Solium Infernum – Guide to Ritual Effects and Stat Abilities and the Archfiend Avatar Explained

What all the rituals do and the special abilities and effects you get for raising your archfiend avatar stats.

Ritual Effects and Stat Abilities

Ritual Effects


  • Burnt Offerings: Prestige +9-11
  • Convert tribute
  • Demand of Supplication: Temporarily + tribute quality by 2
  • Elocution 1-3: 1 additional vote, any demand insult or declaration gain prestige
  • Infernal Negotiations: Your demands -3 prestige, their demands +5 more
  • Procured honor: POP generate 1-3 additional prestige
  • Vanity’s Anointed : your preator gains +2 dueling damage. Their legion gains x2 combat prestige.


  • Border Beauracracy: target border canton goes to archfiend of your choice
  • Bribe Preator: target preator joins your vault
  • Convert legion
  • Forged orders: make your own orders for a unit
  • Loot the vaults i-3 takes tokens
  • Pilfer artifact
  • Strategic confusion: prevent target from moving 1 turn


  • Banish Preator
  • Corrupt Tribute 1-2: Destroy tribute from target
  • Danse Macabre: summons macabre host a 2-1-2 4 HP that loses 1 hp per turn. Multiple can be summoned
  • Dire Dissipation: deal 4-8 damage and reduce max hp
  • Enfeeble 1-3 reduce attributes of target
  • Infernal affliction 1-3: deal damage
  • Pain and punishment: destroy strategems , return artifacts of war and preators
  • Planar lock: target archfiend may issue 3 fewer orders per turn
  • Raise abyss strider


  • Baleful Gaze: reveal attributes, strategems, and +2 strength bonus to any further rituals during the duration
  • Dark Augury 1 – Reveal archfiends weakest powers 2 – contents of vault 3 – Events 4- Ritual
  • Table 5 – Schemes – 6 – Relics
  • Demonic Interference: target’s rituals are cancelled and artifacts returned to the vault. While in effect cannot put new rituals or artifacts of sorcery into play
  • Evil Ward 1-2: Increase Destruction resistance by 2 and get 5-7 prestige when you resist a destruction ritual
  • Expose Treason 1-2: Temporarily increase deceit resistance by 2 and gain 5-7 prestige when you resist a deceit ritual
  • Malediction of the seer: Temporarily prevent target archfiend from becoming regent or playing events
  • Repeal Fate 1: Discard your own scheme 2: Or one of your opponents


  • Hell’s Maw: Enemies destroyed on the battlefield are converted to resources equal to half of the destroyed opponents level
  • Infernal Juggernaut: target legion combat attributes increase by 8-12 and movement by 2. When effect ends unit cannot move, teleport, or provide support until ritual repowered
  • Tartarean Pathfinding: ignore movement restrictions imposed by diplomacy and lava, ravine, and swamp
  • Undying Vigor 1-2: Restore hitpoints
  • Witness The Martyr: Sacrifice legion to give target legion 50-100% of their combat attributes for the duration of the ritual

Attribute Powers

These are the benefits you gain for levelling up or having stats in the attributes.

All level 4 attributes give you +1 order slots


  • 1: Strategems/Wrath Schemes
  • 2: Strategems that reduce combat attributes/ Command Rating +1
  • 3: Units heal +1 more next to POP / 1 more tactic added to strategems
  • 4: Protective Tactics Strategem (adds hit points to target)/ Grand Wrath Schemes/Command Rating +1
  • 5: Strategem that can change combat order/POP healing rate +1
  • 6: Strategem that can skip combat phases/Command Rating +1/ Strategem slot +1


  • 1: Bribe preator duels
  • 2: Seek Manuscripts
  • 3: More bazaar entries/Manuscript draw +1
  • 4: Preators can assign more dueling types with manuscripts/
  • 6: Manuscript +1


  • All Rituals


  • 1: See % chance success rituals targeting other players
  • 2: Ritual slots +1/ See who bid on bazaar items and who won/ 1 more simple scheme when plotting
  • 3: Terms of rivals vendettas revealed and their chosen preators/event choices+1/scheme slots +1
  • 4: Ritual slots +1/
  • 5: Ritual slots+1
  • 6: Ritual slots +1 events slots +1


  • 3: Masking mirror: conduct rituals in secret without needing a vendetta
  • 5: Allow opponents to be framed

The Archfiend Avatar Explained

Your Archfiend Avatar represents the scope of your powers within the game. It has a huge impact on the strategies you should use while pushing your claim on the Infernal Throne. When creating an avatar, you are given 30 points to distribute.

  • Name: Of course, you can enter a name for your avatar in this text box.
  • Form: You can choose from 15 different portraits to represent your avatar.
  • Rank: You can choose from five different ranks, which affect things like the strength of your starting Legion and

Stronghold, the quality of your starting Tribute Cards, and the costs of diplomatic actions against other Archfiends. If a tie occurs in the Infernal Bazaar — or if it occurs at game’s end, when Prestige is counted to select the winner — high ranks supersede lower ones. In almost all cases: the higher one’s rank, the better the outcome. (For your reference, the Ranks and their numerical values are: Prince, 5; Duke, 4; Marquis, 3; Baron, 2; Lord, 1. [This is also in Appendix K.] As you will see below, the game uses these value for certain equations.).


