All Shop Plot Location
In this guide I will show you the 7 shop locations currently available to my knowledge:
- Popop ShopShop
If you have already launched the game and finished the tutorial, you can’t miss it!
- Island Plot Shop
For this one you simply need to head towards the beach to find a large tower on an island and right next to it you will find the location of the shop
- The HillsideShopPlot
To find it, simply leave the McQuillan ranch and follow the road on the right
- Dojo Shop Plot
To find it you will have to explore a little, it is located on a hill to the north of the map near Kazai Castle
- Smithrock Shop Plot
A somewhat unusual shop which is located at the top of a mountain to access it you will either have to find the zip line that goes up there or do the Aiden quest to obtain the glider.
- Southern Snow Shop
To find it you will have to explore north of Snowville it is located on the edge of a mountain on the right
- Snow Shop
As for 5, it is located around Snowville not far from shop 5, you just have to continue north.

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