Silent Hope – Dungeon Guide: Useful Tips + Recipes

From your equipment to your meals, your success in the Abyss hinges on a variety of factors. Understanding these factors is key to making the most of your time in the world of Silent Hope. This page covers useful tips that will help any adventurer preparing to dive into the Abyss.

Recommended Recipes

You can whip up all sorts of dishes to aid you in your adventures. Find the right balance of ingredients, quantity, and effects to make any layer easier to overcome.

With so many combinations and effects to consider, you may find yourself wondering what to make in the first place.

Check out this list of recommended dishes for meals that will keep your adventurers in full fighting form.

Hot Milk

How to GetTutorial
EffectsPower: +10.0%
Ingredients1 Milk

Boiled Egg

How to GetTutorial
EffectsDefense: +10.0%
Ingredients1 Egg

Grilled Tomatoes

How to GetChallenge Mission
EffectsMagic Resistance: +10.0%
Ingredients1 Tomato

Tomatoes ‘n Eggs

How to GetDefeat Boss (1st Layer)
EffectsEXP Gain: +1.0
Ingredients3 Tomatoes, 3 Eggs

Buttered Eggplant

How to GetTreasure Chest (Second Layer)
EffectsSkill Power: +4.0%
Ingredients3 Eggplants, 1 Butter

Turnip Parfait

How to GetDefeat Boss (3rd Layer)
EffectsMove Speed: +1.0%
Ingredients1 Peach, 3 Strawberries,1 Orange, 3 Cream,1 Turnip

Egg Bowl

How to GetTreasure Chest (4th Layer)
EffectsSkill Cooldown: -2.0%
Ingredients1 Leek, 3 Eggs,3 Rice, 1 Onion

Turnip Stir Fry

How to GetDefeat Mid-Boss (Fourth Layer)
EffectsSkill Power: +6.0%
Ingredients3 Leeks, 3 Onions,3 Carrots, 1 Turnip

Turnip Fried Rice

How to GetDefeat Boss (Fourth Layer)
EffectsEXP Gain: +10.0
Ingredients1 Leek, 2 Eggs,3 Rice, 1 Carrot,1 Turnip

Recommended Recipes by Layer

Second Layer – Baked Yam

EffectsStun Resistance: +50.0%
Ingredients1 Yam

Third Layer – Turnip Pizza

EffectsParalysis Resistance: +50.0%
Ingredients3 Tomatoes, 1 Wheat,1 Cheese, 1 Turnip

Fourth Layer – Rolled Eggs

EffectsBurn Resistance: +50.0%
Ingredients1 Leek, 1 Egg

Fifth Layer – Chocolate

EffectsConfusion Resistance: +50.0%
Ingredients1 Cacao

Special Recipes

You’ll acquire most recipes by defeating the bosses and mid-bosses of each layer, naturally expanding your cooking repertoire as you progress through the story.

However, you can only obtain some recipes by random chance, such as by finding treasure chests, and you gain others by fulfilling certain conditions.

Check out this list of special recipes and how to get them to make sure you don’t miss any.

Treasure Chests


How to GetTreasure Chest (First Layer)
EffectsCrit: +10.0%
Ingredients3 Milk, 3 Eggs,2 Honey

Buttered Eggplant

How to GetTreasure Chest (2nd Layer)
EffectsSkill Power: +4.0%
Ingredients3 Eggplants, 1 Butter

Eggs ‘n Eggplants

How to GetTreasure Chest
EffectsEvasion: +6.0%
Ingredients3 Eggs, 3 Eggplants

Egg Bowl

How to GetTreasure Chest (Fourth Layer)
EffectsSkill Cooldown: -2.0%
Ingredients1 Leek, 3 Eggs,3 Rice, 1 Onion


How to GetTreasure Chest (Fifth Layer)
EffectsEvasion: +8.0%
Ingredients3 Cacao, 3 Oranges,5 Honey

Challenge Missions

Pineapple Juice

How to GetReturn to Base Camp with 500 Runes
EffectsPoison Resistance: +50.0%
Ingredients1 Pineapple

