy with safe pulls.
Counter With:
- Normal play.
Use When:
- You want a very high HP, high damage Phobie for a full team dive.
- You plan to use a puller or movement support Phobie to increase Hydra’s threat.
Counter With:
- Solid electricity Phobies eg: Eratic.
- ‘Stop’ or action removal Phobies.
- 3-range harassment.
- Push Phobies, especially ranged ones.
Use When:
- You want cheap space control.
- Your opponent has not played fire Phobies.
- You expect your opponent to dive with high HP Phobies.
Counter With:
- Furkin Leepricarn.
- Fire Phobies.
Use When:
- You want cheap, high-damage, far-reaching space control.
- You are willing to play high-health Phobies to protect In-Oculus from dives.
Counter With:
- Flexible assault Phobies that you are willing to sacrifice.
- Pushes in on In-Oculus once it chooses to engage.
- AoE damage to make it more susceptible to single strikes.
Jackalope King
Use When:
- You have another Jackalope out, and King’s damage buff will land you a kill.
Counter With:
- Keeping a Phobie in proximity to step off and on bones without weakening your position.
- Droney.
Jammy Fish
Use When:
- You want to sacrifice early game tempo for mid game value.
- You are willing to protect Jammy Fish so you can generate value from him.
- You can ensure the game does not go late.
- You can make use of a defensive flier.
Counter With:
- Aggressive play.
Jar Cannon
Use When:
- You have a vault snipe opportunity.
- You are on a map with many protective walls.
- Your push needs flexible 3 range support.
- You are on a map with a defensive stimpad.
Counter With:
- Phobies that can kill Jar Cannon in one hit.
- AoE phobies.
- Buff units that enable other Phobies to kill Jar Cannon in one hit.
Use When:
- You have a wounded Phobie you would rather sacrifice than heal.
- You need a tanky Phobie to urgently cap a point from spawn.
Counter With:
- Careful positioning.
- Attacking Jaws before he can buff.
Use When:
- You want to slowly lock down the map.
- You think your opponent is saving up for a big push later.
- Your opponent is not playing trappers.
- Your opponent is not playing fire Phobies.
Counter With:
- Attacks before Jeeves can set up a lot of traps.
- Paying close attention to where Jeeves has been.
- Trap detonators.
- Terrorform.
- Flyers on walls and abyss tiles.
- Tile disables.
- Setting up an AoE or beam fire Phobie ahead of time to defrost your Phobie.
Use When:
- It is hard for your opponent to step on bones.
- You can spare turns to position her.
- You want a cheap tanky option.
- You want to detonate traps.
Counter With:
- Phobies positioned to safely step on and off of Jill’s bones.
- Displacement on to lava tiles (destroys bones).
- Terrorform on bones.
- Keeping potential surprise bonus damage from Ted in mind.
Use When:
- You need a cheap, flexible melee option.
Counter With:
- Ranged harassment.
Use When:
- You are playing a puller or movement support Phobie.
- You want to eliminate a high value target with a single strike.
- You want to deal high damage then free up a space for another attacker.
Counter With:
- Furkin Leepricarn can prevent its ability for 1 turn – when it really counts.
- AoE, if KABOOM is hiding behind friendly Phobies.
Use When:
- You want big cheap AoE damage, but cannot afford KABOOM.
- Your opponent is playing melee that you can push back.
- You are on a map with damage or abyss tiles.
Counter With:
- Furkin Leepricarn can prevent its ability for 1 turn – when it really counts.
- AoE, if KERBLOOM is hiding behind friendly Phobies.
Use When:
- You want a general high-value all-purpose damage-dealer.
- Your opponent has weaker backline Phobies that Klepto can soften up for your team.
- You are on a map with walls to lob over.
- Your opponent has space issues so it’s hard for them to spread out.
Counter With:
- Debuffers.
Le Shovell
Use When:
- You want a cheap teamfight initiator.
- You want to be able to poke the enemy team for free damage.
- You have a heavy hitter that you want to give free movement to for a double strike.
