Some achievements could require more of a play-run to be unlocked. At the end of a loop, try to keep an item that be useful to unlock the achievement you are interested about.
Some elements are random so sometimes you must repeat your run until they appear. In the instruction, I tried to be as detailed as possible but obviously some steps could be not necessary.
You can smoke a cigarette to pass a minute.
And finally, when you end a loop, the memory of the main charachter is resetted. That means you must repeat some dialogues and actions to obtain some info for proceed.
Quick Thinker
Trigger an ending within the third run.
You must reach an ending, dying less of three times. For this, I suggest to follow the instructions for “And cut!” or “Simulation”. You could use a new save-slot if you need.
And cut!
The future of acting.
- At the 7:45, you must be in the elevator. In the secret corridor, take the lens and the film.
- Go to the first floor, take the two papers from the ground and read them.
- Go in your apartment, take the third paper from the ground and read it.
- Go to the bedroom and ask to Monique if she is your gilrfriend (you can even ask her at yours first meeting) .
- Go to the kitchen, take the fourth paper from the ground and read it.
- Go to speak with Mrs Marmokki (first or ground floor), and ask her about the strange calling from the interphone, say she doesn’t seem so old, and try to guess her age.
- Go to the building lobby, take the last paper from the ground and read it.
- Go to the street. Talk with Ranma about the neighborhood.
- Talk with Linda about what she sells.
- Talk with Charles about his street knowledges, and then say him you feel weird.
- In the secret room, use the film on the metal door, connect the lamp, turn it and use the lens on it.
- Exit from the room.
Find out what you really are.
- Enter and exit from your apartment until you enter in the secret jazz-bar.
- Talk with the bartender David. Ask about the place, agree about the androids can dream and insist to have an explanation.
- Go to speak with Allen at the reception. Talk about your true nature and he will suggest you to hack your code.
- Go to speak with Ranma about the hacking. He will suggest to search a blue number. You can find it above Charles, the homeless.
- Speak about the hacking with the Big Robot (PD-99), when it talk about corruption, answer “Maybe”.
- Go to Linda to buy the Titanium Positron. Say her you are a special client and it is for a good cause.
- Give the Titanium Positron to the Big Robot and take note of the piece of password.
- Go to talk with Charles, say he is a brilliant person. He will suggest you to pay attention to surnames.
- Go back to your flat. Read the author name of the painting in your bedroom.
- Go to the room with the laptop. Insert the three piece of the password (without spaces): the name from the big robot, the blue number and the painting author. The words order is random so try with several combinations.
- Continue the procedure, solve the captcha, select resetting.
Humankind can be saved after the apocalypse.
- Stay on the street at the 7:45 (when there’s an explotion).
- Talk about the explotion with Ranma, Alan and Linda. Answer to the phone.
- Take the poster about the old movie and look at it.
- At the reception in the building, look at the radio.
- In your apartment look at the painting above the couch.
The Multiverse
Escape the firewall.
- Take the poster on the street.
- Go in the secret jazz-bar (enter/exit more times from your apartment)
- Speak with the detective about his resemblance with the poster. Say you know he is a detective and ask about “us”.
- Go to the street. Talk with the ramen vendor. Sometimes you could find a chicken vendor instead. In that case, leave be this achievement and concentrate on the others or else repeat the loop until the ramen vendor appears.
- Ask her about the helmet. Take the robotic foot and the amplifier and go to the strip-club.
- Use the amplifier on the socket near to the door. Take the metal leg and use on the metal foot.
- Bring the robotic leg to the vendor and take the helmet.
- Stay in the elevator at the 7:56.
Skip Time
Find a way to skip a minute.
Go to talk with the chicken vendor on the street. Sometimes you could find a ramen vendor instead. In that case, leave be this achievement and concentrate on the others or else repeat the loop until the chicken vendor appears.
- Talk about your loop problem.
- Talk with Ranma about the Time Machine.
- Ask to Isaac to give you its brain.
- Buy a Battery from Linda.
- Take the taser from the garbage nearby.
- Try to interact with the Fly-bike near to the street-vendor.
