Location to Best Drop
The best drop in the game hands down, better than finland house, better than industry wall or rice field crate.
WIll makes your games much easier dropping here g. Awesome loot for gaming chads.
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Tips and Tricks for Better Aim
- Hipfire is best at close range, as this will allow you to run and jump around to mess with the enemy’s aim. (But aiming down sights helps with accuracy though, so you’ll have to be dynamic with it.)
- Red dots are best for close and medium ranges, only use scope if you plan to snipe.
- Laser sight is a must, and the compensator helps a ton with recoil. For weapons with high spread, use the accuracy barrel if you ever find it. (Double barrel makes AK-47’s deadly.)
- You can practice with the weapons in shooting range, on dummies and samurai. (Make sure to not stay still to help practice getting hits while on the move.)
- If you’re using a sniper or crossbow, fast barrels help the bullets hit faster and further with less arching.
- Never use Lit blessings until you get at least an average of 6 kills, as it disables you from doing anything other than hipfire.
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