- You want to give your carry what is effectively a 3rd action in one turn.
- You are playing a slow heavy hitter and want to boost their approach.
Counter With:
- Being wary of your spacing.
- Having knowledge of the game’s push mechanics.
Use When:
- Your team has taken a lot of damage.
- You have a lot of poison to cure.
Counter With:
- Attacks that kill, not wound, enemy Phobies.
- Poison/disease targeting Leshy.
Use When:
- You want to turtle against non-mechanical Phobies so the disease can pay off.
Counter With:
- Attacks before Lila can set up a lot of traps.
- Paying close attention to where Lila has been.
- Trap detonators.
- Terrorform.
- Flyers on walls and abyss tiles.
- Tile disables.
Use When:
- You have a team of mostly undead.
- Your opponent is trying to wear your undead down with poison or disease.
Counter With:
- Minimizing leech opportunities through positioning.
Use When:
- You need cheap sacrificial damage.
- You need the flexibility that flight provides.
Counter With:
- Attacking Maggie before it strikes – it has low health.
- Positioning your Phobies away from walls that protect Maggie’s approach.
Use When:
- You need an emergency heal from 4 tiles away from the vault.
- You are fighting on two fronts and want to be able to heal wherever it’s needed.
Counter With:
- Assuming your opponent has Medibot access and can pull off an emergency heal.
Mike Roscopic
Use When:
- You want a cheap flying turret.
- You are on a map with walls and abyss tiles to perch on.
Counter With:
- Coordinated team threats.
- Poison.
Use When:
- Your opponent has low health Phobies that Mildred can one shot.
- You are in a match of attrition.
- You can slow the match down to negate Mildred’s cooldown time.
- You have terrorform on your side.
Counter With:
- Furkin Leepricarn, then pushing in while it can’t retaliate.
- Smiley.
Use When:
- You are confident that you can dive and hit multiple targets.
Counter With:
- Positioning Phobies to limit Minotaur’s approach options and reward.
- Positioning to ensure Minotaur dies when he dives.
Use When:
- You have immediate need for a high-health tank.
Counter With:
- Positions that limit the effectiveness of Misanthrope’s body blocking.
- Attacking around Misanthrope.
Miss Moffat
Use When:
- You need a cheap pull to initiate.
- Your opponent has a high-value target.
- You are on a map with abyss tiles.
Counter With:
- Stasis Phobies.
- Offering low-value pull options, after which you are able to kill Moffat.
Moley Bully
Use When:
- You need to reach a walled-off area, and do not want to use a flyer or terrorform.
- You want a solid melee fighter who can reposition effectively in a cramped fight.
Counter With:
- Ranged harassment.
- Ensuring that Moley Bully dies after a dive.
- Protecting areas behind walls where Moley Bully might sneak an attack.
Use When:
- You want a cheap and flexible trap detonator.
- Your opponent cannot step on bones without losing a Phobie.
Counter With:
- Keeping a Phobie in proximity to step off and on bones without weakening your position.
Use When:
- You can snipe a Phobie straight from your vault.
- You need an emergency panic point capture from a Phobie that can fight.
- You need immediate heart rush backup.
- Your opponent is relying on one high-cost Phobie that you need to burst down
Counter With:
- Positioning your Phobies so that they cover one another if Morty attacks.
Use When:
- You want a high health ranged attacker.
- You see potential to dive the enemy team for high AoE damage.
Counter With:
- Team coordinated strikes that force Motherload to dive or back off.
Mount Crushmore
Use When:
- You need a terrorformer with solid combat ability.
- You need a flexible lobber.
- You want to remove obstacles in a map for superior positioning.
- You have an opportunity to place a wall to shut down your opponent’s options.
- You can remove a wall to enable a kill.
- You are playing AoE Phobies that can benefit from targeting the terrorform obstacle.
Counter With:
- Coordinated team strikes that force Crushmore back.
- AoE Phobies that punish his obstacle placement.
Mr. Tramples
Use When:
- Your team is diving into enemy territory and you need fast backup.
