A list of crafting recipes.
Table of Contents
The List
- Arrow = Feather + Wood
- Explosive Arrows = Arrows + Battery
- Fire Arrows = Arrow + Resin
- Poison Arrows = Arrow + Noirshroom
- Urid arrows = Arrows + Urid
- Pistol Rounds = Gunpowder + Metal Sheet
- Rifle Rounds = Gunpowder + Pisol Rounds
- Shells = Duct Tape + Gunpowder
- Bone Armor = Bone + Wire
- Tape Armor = Cloth + Duct Tape
- Tarp Armor = Duct Tape + Tarp
Food and Consumables
- Protein Bar = Glue Bar + Meal Worm or Meal Worm + Resin
- Purple Herb Mix = Nettle + Thistle
- Duct Tape = Cloth + Glue Bar, Extractor + Metal Sheet or Extractor + Plywood
- Glue Bar = Acid + Bone or Bone + Fire
- Gunpowder = Extractor + Frag Grenade or Extractor + Shells
- Plywood = Glue Bar + Wood
- Molotov = Alcohol + Cloth
- Pipe Bomb = Gunpowder + Pipe
Weapons and Tools
- Bone Shiv = Bone + Duct Tape
- Broken Bottle = Alcohol + Duct Tape
- Crossbow = Cloth + Wood
- Metal Axe = Acid + Metal Sheet Axe
- Metal Sheet Axe = Metal Sheet + Wood
coal and Urid makes fog spreading powder
Flint steel and cloth makes coal
metal sheet axe + acid = metal axe
gunpowder is also coal + saltpeter.
flint and steel = sheet metal + soil
glue = fire + bone
duct tape = glue + cloth
explosive arrows can be made with an arrow and a battery
Tarp Armor = Duct Tape + Tarp
Duct Tape = Extractor + Metal Sheet