Table of Contents
Quick Guide to Common Monsters (ToA Hell)
Each category is ordered relatively from best to worst.
Hard CC
- Hard CC monsters erase all or almost all of enemy ATB.
- There’re multiple choices for this role each with a different ultility, commonly Cheongpung, Ganymede and Tyron. Other viable options that are not neccesary stronger than Tyron but really useful if you need additional hard CC: Verad, Sagar, Poseidon, Charlotte, Tomoe, Enshia/Fire Triss, Savannah, Woochi, Liesel.
- Jeanne with 2 turn provoke on s3 is also a hard CC monster, she is commonly used when in need of sustain and against no ATB change condition. There was a ToA hell floor in the past that require a second AoE provoker to share damage with Jeanne, Kai’en and Malite being the next best choice for their enhanced tankiness.
Cooldown reducer: Dhomie is the only reliable and the best choice so far (her s3 reduce her own cooldown and she’s adorable so fvck Jamire)
Damage Dealer
- Jamire: Spd lead, s2 nuke, emergency cooldown reset on s3. 10/10.
- Bellenus: Balance between soft CC (atk break, provoke) and damage (def break, DoT).
- Amber, Nora: Crazy strong MAX HP damage scale on number of debuffs.
- Spectra: Balance between soft CC (s3) and damage (s2).
- Some hard CC mons deal significant damage themselves (Verad, Charlotte,…). Savannah, Cheongpung and Liesel even provide AoE def break to elevate your DPS.
- Veromos is also a strong AoE dd if your team include him.
- DoT monsters: Really good to kill enemy quickly, require Jeanne (enemy need to take turn to take damage). Remember bosses are immune to DoT so not recommended over other DD except in certain stages.
- Shamann: No CC but s2 is cheat code for Dark bosses. Also used to clear easier floors quickly.
- Tiana: Ignore res guaranteed strip, atb boost, strong s2 nuke against def broken enemies, also s1 def break. 10/10.
- Gina: Also have DoT and soft CC. But she only strip 1 buff so won’t work in counter-attack + immunity combo stage.
- Any stripper that strip all buffs with 100% chance: Cheongpung Chiwu Triton Zen… Veressa and Hyanes just got their HoH recently. F2p option are Aquilla and Soha, or Jojo if you’re poor (are you even ready for ToA hell yet?)
Bolverk Team
- Buffers: Amelia, Aaliyah, Fedora, Louise, Acasis, Madeleine, Windy, Riley, Vigor, Lulu
- String Master: AoE atk break+tanky sandbag. Light>Wind>Fire, yet that difference isn’t large so you use the one with most s2 skillups. Hongyeon (Fire) is the weakest in term of DPS but she offers healing+atk buff for more Bolv stacks
- Double String Master+3 sustain buffers serve as poor-man replacement to Bolverk, can be even stronger than Bolverk in certain stages. Double String Mastersed+Chacha/Dias+2 sustain buffers is used to clear floor 10 if no Bolv.
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