This is a guide for the various quests in Dead Age 2.
This is a guide that explains and provides walkthroughs for the various quests in Dead Age 2.
Please note that when you complete a quest, the XP for that quest is not only earned by the characters currently in your party but your characters back at Jack’s Camp also receive the same amount of quest XP as well.
Camp Quests
A. Deal with the Independents
You get this quest at the start (Day 4).
- 1. Speak to Jack at the Cantina for background information
- 2. Go to Freedom East and buy 10 Water and 10 Food. Water and Food are each $2 so this will require a total of $40
Reward: 100 XP + $30 + 2 scrap
B. Small Garden of Eden
You get this quest at the start (Day 4).
- 1. Speak to Trish at the Cantina for background information
- 2. Acquire 10 Materials, 3 Scrap, and 1 Food (these are the normal requirements to build the first building level for the Garden)
- 3. Assign a party member at Jack’s Camp to build the Garden
Reward: 100 XP + $30 + 2 scrap
C. The Outfitter
You get this quest at the start (Day 4).
- 1. Speak to Trish at the Cantina for background information
- 2. Acquire 10 Materials, 3 Scrap, and 1 Food (these are the normal requirements to build the first building level for the Outfitter)
- 3. Assign a party member at Jack’s Camp to build the Outfitter
- 4. You will be tasked to build a random Level 1 item (such as Cloth Trousers)
- 5. Assign a party member at Jack’s Camp with the Handywork skill to build the assigned item
Reward: 100 XP + $30 + 2 scrap
If you have already built the Outfitter when this quest is assigned, you still need to build the assigned item in order to complete the quest.
You may want to want to first level up your Handywork survivor and improve their Handywork skill before building the assigned item. At Rank 1, the item will be Level 1. At Rank 3, the item will be at Level 2. At Rank 7, the item will be at Level 3. And at Rank 10, the item will be at Level 4.
D. Hunting Stand
You get this quest around the time you get your 4th and 5th party members.
- 1. Speak to Trish at the Cantina for background information
- 2. Acquire 10 Materials, 3 Scrap, and 1 Food (these are the normal requirements to build the first building level for the Hunting Stand)
- 3. Assign a party member at Jack’s Camp to build the Hunting Stand
Reward: 100 XP + $30 + 2 scrap
If you have already built the Hunting Stand then this quest will be instantly completed once it is assigned to you.
E. The Doctor
You get this quest after completing The Outfitter quest.
- 1. Speak to Trish at the Cantina for background information
- 2. Acquire 10 Materials, 3 Scrap, and 1 Food (these are the normal requirements to build the first building level for the Medicine Lab)
- 3. Assign a party member at Jack’s Camp to build the Medicine Lab
- 4. You will be tasked to build a Medkit
- 5. Assign a party member at Jack’s Camp with the Biology skill to build the Medkit
Reward: 100 XP + $30 + 2 scrap
If you have already built the Medicine Lab when this quest is assigned, you still need to build the Medkit in order to complete the quest.
F. The Forge
You get this quest after completing The Doctor quest.
- 1. Speak to Trish at the Cantina for background information
- 2. Acquire 10 Materials, 3 Scrap, and 1 Food (these are the normal requirements to build the first building level for the Forge)
- 3. Assign a party member at Jack’s Camp to build the Forge
- 4. You will be tasked to build a random Level 1 weapon (such as a Crowbar, Survival Shotgun, or AK-47)
- 5. Assign a party member at Jack’s Camp with the Handywork skill to build the assigned item
Reward: 100 XP + $30 + 2 scrap
If you have already built the Forge when this quest is assigned, you still need to build the assigned item in order to complete the quest.
You may want to want to first level up your Handywork survivor and improve their Handywork skill before building the assigned item. At Rank 1, the item will be Level 1. At Rank 3, the item will be at Level 2. At Rank 7, the item will be at Level 3. And at Rank 10, the item will be at Level 4.
G. Times are Changing
You get this quest when the subway opens (often around Days 8-10 though it may require starting certain story quests that require you to go to the U.S. Army HQ).
- 1. Speak to Jack at the Cantina for background information
- 2. Go to the Subway. You can negotiate with the trader (using the business option) to get a permanent discount on subway tickets.
- 3. You need to go directly to the U.S. Army HQ subway stop in order to trigger the next part of the quest (which tells you to buy armor piercing rounds from the U.S. Army HQ). Taking the subway to Independents HQ or Freedom West and then walking to the U.S. Army HQ does NOT work because it does not trigger what you need to do next.
- 4. You then need to enter the U.S. Army HQ. That requires wearing Light or Heavy Military Armor, which in turn requires a standing of at least 70% with the U.S. Army HQ or completing the A Lucrative Task quest (whether successful or failed) that Lana gives you involving Terence.
