Guide to Edit the Save File (Stats, Skills/Powers, Levels)
Editing Hero Skills
- Find your save file, usually at:
C:\Users****\AppData\LocalLow\Lavapotion\SongsOfConquest\Savegames - Open the file in Notepad++
- Search for your hero name. E.g. “Gnaw”.
- Scroll along to the right a bit until you see the following: {\”Skill\”:12,\”Level\”:3}
This is your ‘Skill’ Section. Skill 12 is your ‘Command’ skill, it is at level 3 when you start.
There are two [] brackets to show the whole section. With { , } to separate each skill.
So if you wanted to have Level 1 Arcana Magic, Level 1 Chaos Magic and Level 3 Command:
Important: You can break the file easily here, make sure you use the format:
[skill 1, skill 2, skill 3, skill 4, skill 5, skill 6]
- Skill 1: Melee
- Skill 2: Archery
- Skill 3: Cunning
- Skill 4: Guard
- Skill 5: Combat Training
- Skill 6: Breaks the game (do not use)
- Skill 7: Arcana Magic
- Skill 8: Chaos Magic
- Skill 9: Creation Magic
- Skill 10: Random Skills and Powers
Editing Hero Stats
Keep scrolling right past the Skills section and find the following:
Simply change the values. Enjoy!
Editing Hero Level
Edit the following line directly after your hero name:
Replace with whichever number you want.
Save Files Locations
/Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Lavapotion/SongsOfConquest/Savegames/
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