Sixty Four – Advanced Tips and Tricks

This isn’t a comprehensive gameplay or achievements guide. Still, I’ll offer some helpful tips to navigate smoothly. Also this guide may contains spoilers.

Tips and Tricks

About Automation

Early game only offers semi-automation; full idle isn’t possible yet.

Near endgame (10 – 20ish hours depending on your play style), you’ll unlock full automation tools.

When You Discovered Hell Gems

Hell gems spawn randomly in the cubes at certain depths, making mining significantly harder.

Hell gem injectors generate 32 hell gems while consuming 32 hell gems. Pair them with hell gem destabilizers to boost cube-mining by 625x. They don’t actually consume hell gems.

When You Discovered Chromalits

Chromalits disappear but decay into lower tier resources, becoming the main source of elmerine and qanetite.

Build vessels to keep a small amount of chromalits for use; later, chromalit decay becomes the main source of resources.

When You Discovered Celestial Foams

Hell gems disappear periodically, with every 64 hell gems exploding into a celestial foam.

Aim for the upgraded research site to increase hell gem capacity to 512.


Get the inverse chasm to fully automate your setup. Redesign your setup to make use of conductors.

Get the gradient well to gather more resources efficiently. Consider recycling containment silos for faster progress.


  • Hellraiser: The 9th hell vault requires a lot of hollow stones; expect several hours of idling.
  • Red-Blue Rock: Reach the ending without recycling in the past 5 minutes and with no more than 14 containment silos.
  • Cookie clicker: Long press A for ~150 secs from your original position to find the cookie.

How to Build Annihilator with 512 Hell Gems

You will need to buy Hell Vault towers. If you have Annihilator unlocked then Hell Vault should also be unlocked so you should be able to find this building in your list.

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2154 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. Tip, if you don’t have the achievement where you need to get hell gems within 64 minutes or the one where you need to get stuck before you unlock recycling don’t restart until you get the play for 64 hours achievement, resetting resets you playtime. I speak for experience as someone with 31/32 achievements and the last one saying I only played for 7 hours as of now.

  2. whats best way to get a strong supply of hell stones. Im at the point of needing 10-12 hell vaults to get red-blue rock achievement…

    • You don’t actually need 10+ hell vaults You can set up extracting channels and have them dig down to 18000 for optimal chromalit production

  3. Question: Do you really need an industrial destabilizer for gradient well with void resonator? Since void resonator one shot everything but hell gem which is not made by the gradient well

    • With gradient well, it’s not about one shot, industrial destabilizer boosts the resource gain while hell gem destabilizer doesn’t.

  4. hell gem help
    i need a fast method of getting hell gems
    im already using injectors and destabilisers but its very slow

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