- 5. Once you can enter the U.S. Army HQ, you can go to the Trader and buy the armor piercing rounds that you need.
Reward: 150 XP + 2 scrap
Side Jobs
Cantina Side Jobs
Most Side Jobs are acquired at the Cantinas of the three outposts (Forest Grave, Freedom East, and Freedom West) or the three HQ’s (Smugglers, Independents, and U.S. Army).
Each Cantina offers 3 quests, which do not get refreshed. The one star (basic) and two star (intermediate) can always be taken. The three star (advanced) requires a standing of at least 60% (sympathetic).
All of the Cantina side jobs are time-sensitive and need to be completed within a certain time window.
All of the Cantina side jobs require you to put down a $ deposit in order to take on the job.
A. Courier (Basic *)
- 1. Go to the stated outpost (Forest Grave, Freedom East, or Freedom West)
- 2. Talk to the leader/governor of that outpost (Kira, Governor Denise, or Lt Liz) and choose the dialogue option for the Courier mission
- Time Limit: 2 or 3 days (varies)
- Fee/Deposit: $10
- Reward: 50 XP + $30 + 3% standing with the faction that assigned the quest
B. Merchant (Basic *)
- 1. Go to the stated outpost (Forest Grave, Freedom East, or Freedom West)
- 2. Talk to the Trader at that outpost (Trevor, Bill, or the general Trader) and choose the dialogue option for the Merchant mission
- Time Limit: 2 or 3 days (varies)
- Fee/Deposit: $10
- Reward: 50 XP + $30 + 3% standing with the faction that assigned the quest
C. Savior (Intermediate **)
- 1. Go the marked scavenger spot (which is usually in the woods between Jack’s Camp and Forest Grave)
- 2. The second encounter at that location has a faction with 2 civilians. In order to save the 2 civilians, you need to either fight, bribe, or threaten.
- 2A. If you fight, then you will lose standing with that faction
- 2B. If you bribe, you have a % chance of success. If you succeed, then you rescue the civilians and complete the mission (with no loss of standing with that faction)
- 2C. If you threaten, you have a % chance of success based on one of your stats. If you succeed, that character gets 50 XP (for a successful stat/skill test), you rescue the civilians, and complete the mission (with no loss of standing with that faction). If you fail the skill check, a fight begins and you lose standing with that faction.
- Time Limit: 2 or 3 days (varies)
- Fee/Deposit: $20
- Reward: 100 XP + $50 + 3 standing with the faction that assigned the quest
D. Bodyguard (Intermediate **)
- 1. You have to escort a traveler (Doctor NPC) to either Forest Grave, Freedom East, or Freedom West.
- 2. The Time Limit for this quest is only 1 day. That means you will need to go immediately to that destination in the next time segment. So if you take on this quest in the Morning, you will need to head to that location in the next Evening. If you take on this quest in the Evening, you will need to head to that location in the next Morning.
- 3. The Doctor NPC can be really helpful in combat because they can use a Healing Stim (usually once every 3 rounds) to heal your characters. The NPC’s other combat options are Combat Stim or shooting with a gun. If you judiciously draw out the combat, you can get unlimited free healing, which will allow you to clear out a lot of scavenging locations in the early game when your characters are still weak. If you do this, keep the Doctor NPC in the back, eliminate any enemies with ranged attacks, and waste turns focusing and using defensive stance so that the Doctor NPC uses Healing Stim every three rounds.
- 4. The Doctor NPC can be killed. If they die, then you finish the mission. Right now in the Early Access version, you can now manually heal the Doctor NPC. Though at the end of the time segment in which you start the quest (Morning or Evening), the Doctor NPC will get healed just like how your own characters get healed.
- 5. Once you reach the destination location, the Doctor NPC immediately leaves and the quest is completed
- Time Limit: 1 day
- Fee/Deposit: $20
- Reward: 100 XP + $50 + 3 standing with the faction that assigned the quest
E. Destroyer (Advanced ***)
- 1. You need a standing of at least 60% (sympathetic) to take on this side job.
- 2. This quest involves destroying 2 scavenger or punk camps. Since you do not have relationships with the scavengers or punks, you don’t have to worry about losing standing.
- 3. Once you take on this quest, 2 locations will randomly spawn. You need to visit those locations and defeat all of the enemies there.
- 4. The first encounter at each of those locations is a fight with the scavengers or punks.
- 5. The second encounter at each of those locations has some free random loot.
- 6. The third encounter at each of those locations is a fight with 3 scavengers or punks who are behind 3 barricades. You can kill them with ranged attacks. Or if you want to use melee attacks you have to destroy the barricades first.
