Quake II – Call of the Machine Secret Level Locations

A short guide with screenshots to show where to find the secret levels in the new Call of the Machine episode pack.

Locations of All Call of the Machine Secret Levels

Operation Corpse Run

In the A Grave for the Dead Gods map go through until you reach this conveyor section with boxes, and you can see the secret exit here:

You can get here by carrying on to the end of the room and jumping up on the boxes here:

You can then jump from box to box until you reach the secret exit, shoot it to open:

You’ll then reach The Casali Effect.

Operation Ruined Earth

Continue through the Strogg Mining Intake Earth map. After you stop the drills and leave the Strogg ship you’ll swim through some pipes and end up in this room:

If you shoot the poor repair job on the wall you can break it open for a secret:

Follow the armor shards straight ahead to get to a pipe that opens:

Go through to reach Pumping Station III.

Operation Wasteland

Play through the map Heavy Water until you reach the room that looks like this:

You’ll notice the secret exit behind the stairs, to get here you need to jump up the crates on the left hand side and push the switch to open a hidden door:

This opens the door on the left of the stairs:

Which lets you access the secret panel, shoot it to open:

After going through you’ll reach McGee Station.

Operation Firewall

In the map Strogg Flesh Labs near the beginning you’ll find this room with blue lasers:

After switching off the laser grid you’ll need to climb this ladder to progress:

If you look behind you back towards where you first entered the room you’ll see the secret entrance along some pipes:

Shoot the panel to open and go through to find Baklava.

Operation Darkest Depths

Play through the Too Greedy map until you reach this room with the hyperblaster, with an elevator that comes down:

Just ride this elevator up and keep looking at the wall to find this secret entrance.Shoot the panel again to open:

Enter the secret entrance to find Turbine.

Bonus Cats!

In Operation Operation Darkest Depths you can find a secret room at the end of the first map Too Deep.

After reaching here:

You’ll notice a pool of lava to the left:

Jump in (and save first! I don’t think you can get out of here afterwards…) to find this secret at the end:

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2274 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. It’s not a secret exit, but there’s another hidden room with Cat pictures in Operation Laser Eyes. After disabling the blue lasers, go back to the top of the area in Security Annex, the place where you end the level by hitting the switch, that descends? There’s a platform off to the left you can land on. Go to the back corner there, and there’s a door that’s no longer blocked by blue lasers. More cat pictures back there.

    • Oh, and for Temple of the Creator’s last secret, there’s another skylight with wooden boards in one of the corners, I think? There’s a double-damage power up hidden in there. No secret level, I’m afraid.

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