Rusty Lake Hotel – Complete Achievements Guide

All achievements in the game.

How to Obtain All Achievements


The guide is divided into chapters related to main characters.

Achievements are presented in in order of unlocking them although the game allows flexibility if you wish to explore.

Mr. Deer


  • Mr. Deer – 2

The Lobby, at night. Click the ringing phone and talk to Mr. Owl. Go right, click Mr. Owl’s portrait and get the mushrooms.


  • Mr. Deer – 3

Mr. Deer’s room. Click the deer skull trophy, click the right antler until it grows and then click the second antler from the bottom until the left antler grows. Click the leaf on the left antler and get the rosemary.

Albert’s Way

  • Mr. Deer – 4

Mr. Deer’s room. Once you have a knife open the right window, wait until a butterfly lands on it and use the knife on it.

Deer Meat

  • Mr. Deer – 1

Mr. Deer’s room. Kill Mr. Deer

Mr. Rabbit


  • Mr. Rabbit – 2

The Lobby, at night. Talk to Mr. Crow, click his pocket and get the carrot.

White Beans

  • Mr. Rabbit – 3

Mr. Rabbit’s Room. Once you have a knife use it on Mr. Owl’s portrait and get white beans.

Watch Closely!

  • Mr. Rabbit – 4

Mr. Rabbit’s Room. In the section with a window wait a short while and Mr. Rabbit’s soul should appear in the window.

Rabbit Leg

  • Mr. Rabbit – 1

Mr. Rabbit’s Room. Kill Mr. Rabbit

Mrs. Pigeon


  • Mrs. Pigeon – 2

The Lobby, at night. Talk to Mr. Bat (bellboy) and go right to watch shooting star in a window. Keep walking around clicking Mr. Bat until he goes back to the elevator. Talk to him then and get the potatoes.

Can’t catch me!

  • Mrs. Pigeon – 4

Mrs. Pigeon’s Room. While trying to catch the beetle on the table allow it to escape three times.


  • Mrs. Pigeon – 3

Mrs. Pigeon’s Room. Electrocute the Young Bird in a metal cabinet six times and take the blackberries from its mouth (click twice).

Pigeon Wing

  • Mrs. Pigeon – 1

Mrs. Pigeon’s Room. Kill Mrs. Pigeon

Ms. Pheasant

White Wine

  • Ms. Pheasant – 2

The Lobby, day. Pick up the white wine from a red pillow.


  • Ms. Pheasant – 3

Ms. Pheasant’s Room. Click a leaf in the top right corner of the clock until it grows. Click it again to get the thyme.

Need a hand?

  • Ms. Pheasant – 4

Ms. Pheasant’s Room. Open the window and close it when a hand appears. Click the hand.

Pheasant Breast

  • Ms. Pheasant – 1

Ms. Pheasant’s Room. Kill Ms. Pheasant

Mr. Boar

Red Wine

  • Mr. Boar – 2

The Lobby, day. Pick up red wine from the window.


  • Mr. Boar – 3

Mr Boar’s Room. Feed Mr. Boar two sandwiches and then click the toilet until the tomatoes appear.

You know what to do!

  • Mr. Boar – 4

Forest. Take the knife from Mr. Crow.

Boar Ribs

  • Mr. Boar – 1

Mr Boar’s Room. Kill Mr Boar.

Mr. Owl

Secret Rusty Lake Specialty

  • Mr. Owl – 1

The Lobby, day. Insert all five keys from the hanger behind Mr. Crow into the locked safe next to the elevator (35412) and pick up the Rusty Lake Cigars.

Just Hanging

  • Mr. Owl – 2

Mr. Owl’s Room. Click Mr. Bat near the door.

The Elevator

  • Mr. Owl – 3

Finish the game.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3641 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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