- Time Limit: 3 or 4 days (varies)
- Fee/Deposit: $50
- Reward: 200 XP + $100 + 5 standing with the faction that assigned the quest
F. Soldier (Advanced ***)
- 1. You need a standing of at least 60% (sympathetic) to take on this side job.
- 2. This quest involves destroying a patrol belonging to a rival faction (Smugglers, Independents, or U.S. Army Military). This will result in a reputation loss with the faction that you are attacking. You will lose 3 standing with the faction you are attacking and gain 5 standing with the faction that you are helping.
- 3. Once you take on this quest, one location will randomly spawn. You need to visit this location and defeat all of the soldiers there.
- Time Limit: 3 or 4 days (varies)
- Fee/Deposit: $50
- Reward: 200 XP + $100 + 5 standing with the faction that assigned the quest
Other Side Jobs
There is also a randomly spawning side job that occurs at the beginning of certain days. They are variations of the Destroyer / Soldier quests that involve helping out a faction that is under attack.
In my first playthrough, I only got one of these side jobs once. In my second playthrough, I got these side jobs twice.
G. Attack by Zombie Horde
- 1. This quest involves killing zombies (not another faction). So you do not have to worry about losing standing.
- 2. One location will randomly spawn. You need to visit this location and defeat all of the zombies there.
- 3. This version of the quest IS time-sensitive and needs to be completed within a certain amount of time.
- Time Limit: 2 days
- Reward: 50 XP + $50 + 5 standing with the faction that assigned the quest
H. Attack by Undead Wanderers
- 1. This quest involves killing zombies (not another faction). So you do not have to worry about losing standing.
- 2. Three locations will randomly spawn. You need to visit all threes locations and defeat all of the zombies there.
- 3. This version of the quest is NOT time-sensitive and can be completed at your leisure.
- Time Limit: NONE
- Reward: 50 XP + $50 + 5 standing with the faction that assigned the quest
I. Attack by Faction
- 1. This quest involves destroying a patrol belonging to a rival faction (Smugglers, Independents, or U.S. Army Military). This will result in a reputation loss with the faction that you are attacking. You will lose 3 standing with the faction you are attacking and gain 5 standing with the faction that you are helping.
- 2. One location will randomly spawn. You need to visit this location and defeat all of the soldiers there.
- Time Limit: 2 days
- Reward: 50 XP + $50 + 5 standing with the faction that assigned the quest
Character Story Quests
Character Related Quests
A. Fernando’s Dealings
- If you start with Fernando and Sarah, you get this quest from the start.
- If you start with Fernando and Tessa, you have to finish Tessa’s quest first before this quest is offered.
1. You don’t technically need Fernando to do the first part of the quest (speaking with Trevor) but if you plan to finish this quest in the same time segment, you should add Fernando to your party.
2. Go to Forest Grave and speak to Trevor. This will spawn a cave location.
3. With Fernando in your party, go to the cave. The first encounter is random (it can be a fight or random loot). The next encounter takes you into a cave. In the cave, you first have the opportunity to mine some ore. Then you have a fight with zombies. After that you find Fernando’s money.
4. You will have the option to either let Fernando keep all of the demand or to demand half. I strongly recommend letting him keep the money because that makes him happy (“motivated” status) for the rest of the game, guaranteeing him the 5th stat point every time he levels up. That’s worth foregoing a little bit of money in the early game. I haven’t tried demanding half the money but I presume he would get angry and be available to do tasks for the next day.
Reward: 100 XP (and depending on your choice, either Fernando gets Motivated or you get some money and he might get angry)
B. Sarah’s Friend
You get this quest as soon as Sarah joins Jack’s Camp.
1. First, speak with Sarah at the Cantina.
2. You will then need to include Sarah (and possibly the other survivor who arrived with Sarah) in your party.
3. Start heading out to the southeast towards Forest Grave. After a few locations, you will get a dialogue with Sarah and she will reveal a camp location on the map which you have to go to.
4. At the camp location there will then be three various encounters, including at least one fight.
On my first playthrough, after the fight with the zombies (the second encounter), the third encounter had me find the body of Sarah’s friend. You find an AK-47 on the body and you have the option to either take the AK-47 or let Sarah bury the body. If you take the AK-47, you get an okay weapon (it’s not amazing) but Sarah gets angry and is unavailable to do tasks for the next day.
On my second playthrough, the second encounter was a group of scavengers who were looting the body of Sarah’s dead friend (which included the AK-47). You can either attack the scavengers or move on. I attacked the scavengers and got the AK-47 after defeating them. Sarah was not angry this time around, but neither was she happy (motivated).
If anyone knows if it is possible to get Sarah the “Motivation” status from her quest, please let me know.
