A very basic guide to the items and upgrades from Epimetheus.
Basic Guide to Items and Upgrades
About Ranks: When you buy a ranked unlock, the next one becomes more expensive.
Character Upgrades
Algus Upgrades
- Str+ (20 ranks)
- Def+ (10 ranks)
- Spd+ (3 ranks)
- Arcanist – 500 souls
- Shock Field – 1400 souls
- Meteor – 4000 souls
Arias Upgrades
- Str+ (20 ranks)
- Def+ (12 ranks)
- Spd+ (3 ranks)
- Gorgonslayer – 650 souls
- Last Stand – 3500 souls
- Lionheart – 1600 souls
Kyuli Upgrades
- Str+ (20 ranks)
- Def+ (10 ranks)
- Spd+ (5 ranks)
- Assassin Strike – 350 souls
- Bullseye – 1000 souls
- Shining Ray – 4000 souls
Bram Upgrades
- Str+ (30 ranks)
- Def+ (10 ranks)
- Spd+ (3 ranks)
- Golden Axe – 4000 souls
- Monster Hunter – 1000 souls
- Whiplash! – 2000 souls
Zeek Upgrades
- Str+ (24 ranks)
- Def+ (10 ranks)
- Spd+ (3 ranks)
- Junkyard Hunt – 1200 souls
- Orb Monger – 900 souls
- Bigger Loot – 500 souls
Rankless Upgrades
- 180 souls – Item descriptions now reveal more detail about what they do. This includes Relics in your inventory which have more fleshed-out descriptions, and future purchases from Epimetheus too.
- 666 souls – You can talk to Epimetheus with Algus at statues located around the tower.
Titan’s Ego
- 400 souls – Reveals Epimetheus statue locations (requires Gift).
- 200 souls – Marks locked doors on map after you’ve encountered them.
Map Reveal
- 15,000 souls – Shows all* rooms in the game, including unexplored areas (greyed out).
Note: There is actually a bonus dev area that is NOT shown by this map — though it ismarked on mine in the GUIODE — so if you have the Titan’s Ego upgrade and see an Epimetheus statue off to the east of the Catacombs, that’s why. It isn’t a bug.
Orb Seeker
- 150 souls – Soul orbs are now automatically collected. No more chasing!
Death Orb
- 280 souls – Leave behind a Death Orb when you die. Break it to gain bonus temp HP.
Death Point
- 80 souls – Mark the last place you died on your map with a + symbol. (requires Death Orb).
- 2000 souls – Gives a second chance upon death.
Candle Light
- 50 souls per candle? – Relights the green HP-recovery candles around the Tower.
First Insight
- 100 souls — The Black Knight’s story begins to make more sense.
Second Insight
- 300 souls — The Black Knight’s story begins to make even more sense.
Third Insight
- 900 souls — Reveals the final part of the Black Knight’s story.
Revenge (Tauros)
- 600 souls — unknown.
Ranked Upgrades
Health Up
- (35 ranks) — HP+1 per rank
- (5 ranks) — Invincibility time on being damage increased by +0.1s
- (3 ranks) — Regain control of your character more quickly upon being damaged.
Lucky Draw
- (4 ranks) — Increases your chance of getting double soul orbs from enemies.
Blood Lust
- (4 ranks) — Increases your chance of getting green orbs from enemies.
Can only buy one rank of the following two per death.
Inner Fire
- Fire burns within your soul (No idea what this does.).
Death Wish
- Enemies do 10% more damage but drop 10% more orbs.
how do you get the Map Reveal item? I have 15000 souls, but everytime I go to the Demon guy it’s not there.