Sins of a Solar Empire 2 – Builds for Beginners

Quick Guide to Beginners Builds

By KarasLegacy.

Tec vs Advent: Dunov Opener

Dunov is almost never used as an opener, but an EMP focused Dunov might be really good against them, especially with Horokos regenerating AM for them (which they apparntaely do int he new version).

Tec Kol + Horoko Double Offense Opener

So the new Kol looks weaker than the current one, however, the Horoko’s new AM regenerate ability might give us an interesting new option. The idea is, go both Fusilade + Experimental Beam for the ultimate offense with a fast T2 tech to Horoko. Use the Horoko healing to compensate for the loss of FF, and the AM replenishment to keep the AM flowing. Combine that with the AM engine and just beam beam beam all day.

Advent Culture Planet Steal Rush

Probably a good build for 2v2s where you often get those ouside lanes where two players tend to slam next to each other early and then have to fortify against each other. The idea is to get early culture going with unity points spend on the planet steal. Build culture at your forward planet, culture hit the opponent, and then steal their planet (which will likely house all of their defenses), which then lets you come in with ease.

Advent vs Tec: Tempest Rush

The tempest looks like a very solid unit against the TEC early, capable of beating mass cobalt and vette pretty solidly based on current stats. So that rush will see some play.

Tec: Garrison + SB rush

You already see this strat now but its a gamble strat due to the availability of Ind. But with the new survey, the goal is to quick tech to T2, get ind from surveys, and then forward build a world with lots of facs, a garrison, and a sB. Then using that as a staging ground to push an enemy force.

Tec: Double Cap opener

Something only the vasari do right now, its get a quick 2nd cap to use for double expansion. With surveys now, that might be a new option for TEC as well.

TEC vs Vasari: Kol or Mazda + Gauss Frigate Anti-Cap opener

This opener will definately see some attemps agaisnt Vasari, as most of them open with 2 or 3 caps. You put a strong front-line cap (Kol although the Mazda might do this better now with the new stats and better concussion blast), then a rush to Gauss Frigates (the new unit).

This might for the first time gives the TEC a strong opener against vasari that can push back a super early vasari cap rush. It will be itneresting if vasari players start adapting and actually stop going early caps in favor of lighter ships against TEC, we will ahve to wait and see.

Advent vs Vasari: Heavy Fac Aeria + Guardian push

This is a T3 play for the Advent. They focus on a lot of heavy factoreis, going their Aeria carriers and Guardians. The idea is that the guardian cruiser will likely be able to annhilate little defensor swarms, and then the aeria strikecraft can attack mostly uncontested.

Vasari vs Advent: Heavy Defensor Openers

Honestly Defensor play is pretty typical for the vasari anyway but it looks like it got buffed even more in the updates (at least from 3 weeks ago). Defensors might actually do well against Advent Disciples and Tempests, and so the Vasari might have a new aggressive push against the advent in the early game. Its actually a big question mark right now if Advent actually have any real answer to mass defensor before T3 guardians come online.

Tec: Fast T2 -> Trade

So a big question mark with the new TEC trade economy. Trade Posts are now more flexible but also a LOT more expensive than they were. But on teh other hand, modular architecture at T2 gives a large -20% discount, that’s a big savings.

It will be curious to see if fast TP is better, or is it just better to tech to Civ T2 quick, put up modular architecture first before going TPs (and then you can pick up the T2 metal and crystal techs while you are there).

Vasari: Nanite Survey Swarm Opener

So right now when you survey you get a chance to get a bonus exotic (often 25-50%). With the nanite survey swarm now giving a big bonus to that chance (24% at current numbers), we may see a new gamble strat from teh vasari where they hold on surveys utnil the tech, then use it expecting the bonus exotics to give them what they need for certain build orders.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3756 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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