Guests Not Entering Your Park Issue
By Howl Jenkins.
Many players are having trouble getting guests to enter their parks, but there’s a simple fix. The game now has an electricity system that powers everything. Your entrance gates need power to work, even if they look open.
To Fix This:
- Go to the “Facilities” menu.
- Place down an Electricity Distributor.
- Place down an Electric Generator.
- Open the heat map.
- Connect the Generator to the Distributor.
- Connect the park entrance gates to the Distributor.
That’s it – your gates will work and guests will start coming in.
Click to enlarge…

Hi I am still having problems with guest not entering my park. I tried to do what you suggested by connecting an electricity distributer and generator to the park entrance gate but I’m having no luck. I tried lowering the price to enter the park to see if that was the problem. Guest still isn’t entering. Am I doing something wrong? Does the paths have anything to do with them not coming in? I’ve been trying to figure this out for a couple of days now. Any suggestions?