Counter With:
- Team positions that control Mr. Tramples’s charge targets.
Use When:
- One of your Phobies has been poisoned.
- A high-value Phobie needs a cheap heal.
- You do not want to spend a substantial number of keys on a dedicated healer.
Counter With:
- Plan around your opponent potentially using Muffintop once per match.
- Do not sacrifice Phobies to apply poison that can be conveniently removed.
Use When:
- You can capitalize on multiple Mini Me spawn opportunities.
- You want to negate dimensional pulls.
Counter With:
- AoE targeting the Mini Mes.
- Glob.
- ‘Stop’ or action removal Phobies.
Murder Wing
Use When:
- You need a cheap, flexible, high-damage striker.
- Flight is important.
Counter With:
- Cheap or AoE poison sources.
- AoE damage dives.
Use When:
- You want a tanky 1 key Phobie.
- You can afford to wait for Numbskull to position himself.
- You want a 1 key Phobie that is capable of pushing and tanking for the team.
Counter With:
- Ranged harassment.
Use When:
- Your opponent has a significant number of non-mechanical Phobies.
- Your opponent’s team has to respond to a dive by grouping.
- You are on a stage with a lot of walls or abyss tiles to strike from.
- You already have a supporting team ready to make up for Noxious’s downtime.
Counter With:
- Spreading your team out.
- Pre-playing healers.
- Playing mechanical Phobies.
- Ensuring that Noxious dies when he dives.
- Furkin Leepricarn.
Octo Naughty
Use When:
- You want a more flexible puller than Moffat.
- You think the additional health over Moffat will let Octo survive a pull.
- Moffat is already dead.
- You are on a map with lots of abyss tiles and want multiple pullers
Counter With:
- Body blockers.
Use When:
- Your heart is low but heart rush is controlled.
Counter With:
- Body blockers to absorb his high damage.
Use When:
- You are about to make a major team push.
Counter With:
- Furkin Leepricarn.
- Brony.
Oopsy Baby
Use When:
- Your opponent has a high value damage dealer.
- You want a tanky 3-range harasser.
Counter With:
- Team dives to overwhelm Oopsy.
- Pullers to threaten Oopsy’s ranged advantage.
Use When:
- You have a high-damage Phobie that can benefit from additional movement.
- You want a cheap initiation tool.
Counter With:
- Carefully positioning your team around the additional options Paddles offers.
- Attacking the enemy team during Paddles’s substantial cooldown period.
Use When:
- Your opponent has a Phobie near your vault that you cannot kill, but can disease.
Counter With:
- Ensuring that Pasgetti will die for any disease it applies.
- Offer a high-value Phobie for bait / a trap.
- Healing spas to counteract the disease it applies.
Poison Ivy
Use When:
- You want to slow the match down.
- Your opponent is playing high-value non-mechanical Phobies.
Counter With:
- Mechanical Phobies.
- Attacks before Ivy can set up a lot of traps.
- Paying close attention to where Ivy has been.
- Trap detonators.
- Terrorform.
- Flyers on walls and abyss tiles.
- Healers to remove the poison.
- Tile disables.
Primate #9
Use When:
- You have already lost Cassowary and want another melee diver.
- You are fighting in multiple small skirmishes and want a flexible melee option.
Counter With:
- Positioning to kill Primate #9 when he dives.
Use When:
- You need additional positioning on lava tiles to stage an attack.
- You want to remove lava tiles for a positional advantage.
- You want an easy way to destroy resurrection Phobie bones.
Counter With:
- Ranged harassment.
Use When:
- You want a solid well-rounder.
Counter With:
- Coordinated team strikes.
Use When:
- You need a flying Phobie with good damage.
- Your opponent is using freeze Phobies.
- You can force or trick your opponent into lining up their Phobies.
Counter With:
- Avoid positioning in perfect lines.
- Checking across the whole map before submitting your turn, just in case.
Use When:
- You need a panic point tanker in a big map with hard to defend panic points.
- You need a “hard to punish” body blocker.