- Ask for an instrument to Alan. Ask how much money he want. Use the thief-instrument on the Fly-bike.
- In the building lobby, try to open the closet.
- Talk with Allen about the closet. Ask about Isaac, say you want repair its brain and agree about Allen has changed mind.
- Go to the first floor. Use the taser on the glowing panel.
- Go in your apartment and use the battery on the socket near to the couch.
- Ask again the key of the closet to Allen saying about the malfunctioned panel.
- From the closet take the hammer and the scissors.
- Talk with Mrs Marmokki about the strange calling from the interphone and she is very styilish for her age. Try to ask her for some hair. Use the scissors on her.
- On the street ask about the riddle to Isaac.
- Talk with Ranma about the Time Machine.
- Go to your flat. Stay in your bathroom at the 7:56. Use the Time Machine with the bath-tube.
Non Playable
Sometimes you are not a hero.
- Go to the secret jazz-club (enter and exit more times from your apartment)
- Talk with the detective about you have many questions to ask. Say you’ll answer to the detective questions.
- Go to the street. Use the detective’s key on the electric cabinet near to the Big Robot. Try to interact with the inside.
- Go to the chicken vendor. In his place could be the ramen vendor. In that case repeat the play-run until the chicken vendor appears.
- Ask him for gloves.
- Go to the Lottery machine near Isaac and try to win something several times.
- Ask to Isaac about the Lottery machine. Ask if he really needs the rigged token.
- Use the rigged token on the lottery machine.
- Give the prize to the chicken vendor.
- Use the gloves on the electric cabinet.
- Go to the first floor of your building.
It’s not a good idea to put work in front of everything else.
- Go to the secret jazz-club (enter and exit more times from your apartment.
- Ask David about his identity. Say that maybe you work too much. Agree with him.
- Take note of laptop password (070719)
- Use the password on the laptop and check documents, photos and chat.
- Ask to Mrs Marmokki or Allen about your girlfriend untile they talk about Philip.
- Use your laptop and click on Chat.
- Go to the street and take the hologram device from the broken wall near to the Big Robot.
- Use the hologram device.
Something Terrible
End the game perpetuating a crime.
First Step: Obtain a signal jammer
- Go to the street and try to overcome the Big Robot.
- Talk to Isaac about the Big Robot. Talk about the Signal Jammer.
- Take the Taser from the trash.
- On the first floor of the building, use the taser with the glowing panel.
- In the lobby, try to open the closet, ask for the key to Allen saying about the malfunctioned panel.
- Take the hammer from the cabinet.
- In the street use the hammer with the gutter and take the antenna.
- Combine the antenna with the noise pulsator.
- At this point, I really suggest to die and choose to keep the signal jammer.
Second Step:
- Go on the balcony of your flat and use the signal jammer on the city.
- Go to the street and take the exit on the left where the Big Robot was on patrol.
- In the strange room, choose you did something terrible.
- Speak with Monique and go away.
- Buy a beer and some food from the street vendor.
- Talk with Charles about you did something terrible. Keep talking and ask how you can exit from your situation. Exchange the beer with the gun.
- Talk with Alan about you did something terrible. Say you think you killed Monique with a gun. Exchange the bullet with the food.
- Combine the gun with the bullet to obtain a loaded weapon.
- Go to the bedroom in your apartment and use the gun with Monique.
Total Darkness
Is there light at the end of the tunnel?
First Step: Obtain a Signal Jammer
- Go to the street and try to overcome the Big Robot.
- Talk to Isaac about the Big Robot. Talk about the Signal Jammer.
- Take the Taser from the trash.
- On the first floor of the building, use the taser with the glowing panel.
- In the lobby, try to open the closet, ask for the key to Allen saying about the malfunctioned panel.
- Take the hammer from the cabinet.
- In the street use the hammer with the gutter and take the antenna.
- Combine the antenna with the noise pulsator.
- At this point, I really suggest to die and choose to keep the signal jammer.
Second Step:
- Go on the balcony of your flat and use the signal jammer on the city.
- Go to the street and take the exit on the left where the Big Robot was on patrol.
- In the strange room say you feel a total darkness feeling.