Reward: 100 XP + $20 (and depending on your choice and the scenario, an AK-47 and Sarah might get angry).
C. Tessa’s Infection
You get this quest as soon as Tessa joins Jack’s Camp.
1. Speak to Tessa and the other survivor she arrives with at the Cantina.
2. In my first playthrough, I started with Sarah and Fernando. Tessa and Lance arrived around Day 6 and I had enough party members to do Tessa’s quest without incident (though I did it without Lance). In my second playthrough I started with Tessa and Fernando. This time around, when talking in the Cantina, Trish gave me 3 Medkits and Jack offered to escort me (acting as an NPC ally) during the day on the first two days. After the first few locations, Fernando offered me money to lie to Tessa that Fernando did most of the work saving her life. I agreed to it but nothing really happened regarding it. There was never any follow-up, I don’t think I actually got the money, and no one ended up getting angry or happy.
3. What you need to do is get a Zomdex and use it on Tessa. There are several options available:
3A. You can simply buy Zomdex at Freedom East. However, Zomdex is expensive ($80) and may be difficult to afford in the early game.
3B. Alternatively, you can go to Freedom West and speak to Lana. She asks you to rescue her friend at a randomly spawned location (you can negotiate better terms by appealing to her better nature and NOT flirting). If you go to that location, the second encounter will be a “rescue civilian from another faction” scenario where you will need to fight, bribe, or threaten to rescue Lana’s friend. If you do so successfully and then return to Lana, she gives you Zomdex.
3C. At Freedom West, if you talk to Ethan, he will give you the Zomdex for the U.S. Army quest. You can go to that hospital location and get some Zomdex, which you can use on Tessa. To complete the Zomdex for the U.S. Army quest you simply have to give Ethan any 3 Zomdex – it doesn’t have to be a specific piece of Zomdex. So if you use some of the Zomdex on Tessa, you can replace it later on with a different piece of Zomdex to complete Ethan’s quest.
3D. You can also try to find Zomdex at a random scavenging locations (hospitals near Freedom West are your best bet). But in this situation, you might as well just go to the hospital in Ethan’s quest and scavenge at other hospital locations after you treat Tessa.
4. Once you have Zomdex, when you are back at Jack’s Camp, go to the Inventory screen, select Tessa, and then left-click the Zomdex to use her. This can be a bit confusing because one’s initial thought is that talking to Tessa at the Cantina would give you the option to treat her infection. Instead, you use Zomdex like you would if any of your other characters were infected.
If anyone has managed to get Tessa happy from this quest, please let me know. Or if anyone has gotten the other survivor (who arrives with Tessa) either happy or angry.
Reward: 100 XP + $20 + Tessa doesn’t die so you can use her as a party member
D. The Bunker
You get this quest as soon as Lance joins Jack’s Camp.
1. When you get this quest, three random locations will spawn in the woods between Jack’s Camp and Forest Grave.
2. At night, you need to add Lance to your party and explore these three locations.
3. 2 of the locations will just be random fights with zombies or wildlife.
4. The correct location will be a smuggler patrol. You will be given the option to either sneak past them to or to fight them. If you fight them, you will lose 10% standing with the Smugglers and Lance will not get angry (though this does NOT make him motivated either). You will also have the option to continue this quest the same evening, if you can reach the bunker in time. If you decide to sneak instead, you avoid the fight and do not lose standing with the Smugglers. However, Lance will be angry and will immediately leave your party to head back to Jack’s Camp and is unavailable to do tasks for the next day. That means you will be one party member short for the rest of the evening and will need to wait for another night to finish this quest.
5. After the smuggler patrol, a new location will spawn, that is north of Freedom West. You need to go to this bunker with Lance.
6. At the bunker, there will be a fight with two waves of enemies. There will also be random loot, which includes 30 technical ammo.
If anyone has managed to get Lance happy from this quest, please let me know.
Reward: 100 XP (and the bunker location will have 30 technical ammo and some other loot)
Main Story Quests
- On The Trail Of A Traitor – Required
- Coming Southward – Required
- Dynamite For The Tunnel – Required
- Pittance – Required
- Deal With The Smugglers – Optional
- The Regular – Optional
- Mary’s Late Husband – Optional
- A New Threat In Prison – Required
- Independent Spy – Required
- The Missing Friend – Required
- Buried – Required
- Valuable Cargo – Required (But You Can Fail It)
- Arena Champions In Forest Grave – Optional
- A Treasure For 100 Dollars – Optional
- A Tiger For The Arena – Required
- The Wounded Doctor – Required (But You Can Fail It)
- Zomdex For The U.S. Army – Optional
- A Lucrative Task – Optional
- A Leak In The U.S. Army – Optional?
- The Merchant Guild – Required
- Attack By Zombie Horde
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