Surviving the Aftermath – Cold Rush Scenario Tips

Here are some tips to help you win this challenge and not feel like you spent the around 8 hours time you are given at normal speed, only to fail.

Tips for Cold Rush Scenario

It says 75 days, but you auto-lose on the morning of day 75, which means you only have 74 days and its night to complete it.

Save often, something like once every 10 days (and then daily after day 70) and don’t overwrite your save.

This map contains a lot of hidden buildings, so exploring the fog of war surrounding your camp in all directions with guard towers is key to quick success. The more guards in the tower, not only the faster the scout speed, but also the more effective a defence you can muster when you get attacked. Once a guard tower has scouted its surrounding area 100%, unman it to get back your workforce, but dont demolish it as in the event of an attack you can quickly man them all and wont have to just rely on your specialists.

Build concrete roads for maximum speed, especially to and from the various “islands” of buildings you uncover after some time.

Build warehouses near production centers. You dont want your runners to spend half the game time running from their buildings to your settlement HQ to dropoff the produced goods. And in order to prevent them from doing so to grab the basic resources they need before running back to their production buildings, reserve the basic resources your production centers need in warehouses you built next to them so that they are deposited there in larger quantities by other carriers that are free while your production guys are busy working, than one at a time.

If I understand correctly, children are carriers by default, so locking them up in a school means your only carriers will be the adults you didn’t assign to anything, therefore IMO dont bother to build schools (that also cost a lot of metal).

Remember that your specialists can not only kill hostile things on the map and harvest their inventories (good for stripping enemy bandits off guns or that valuable sturdy clothing) but they can also harvest berries, securing your plant based nutrition early game.

It is also a good idea to not have them wander about but position them like guard towers, one in each cardinal direction (two in each, later when you have enough specialists). That way if you are attacked by critters from any direction, your specialists will be the first ones to respond rather than them damaging buildings that take time and resources to repair and do not function until they have been repaired.

Your specialists are also the ones that can harvest components and parts off trucks

Destroy any decorative item whose resources you need. E.g. early game there are a lot of fire barrels in the central square and until you get a scrapyard going, scrapping them is the only way to get metal. These also exist near the resource trucks that are guarded by enemy bandits, mostly in the form of torches that only yield wood when demolished, but still.

Keep in mind that there arent too many above ground resource deposits on the map, so by midgame you will already be using plastic and metal extractors that require power. Plan accordingly.

The greenhouses you find are the places where you can grow the much needed vegetables for your survivors (peanuts have a high yield, dont bother with potatoes or carrots) and the flax to keep your survivors clothed (as the hunting cabins barely yield any) and sunflowers for oil. The refineries you find later (there are 2 on the map) will convert the oil to fuel.

Once you have found the locomotive and taken a look at the resources you need to build it (radio tower symbol in the build menu) and you have the fuel you need, stop growing sunflowers and switch to flax or vegetables, and demolish both refineries. They yield valuable late game resources (components) that you will be needing all the time.

Dont bother growing herbs in the greenhouses, or building the medical lab, as it requires a whooping 45 electronics which in turn require components and a lot of time to make at electronics factories. And then you not only have to first convert the herbs to herbal medicine but the herbal medicine to the kits and pills you are looking for. It’s just NOT worth it when all you get it a speed boost to healing your infected at the end of this long production chain. Instead, just build 8 to 10 medical tents and quickly man them with 2 medics each to speed up healing whenever a pandemic spreads through your populace. Occasionally a doc will stop by and when she does, buy antibiotics off her rather than medkits or iodine pills, since antibiotics are what stop the spread of infections which otherwise spread exponentially.

Fyi water collectors and wind turbines need to be in proximity to a burner to be functional.

You’re gonna need multiple parts shops and multiple electronics factories to assemble the sheer amount of parts and components (300) that you need for the train, especially since solar panels get damaged all the time and also require components to be repaired while damaged wind turbines require parts.

Since youre playing against a timer, instead of waiting when you have run out of a certain resource you need, to be able to build a building, see if you can afford to demolish another building that will give you the resource you need to get the building up and running much earlier than waiting until the resource gets produced.

Always keep an eye on your energy production. solar panels run only during the day, wind turbines also during night, and your battery reserves need to be enough to not run out of power during the night or your entire production comes screeching to a halt.

By day 72 you should have built a concrete road leading to the locomotive. By day 73 you should be busy tearing down secondary structures you dont need anymore starting with the greenhouses that yield a lot of components and parts and then the outermost power producing facilities and working your way inward (while leaving the battery racks intact till you have consumed their contents and then demolishing them too) while freeing up enough carriers to swiftly bring them back to your resource drop-off points and from there on to the train.

On the morning of Day 74 you are basically tearing down the electronics factories and making sure all resources are brought to the locomotive area and spend the night building it.

Hope this helps!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 4311 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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