- Talk about this with Ranma, Alan, the street vendor, Mrs Marmokki and Monique.
- Go to the balcony in your apartment and jump.
Someone is trying to discover where you hid your secret project.
First Step: Obtain a Signal Jammer
- Go to the street and try to overcome the Big Robot.
- Talk to Isaac about the Big Robot. Talk about the Signal Jammer.
- Take the Taser from the trash.
- On the first floor of the building, use the taser with the glowing panel.
- In the lobby, try to open the closet, ask for the key to Allen saying about the malfunctioned panel.
- Take the hammer from the cabinet.
- In the street use the hammer with the gutter and take the antenna.
- Combine the antenna with the noise pulsator.
- At this point, I really suggest to die and choose to keep the signal jammer.
Second Step:
- Go on the balcony of your flat and use the signal jammer on the city.
- Go to the street and take the exit on the left where the Big Robot was on patrol.
- In the strange room, say you see a giant machine.
- Look and interact with the robot. Take the magnet and the plunger. Exit.
- Talk with PD-99 about the Big robot in the secret room.
- Talk with Isaac about the Giant Robot. Ask for his brain.
- Take the taser from the trash.
- Go to the Skull Pub. Use the magnet on the skull and then the taser. Take the piece of brain.
- Talk with Allen at the reception about the Giant Robot and about Isaac. Say to him you want repair the brain and then say you think Allen has changed his mind.
- Use the plunger on the vent and enter in. Take the piece of brain.
- Go to Isaac and ask about the crocodile riddle. Take his brain.
- Combine the three part of the Giant Robot brain and look at it.
Reach run number 8.
Just play 8 loops.
Big Runner
Reach run number 50.
Just play 50 loops.
Ruthless Killer
Kill that guy.
Follow the instruction for “Something Terrible” to obtain a loaded gun. Die and choose to keep it.
At a certain time In your bedroom you will find the detective. Talk to him and then shoot him with the gun.
The time where you find the detective is random. My advice is to go in your bedroom immediately the start of your play-run, and then enter and exit from the bedroom until the detective appears.
Developer’s Ending
Die old.
Reach the ending of “Hypnotic” and awake again.
Love is Love
Call Monique to reconcile with her.
- The trick is not meeting Monique in your apartment. If It happens you must re-start the loop.
- At the awake of the main charachter go immediately on your laptop. Insert the password (070719) and check everything on it.
- Search some food in the fridge and eat it.
- Answer to the interphone and then call the delivery food and try to order.
- Go to speak with Allen and Mrs Marmokki about Monique. Ask everything about that topic.
- Go back in your apartment (I entered in at the 7:42).
- Check the chat on your laptop.
- Go to the secret jazz-club and speak with David. Ask him who he is. Tell him you work too much. Agree with him. Exit from the club.
- Go on the street and call Monique from the public phone.
Die by being shot.
Just reach the 19:57. It is random. Just try and try.
Die by electroshock.
Just reach the 19:57. It is random, but it happens often inside the elevator.
Die by slipping on the ground.
Just reach the 19:57. It is random, but it happens often inside the building.
Unlucky Man
Die by something falling on your head.
Just reach the 19:57. It is random, but it happens often inside the building.
Thank you very much for this walkthrough, it helped me to love this game, as I was frustred at some point, but with few little hints the game opened like never ending story. I have managed to do every possible ending, and Love to love also, well done finding that. Kudos for developer and making such a clever game.
I don’t really understand this with den Developer ending – I reached the ending of Hypnotic, went on with Wake up again – but nothing.
It’s because the guide is missing a step. Before examining the brain, you have to had typed “2079” as password into your laptop. Then wake up again.
concerning Love is Love
not meeting Monique is unavoidable – when you reenter your apartment, then this sequence will come and you say we have to re-enter at some point
Would it be possible perhaps in the path, where we are about to repeat our deed?
I meant, not meeting her at all
I repeated the sequence of actions to obtain “love is Love” twice. So I’m pretty sure they work. In my opinion, if you see the photos on laptop and talk with the neighbors first without ever meet Monique, it opens a path where she is gone away and so you will never encounter her in your flat how normally it would happen.