Start Up Crash on Switch [Workaround]
By Maru.
This is a known issue on Switch now and the devs are working on it. In the meantime there’s a workaround IF you got your saves on your playfab account. Go to system settings, data management, delete save data, find KTC, delete your save data.
Next time you play:
- Log into your playfab account.
- Play any campaign/save (Olympus too).
- Before turning off your game switch to any other campaign that’s not Olympus.
- Next time you log in, switch from your current campaign to olympus.
- Next time before you turn off your game switch to any other campaign/save that’s not Olympus.
That’s the workaround I found, or you can just keep deleting the save data from the system and redownloading the saves from playfab account, whichever works for you.
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