- You want a Phobie who can easily survive in the endgame.
Counter With:
- Coordinated attacks to make Quagmire retreat.
- High damage poison to slow down his passive ability healing.
Use When:
- You want a flexible melee initiator.
- Your opponent has multiple low-health Phobies susceptible to AoE damage.
Counter With:
- Phobie body blocks.
- Harassment on Radihater’s cooloff turns.
Use When:
- You need a 3 tile mover in large maps.
- You want to cause chaos in a team fight or expose weaker Phobies.
Counter With:
- Stasis Phobies – just be mindful of the splash.
- Fliers that Rambolina can’t knock into the abyss.
- Remembering that Rambolina’s ability can target obstacles or the heart.
Ray Chargels
Use When:
- You want flexible electricity damage to take down mechanical Phobies.
- You are on a map with walls and/or abyss tiles.
Counter With:
- Direct attacks – Ray has low health.
Razor Mouth
Use When:
- You want a solid option to start your match.
Counter With:
- N/A
Red Speedola
Use When:
- You plan to use Blue Speedola.
- When the combined mobility of Blue and Red Speedola are valuable in your match.
- You want a versatile threat on a map with lots of disease tiles.
Counter With:
- High-damage electricity Phobies.
- Focus-fire on one of them (usually Blue Speedola) to remove their buff.
Use When:
- You have other high-impact Phobies to combo with in a coordinated strike.
- Your opponent has Phobies out who are particularly susceptible to push.
- You are on a map where push effects are strong due to abyss, lava, etc., tiles.
- You want the flexibility offered by 3 range harassment.
Counter With:
- Furkin Leepricarn can disable it when it really matters.
- Spacing your team out.
- Buffed AoE damage.
- Flexible sacrificial damage Phobies.
- Invisible Phobies such as Creepy Devil.
Use When:
- Your opponent has a high-value target you can freeze.
Counter With:
- Furkin Leepricarn.
- Placing your high-value Phobies behind others.
- A fire Phobie that is kept near Rocketman’s potential targets for instant defrost.
Use When:
- You need to protect your team from pulls.
- You can benefit from a flexible tank that does AoE damage and a dimensional pull.
Counter With:
- Ranged harassment.
- Positioning your Phobies so that Rockus cannot hit AoE.
Use When:
- Your opponent has excessive undead.
- Your opponent has no healing options.
- The match is at a standstill, and offense is difficult.
- You want to force your opponent to make a move against you.
Counter With:
- Playing a team of balanced types.
- Keeping 1 Phobie slot open to play an emergency healer in a standstill.
Use When:
- Your opponent plays a high-health, high-damage melee Phobie.
- You want to stop an enemy Phobie from retreating.
Counter With:
- Keeping your melee or over-extended Phobies away from Rusty.
Use When:
- You need a flying mech.
Counter With:
- Ranged electricity harassment.
Use When:
- Your opponent plays a high-value target that can be sniped.
Counter With:
- Traps.
- Heavo 3.0 / Puff’s fire can reveal his location if it hits.
- Unpredictable movement patterns.
- Protecting your low-health Phobies.
- Offering low-value trades.
Use When:
- You need a flexible buffer for a spread-out team.
- You already have Gonzo and Cupcake in play and want more buff power.
- You have an AoE damage Phobie.
- You want to need additional damage on defense to deter a dive.
- You want to extend your damage potential in multiple map directions at once.
Counter With:
- Furkin Leepricarn.
- Direct attacks.
Sheeping Gas
Use When:
- You need to counter high health undeads
Counter With:
- Use cheap high tanky mechanical Phobies to body block.
- Use healing if the poisoned Phobies are not undead.
Sir Probesalot
Use When:
- You want to protect a high-value target from attacks and effects.
- You want to limit retaliation options when you plan to push.
Counter With:
- AoE damage to remove shield charges.
- Weak attacks to remove shield charges before your heavy hitters strike.
Use When:
- You want to go all-out on the attack.
Counter With:
- Freeze.
- Stop.
- Damage debuffs.