You can spend points to tailor your avatar toward a specific, desired strategy. Each Attribute is paired with a Discipline, and the Disciplines influence a player’s abilities, unique Rituals, and so forth. Attributes may be raised during the game by expending Tribute, though the value of an Attribute can never be raised above six (by the way, the cost for raising grows with each level). The value of an Attribute forms the base power level of its corresponding Discipline. See Appendices H and K for the Discipline-Reward relationship and the Attribute-Discipline relationship, respectively.

  • Martial Prowess: Reflects your ability to wage war in Hell.
  • Cunning: Reflects your ability to deceive and connive that which you desire.
  • Intellect: Reflects your ability to understand the plans of your enemies and to scheme several steps ahead.
  • Wickedness: your raw destructive ability; it is a measure of the hate that burns inside you.
  • Charisma: Reflects your influence when motivating your minions to serve.


Like Attributes, Disciplines hold numerical values. Through special circumstances you may be able to raise a Discipline independent of its governing Attribute. (Also, Disciplines may exceed the aforementioned Attribute six-level cap).

Wrath (based on Martial Prowess)

This discipline enables you to create Combat Cards: items attached to your Legions and Places of Power to enhance their fighting abilities. It also determines your Command Rating (CR). Command Rating limits how many Legions you can command.

Deceit (on Cunning)

This discipline enables you to perform Deception Rituals, which focus on confusing and paralyzing your opponents as well as stealing their Praetors, Artifacts, Relics, and even Legions. Deceit Rituals can be performed on any target regardless of the diplomatic stance you share.

Prophecy (Intellect)

This discipline enables you to perform Prophecy Rituals, which allow you to gather information about your opponents and to use Events more effectively. Prophecy Rituals can be performed on any target regardless of the diplomatic stance you share, though they are generally directed to your own agents. In addition, Prophecy also determines how many Ritual Slots are available in your Ritual chamber. Ritual Slots govern how many Rituals you can perform on any given turn.

Destruction (Wickedness)

This discipline enables you to perform Destruction Rituals, which allow you to directly harm your opponents. Destruction Rituals can only be performed on targets with which you have a diplomatic stance of Vendetta, Blood Feud, or Excommunication (Remember the Ministerium Interface? These relationships may be seen under its Diplomacy Tab.).

Diabolism (Charisma)

This discipline primarily determines the quantity and quality of tributes brought to you when a “Demand Tribute” order is given. It also determines the number of tributes you may keep from the offered selection. As mentioned above, Appendix H lists these Discipline-based rewards in a fairly lucid, readable manner.

Public Objective

The Public Objective is a single, known goal that you are given to accomplish, and it may exemplify the type of strategy you will use. As mentioned above, there is no penalty for failing the Public Objective, though successful completion results in a substantial Prestige Point bonus (30) at game’s end.

  • Gluttony: Consume 35 souls by game’s end.
  • Greed: Hold 50 Tribute Cards in your vault at game’s end.
  • Lust: Control The Garden of Infernal Delights or The Temple of Lust at game’s end.
  • Sloth: End the game never having made a demand or insult.
  • Wrath: Capture an opponent’s Stronghold and thereby eliminate that opponent by game’s end.
  • Envy: Use Deceit to bribe one Praetor, steal one Artifact, steal one Relic, and steal 10 Tribute Cards by game’s end.
  • Pride: End the game never having sent or received an emissary. Note: This Objective only rewards a player with 10 Prestige Points.


Perks are special abilities that you may add to your avatar when tailoring it toward a specific strategy. See Appendix G for a detailed listing.

Dependent Attributes

You have an indirect influence over these characteristics; they may be encouraged through character creation and your choices within the game.

Order Slots

As mentioned above, every player receives two free Order Slots. Additional slots may be gained by increasing your attributes and, thus, increasing your power levels in their associated Disciplines (cf. Disciplines and Powers Table, Appendix H). Some Unholy Relics, Perks, and Places of Power can also provide a player with bonus Order Slots, though the total can never exceed six in any given turn.

Ritual Slots

Your Ritual Chamber contains five available slots that may be used to perform Rituals on any given turn. If a Ritual lasts more than a single turn, it still requires an open Ritual Slot, but you won’t have to use another order.

Note: You automatically receive a single ritual slot at the start of the game. You can gain additional slots by increasing your power level within the Prophecy Discipline.

Command Rating (CR)

You start the game with a base CR of three, granting you the ability to command up to three Legions, including your personal guard. You can raise your CR by increasing your power level within the Wrath Discipline. You can command one Legion for each point of CR, so a player with a CR of five could command up to five Legions.

Healing Rate (HR)

You start the game with a base HR of one, which means that damaged Legions who are positioned next to a friendly Stronghold or Place of Power will heal one point of damage automatically per turn. For each additional HR, an additional point of damage may be healed. Places of Power and Strongholds (well, actually their garrisons) heal in like fashion. One’s HR rate may be increased by higher levels of Wrath and Prophecy. For this, again, see Appendix H.

Note: A Legion is healed by the HR only once per turn regardless of how many eligible locations it stands beside (e.g., the HR is NOT doubled if a Legion is adjacent to two Places of Power).

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 2492 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.


  1. this does not help imho, what’s needed to a table showing what nuetralizes what, in terms of spells or whatever this does nothing that i cannot already find in the games codex and tutorials, it’s not really getting beaten when you don’t know how to play and what the rules are…

  2. why is it searching all over the place and i still have not found what surely is a simple answer to a simple question, what counters the corrupt tribute ritual?

    I found what counters the stealing tribute ritual, without to much hassle with that being a deciet ritual but not corrupt, because it’s a destructive ritual…imformation like this should be made known,

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