Grilled Tomatoes

How to GetGrow 3 Turnips
EffectsMagic Resistance: +10.0%
Ingredients1 Tomato

Baked Yam

How to GetUse 10+ Dishes
EffectsStun Resistance: +50.0%
Ingredients1 Yam

Rice Ball

How to GetUse 10+ Dishes
EffectsCrit Damage Boost: +20.0%
Ingredients1 Rice


How to GetCook 1 Turnip Egg Rice
EffectsFreeze Resistance: +50.0%
Ingredients1 Tea Leaves

Turnip Pizza

How to GetGrow 3 Wheat
EffectsParalysis Resistance: +50.0%
Ingredients3 Tomatoes, 1 Wheat,1 Cheese, 1 Turnip

Rolled Eggs

How to GetProduce 15 Eggs
EffectsBurn Resistance: +50.0%
Ingredients1 Leek, 1 Egg


How to GetGrow 3 Cacao
EffectsConfusion Resistance: +50.0%
Ingredients1 Cacao


How to GetProduce 15 Cream
EffectsFear Resistance: +50.0%
Ingredients1 Cacao

Monster Materials for Crafting Gear

An adventurer can never have too many materials! When training multiple heroes, you’ll need plenty of materials to create and upgrade their equipment.

You’ll find all sorts of materials as you explore the Abyss, but may start losing track of which monster drops what as you delve deeper and deeper.

Check out this list for a breakdown of useful monster materials by layer, including how to find them and what to craft.

First Layer

Wooly Fluff

Craftable GearStone Ring, Happy Ring
Monster DropWooly, Wooloid

Bunny Tail

Craftable GearWood Earring, Country Earring
Monster DropBunniball, Boltiball


Craftable GearHappy Ring, Country Earring
Monster DropPenny Pincer, Crooked Crab

Second Layer

Curly Tail

Craftable GearBronze, Ring, Melancholy Ring, Arc Earring, Trendy Earring
Monster DropSoil Sower, Hot Trotter

Turnip Fin

Craftable GearMelancholy Ring, Trendy Earring
Monster DropTurnip Trickster, Incognitroll

Third Layer

Fluffy Bunny Tail

Craftable GearSilver Ring, Hefty Earring
Monster DropBunndledup, Mediball

Prickly Wool

Craftable GearHeavy Ring, Gossip Ring
Monster DropDynamoid

Electirc Hair

Craftable GearGray Earring, Snowy Earring
Monster DropThunderdame, Lady Snowmancer

Split Claw

Craftable GearHeavy Ring, Gossip Ring, Gray Earring, Snowy Earring
Monster DropFrostbearn, Lady Snowmancer

Coarse Claw

Craftable GearHeavy Ring, Gray Earring
Monster DropPugil Panda

Fourth Layer

Burnt Bunny Tail

Craftable GearGold Ring, Assist Ring, Hardy Earring, Devil Earring
Monster DropCuddliball

Twisted Horn

Craftable GearAssist Ring, Devil Earring
Monster DropFire Fiend, Earth Fiend

Shoulder Spike

Craftable GearAssist Ring, Devil Earring
Monster DropFiend Lord

Enchanted Hair

Craftable GearDesparing
Monster DropSandy Hatter

Crusher Fang

Craftable GearVolcano Earring
Monster DropDirtbat

Crab Scissors

Craftable GearDesparing, Volcano Earring
Monster DropDune Crab

Fifth Layer

Ebony Cloth

Craftable GearPlatinum Ring, Contrast Ring, Evil Ring, Mandrake Earring, Riot Earring, Formal Earring
Monster DropShady Wraith

Poofy Wool

Craftable GearContrast Ring, Rich Ring, Steel Ring, Evil Ring, Castle Earring, Formal Earring
Monster DropShmooly, Shmooloid

Oily Bunny Tail

Craftable GearRiot Earring, Luminous Earring, Castle Earring, Formal Earring
Monster DropGlowiball, Banefulball

Giant Horn

Craftable GearRich Ring
Monster DropShady Troll

Leech Horn

Craftable GearLuminous Earring
Monster DropShady Hatter, Miss Treatment


Craftable GearRich Ring, Luminous Earring
Monster DropGecko King


Craftable GearSteel Ring, Evil Ring
Monster DropBurst Boar
Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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