Slammer Head
Use When:
- You need a pusher that has high health.
Counter With:
- Ranged harassment.
Use When:
- You need to protect a Phobie from poison.
- You want a cheap tank but it’s not urgent.
Counter With:
- Ranged harassment.
Use When:
- Your opponent is playing high-value AoE susceptible to disease.
- Your opponent is using a lot of non-mechanical Phobies grouped together.
Counter With:
- Mechanical Phobies.
- Poison Phobies.
- Healing spas to keep diseased targets alive.
- Aggressive play.
- Freeze Phobies (such as I-Scream) if it comes too close.
Smother Mother
Use When:
- You want a high health, flexible puller.
- You want massive flexible damage.
Counter With:
- Limiting Smother Mother’s pull options.
- Positioning to ensure Smother Mother dies when she pulls.
Use When:
- You want a high health turret to control space and soak damage.
Counter With:
- Fighting around Snappy – his damage is low.
- 3 range harassment.
Use When:
- You can kill a Phobie straight from a vault summon.
- You need an emergency support attacker during a push.
- You need a long-map runner.
Counter With:
- Poison, especially if Snowball will die from one tick.
- Attacks during Snowball’s cooldown period.
- Sturdy Phobies that force Snowball to back off.
Use When:
- You want to control space with a cheap Phobie option.
- You want to force your opponent to use Muffintop early.
- You want to apply very high poison damage at a low sacrificial cost.
Counter With:
- Murder Wing and other options that threaten to 1-shot Sockassin.
- Traps, especially if they can 1-shot it.
- Mechanical Phobies.
Use When:
- You need immediate high electricity damage in a team fight.
- Your opponent has a single, high-cost Mech with limited support.
Counter With:
- Direct attacks from non-mechs.
Use When:
- You need a heartrush supplement.
Counter With:
- Body blocks.
Use When:
- You want a flexible and fast lobber.
Counter With:
- Direct damage – Spud has low health and damage.
Use When:
- You need to counter freeze Phobies
- You want very high last act damage.
Counter With:
- Kill with an expendable Phobie.
- Fight fire with fire: use fire to get the last hit.
Use When:
- You want cheap, durable, and strong space control.
- You want defensive capability in a turret.
Counter With:
- Cheap poison Phobies.
- Use fire or lava to get the last hit.
Use When:
- You want high, ranged damage for a heart rush.
- You need a good vault sniper.
Counter With:
- Direct damage – Staremaster has low health.
Use When:
- You need poison straight from the vault.
Counter With:
- AoE cure effects.
- Healing spas.
Use When:
- You need a cheap tank.
- You want a solid pusher.
Counter With:
- Ranged harassment.
- Fighting around Suckee.
Use When:
- It is hard for your opponent to step on bones.
- You can spare turns to position him.
- You want a cheap tanky option.
- You want to detonate traps.
Counter With:
- Phobies positioned to safely step on and off of Ted’s bones.
- Displacement on to lava tiles (destroys bones).
- Terrorform on bones.
- Keeping potential surprise bonus damage from Jill in mind.
Use When:
- You need a cheap, flexible electrical damage source.
Counter With:
- Non-mechanical Phobies.
- Positioning your mechanical Phobies behind your non-mechanical Phobies.
Use When:
- You want a high-damage flyer to control space with.
Counter With:
- Displacing Terrordactyl onto obstacles when reducing his health to 0.
- Droney to stomp the bones after killing terrordactyl.
The Collector
Use When:
- You want to severely limit your opponent’s retaliation options.
- Your opponent has a composition weak on damage output.
- Your opponent is lacking in 3-range Phobies to harass The Collector.
- You have movement support Phobies to help The Collector get in position.
Counter With:
- Ranged harassment.
- Stop.
The Glob
Use When:
- You need to disable a high-value target.
- You need a very high-health tank.
- You can coordinate The Glob with a puller or movement support Phobie.
- Your opponent is low on keys and has limited counter options.
- Your opponent has low team damage.
- Your opponent has mostly slow Phobies that cannot avoid The Glob.
