Trader of the Night – Expert Achievement Guide

Basics on how to get the expert achievement.

How to Obtain Expert Achievement

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How to Get Big Moola and Not Get Murdered

  • Short a fairly expensive stock to get more cash initially. You need lots of liquidity to make enough profit, and this means shorting something chunky. Look for stocks that seem to have a very high peak near the top of the graph so that they are likely to trend downward. You don’t want to pick a stock for this that has a steady upward trend. You want a stock that was fairly low throughout the rest of the day, and then spiked heavily around game start. It’s unlikely to keep trending up if it already has a very high value, and shorting a high value stock will give you more cash to fuel a profit engine.
  • Now Wait. You should have around 15,000K or more to sink into a stock now- just wait until you get news about what to invest in. As soon as you get news on something (Burgers taste good, Wind energy on the rise, etc.) sink it into the corresponding stock- all of it. If you get news about a company failing before news of what to actually invest in, don’t bother trying to close out your initial short to invest in a new one yet, it’s not worth it. Being -200 profit on a short isn’t worth pulling your foot off of the gas, and you can always make it up later.
  • When you reach a very high profit after the initial news based investment (2K, 3K), you’re going to want to sell and reinvest based on new news coming in. Even the best profit stocks tend to trend down or stagnant eventually from what I’ve seen. It’s best to sell as soon as new information is available on what to invest in. The only exception to this is if you’ve dumped all of your money into a stock but it hasn’t risen to a decent profit peak yet. For that situation you’re best just waiting a little longer for a peak to spike, then selling it all and reinvesting everything into the newer news stock.

You’ll know you’re doing it right if your worth/profit is going up consistently by thousands of dollars each sell/re-investment.

  • Keep an eye on your short stock. You’re going to have to close it out with the profits you’re making eventually. Once you reach a large level of profit- feel free to sell off enough to cover buying out your short. I recommend only doing this when you have news of a new short that is guaranteed to go down.

I find it best to actually look at the new short stock you want to invest in before buying the previous short out. This seems obvious, but the game sometimes gives you shorting news on a company that has already completely cratered. If a stock has reached the bottom of the graph and has nowhere to go- don’t bother shorting it. You generally want your short to be capable of a downward trend instead of bouncing up and down at the bottom of a barrel.

Loop through steps 3-4 until you reach the necessary profit to pay off the taxes/debt by the end of the game.

That’s it. If you follow the above you should eventually have enough wealth to pay everything off and get the achievement.

Here are a few more general tips I have found helpful:

  1. Dividends are worthless. They usually net you very little actual profit, and are just as likely to make you hemorrhage money chasing them.
  2. Several of the news events you get will be filler and don’t impact stocks. Generally you should only care if it mentions the company name explicitly, or ties directly into a sector of business (i.e. energy/luxury)
  3. Always subtract how much you have shorted from the amount of actual money/profit you have. You don’t have 15K profit if you have to buy back 5K in shorts- you have 10K. You will end up seeing the hitman with the tommy gun or the dude with skewer arms that belongs in the the fighting game Bio F.R.E.A.K.S.

Good luck!

Egor Opleuha
About Egor Opleuha 7631 Articles
Egor Opleuha, also known as Juzzzie, is the Editor-in-Chief of Gameplay Tips. He is a writer with more than 12 years of experience in writing and editing online content. His favorite game was and still is the third part of the legendary Heroes of Might and Magic saga. He prefers to spend all his free time playing retro games and new indie games.

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