Eco Rating
An Eco rating = run ships slower and the rating increases, run faster and burn more fuel the rating decreases.
Strategy Tips
Tip 1
When you can have a ship out of service for around 2 months and you can pay a cost of 4+ millions (to be certain), send it to a Shipyard port (green marking on map indicators and green Icon to the left of the port name).
On the left of the Operations screen while in a Shipyard port, 4 buttons on the mid left are possible to press: Rename ship (pencil), Paint (paintbrush), Upgrades and Amenities.
Important: after repairing all damage of Hull and Engine (this is for convenience and least time lost in port), Click the Amenities button where there are 6 buttons for Ships Cinema, internet and so on, add these for quicker upgrade to your crew’s skills.
These add a monthly cost, but those costs aren’t much to worry about in the big picture.
Then go to the Upgrades (you want to do these last, as it blocks many of the other things on the screen afterwards) select Assign All for all the options, there’s no reason not to use all.
These give better fuel economy, Eco rating, speed, Morale (experience for your crew) and most importantly it reduces the chances for an event.
This will take 50-60 days to complete, so you’re missing this ship until the upgrades are done.
Why would you need Morale (experience) earned quickly?
Because a higher level crew has fewer events that are cheaper to pay for in salary than some of the worse ones I’ve experienced.
A 2 star crew are a significant upgrade compared to a 1 star crew without upgrade potential.
I’m now aiming to get 5 star crew on all my ships, even dropping fully upgraded 4 stars to get a 1 star with 5 star potential because of that reduced risk.
Get rid of the yellow screen for good, now I only get it a few times if I have to transport a new ship to a Shipyard port for all the upgrades.
Haven’t reached more than 200+ millions yet, but I think all currently possible ships are in the buy new ships screen.
Tip 2
Buy a cheap used or new ship with a loan, even though you have the money.
You need bank rating to get larger loans, so it’s best to start early.
Set the loan at as low percentage as you can with as long payback plan as possible.
Because you earn 1 reputation point per paid loan payment, but loose 2 if you’re late on a payment, so you want them as manageable as possible and for as long as possible.
You can have 3 loans active at a time, so you can max earn 3 points a month.
According to Dev replies on other posts, there are more ships and classes in the making, so let’s see what they’re coming out with.
Tip 3
Set refuel at 100%, fuel varies in cost yes, but it’s negligible comparing to running out and needing refueling or tugboat help.
Tip 4
When you have an empty ship, check the closest ports for the loads available around you, pick the most profitable loads going to a particular region of the map and add them to your consist.
Back at the ship operations screen, look at the list of loads, arrange them according to closest to furthest.
If you have loads from several ports, add in with the search on the right (select the port with the magnifying glass and add it by clicking add) the ports you’re collecting from and arrange them too by moving the ports up or down in the list, top are the first, bottom the last.
Check advanced for fuel left tonnage and speed between the ports, so you reach deadlines.
Have more than 200-400 tonnes left of fuel, because it’s not as accurate as you might think.
If you get a warning of running out mid journey, look at the leg that’s running out and find a port or more between and add them as another port you visit, extending the operational radius you can manage.
Soon you’ll learn the different “edge of region” ports and add them quickly, like Tangiers, Djibouti, Miami/Tampa, Los Angeles, Tokyo and several others.
Many small loads going further can be more profitable than one single big going shorter, but the vice versa are also true, but it depends on the cargo type too.
Tip 5
Some ships have very limited fuel, I’d suggest either avoiding the sub 1000 tonnes ones, at least be aware they are difficult to get anywhere quickly, they’re more or less single load ships in some regions, like South America.
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