Counter With:
- Cheap poison.
- Dial.
- Ranged harassment.
- Ranged push Phobies.
- Displacement to pull The Glob off of a Phobie he is digesting.
- Flyers on walls.
- Stop.
Thunder Rocks
Use When:
- Your opponent has an expensive mechanical Phobie you are certain to land a hit on.
Counter With:
- Positioning your mechanical Phobies away from Thunder Rocks.
- Ensuring Thunder Rocks dies when it strikes.
Use When:
- You want a cheap source of disease damage.
- You need a cheap 100% AoE damage Phobie.
- You need to zone the enemy.
Counter With:
- Keeping your vulnerable Phobies out of range.
- Ranged harassment.
- Avoiding to group all your Phobies.
Use When:
- You want a tanky 1-key, and are not so concerned about potential damage.
- You can potentially capture a panic point for free due to Tickles’s high health.
- You have traps on your side of the map that you want to safely disarm.
Counter With:
- High-damage ranged Phobies, positioned so Tickles dies on a panic point capture.
Tiny Tim
Use When:
- You want to try and run wild by capturing back-end panic points.
- You want to continually recapture a contested point, on a map with a healing spa.
- You want a super wall for a relatively cheap cost, with the ready threat of high-damage.
Counter With:
- Poison.
- Disease.
- Fire.
- Traps.
Tooth Fairy
Use When:
- You want a cheap defensive flyer.
- You can benefit from Tooth Fairy’s combined flying and dimensional pull.
Counter With:
- Poison.
- Direct strikes that make Tooth Fairy fall back.
Use When:
- You want a flexible Phobie that can fight at range and debuff as well.
Counter With:
- Direct damage – Tri-Volta has weak stats.
Use When:
- You want to control space around a wall with a cheap option.
Counter With:
- Harassment from 3-range Phobies.
Uni Corn
Use When:
- You want a cheap turret that can set up a strong defense.
- You want to start a map with a 1 key while also setting up a turret.
- You want a cheap trap disabler.
Counter With:
- Attacks before Uni Corn can set up a lot of traps.
- Paying close attention to where Uni Corn has been.
- Trap detonators.
- Terrorform.
- Flyers on walls and abyss tiles.
Use When:
- You want a solid tank that has a pseudo-ranged attack through its traps.
- You want to detonate enemy traps safely.
Counter With:
- Attacks before Venus can set up a lot of traps.
- Paying close attention to where Venus has been.
- Trap detonators.
- Terrorform.
- Flyers on walls and abyss tiles.
Use When:
- You want a runner that can also join in the fight later.
- Your team push needs fast backup power.
- You have healing available to top Werewolf up between phase changes.
Counter With:
- ‘Stop’ Phobies.
- Action removal Phobies.
- The Glob.
Use When:
- Your opponent has an abundance of traps out.
Counter With:
- Ranged space control.
Whuffalo Will
Use When:
- Your opponent has a high-value Phobie to steal.
- You have other Phobies to coordinate with Whuffalo will to land his ability.
Counter With:
- Furkin Leepricarn.
- Dial.
- Staying away.
- Offering low-value Phobies to steal.
Use When:
- You need cheap sacrificial damage.
- You can land a solid melee hit during a push.
Counter With:
- Ranged harassment.
- Space control.
Woolly Bully
Use When:
- Your opponent is using an AoE damage Phobie.
- You can benefit from a flex tank.
Counter With:
- Place your AoE damage Phobie behind another low-priority target.
- Coordinate your team to punish Woolly Bully when he tries to debuff.
Use When:
- You need to freeze a high damage Phobie.
- No fire Phobies present on the board.
- Your opponent only has 1 Phobie left.
Counter With:
- Furkin Leepricarn.
- Fire Phobies.
Use When:
- Your opponent is playing high-value mechanical Phobies.
- You want to soften up high-health mechanical Phobies with Zappy’s damage reflect.
Counter With:
- Eratic.
Use When:
- You need AoE poison removal.
Counter With:
- Poison.
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