This is a comprehensive guide to spending diamonds and money alike in Crush Crush. I will be reviewing everything for sale and make recommendations on how to spend free diamonds and money alike.
Guide to Strategies
Things You Shouldn’t Buy
This section includes all of the things that you shouldn’t spend diamonds on. They aren’t worth a rare resource like diamonds or your hard earned cash.
Gifts and Dates
This is a waiting game. If you can’t afford a gift or date for a girl, then you can wait a while until you can. If affording something is more than a week away, or simply more time than you’re willing to wait, then it might be a good time to Soft Reset and increase your multiplier.
If you are a F2P player, then there are far more worthwhile things to spend your diamonds on than outfits. If you are a paying player, then you should wait for diamond packs to go on sale and come with sets of outfits. This tends to happen a few times every year, usually at a time relevant to the outfits (Bikinis in summer, Holidays in winter, etc.).
Skip Reset
Soft Resetting is a necessary part of this game, there’s no way to reasonably avoid it. You will never lose so much progress that it’s worth 30 diamonds. Just soft reset, start from the beginning, and build your Prestige Multiplier for free.
Time Skips
Pro tip: You can exit the game, set your system’s clock ahead a week, open the game again, and have another week’s worth of progress. All for absolutely nothing. So don’t waste your diamonds on doing the exact same thing within the game.
Time Blocks
Not being able to do everything you want to do at once can be frustrating. But prioritizing and putting things on the back burner is a skill that this game demands of you. Eventually, you get to a point where you have an abundance of Time Blocks and can do everything you need to do at once. You can be patient and get to this point for free. If you spend your diamonds on Time Blocks, you’ll have an unnecessary excess down the road and fewer diamonds to spend.
Things You Should Maybe Buy
This section includes all of the things that you should think twice before spending your money or diamonds on, as well as things that you should only buy in specific situations.
Time Lord Bundle
In the Bundle section of the shop, on the far right side, you’ll find a bundle called the Time Lord Bundle. This is the only bundle that I can’t completely recommend. This bundle comes with a 7 day Time Skip, 15 Time Blocks, and a x8 Speed Boost. As discussed previously, Time Skips are completely worthless, as their effect can be replicated for free. That leaves Time Blocks and the Speed Boost. Time Blocks quickly become unnecessary as you get more of them, and the boost is genuinely great, but ultimately saves you 80-120 diamonds if trying to max that out. The Time Blocks in combination with the boost might be worthwhile if you’ve just started playing, when Time Blocks are most valuable. But I still can’t fully recommend this pack.
If you plan on buying this, be aware that the Time Skip takes place immediately. You’ll want to avoid doing so soon after soft resetting. Instead, do it when your progress is slowing down and you’re preparing to soft reset or quit for the day.
If you started playing, or came back from a break recently, then you might want to spend diamonds to get the previous event rewards, and again after the event you joined during. The rewards will circle around eventually, but it will take several months at the least, and there’s not a fixed schedule.
However, if you care about Event rewards, then you should be checking in every day in order to claim them, not spending your diamonds. Save those for better things.
In general, I don’t recommend gilding. It’s an inferior version of Speed Boosts that only applies to a single Job or Hobby, and it don’t even accelerate the rate at which your Jobs level up. However, there are two exceptions I will make.
If you plan on devoting a lot of money to this game, then gilding all of the jobs and hobbies is will do a fine job at increasing your money output and hobby speed when combined with a maxed out Speed Boost. This will cost you 280 diamonds, or $20. Gilding the jobs that come in Bundles costs another 20 diamonds, which can be done with free diamonds or another $2.
The other exception relates to Darya. This girl costs $15, and several of her levels require that you have a certain number of jobs or hobbies gilded. This character comes with 50 diamonds and gives you a solid amount every new relationship level you reach, so these gildings are not only necessary to progress, but also pay for themselves. As for hobbies, none of them are much more valuable than the rest, but I will mention Sketching/Tenderness, Vigilantism/Mysterious, and Sky Diving/Lucky, as you need 60 in these to reach Lover with Ayano far before you can reasonably expected to hit 60 in these. The stats necessary to take on the Love job are also worthwhile options.
18+ Naughty DLC
If you are under the age of 18, do not buy this DLC, and kindly scroll to the next section of the guide. Surely, this blurb will prevent any minors from reading about and buying this NSFW content.
If you are of age, then this DLC is kinda meh. For the main girls, it adds NSFW dialog, unlocks the Lingerie and Birthday Suit outfits, and changes the Lover scenes into “sex scenes.” It also alters a lot of Nutaku’s art to include nudity. For Phone Flings, most of the photos will have nudity added and the text will become more NSFW. This is applied retroactively, so you don’t need to restart the conversation in order to see the changes. For the main girls, not a lot is added. The blatant nudity gets old fast, and the lingerie is not significantly more titillating than the bikinis available at base. The sex scenes consist of two NSFW images, flavor text, and a single line of spoken dialog. This isn’t enough to get you going, and becomes slightly repetitive when soft resetting and seeing them repeatedly. However, it significantly improves the Phone Flings, which transform from mundane conversations with the occasional clip of undergarments into what is essentially sexting.
All in all, it’s a mixed bag that falls short of enjoyably pornographic but still enhances the experience. If you’re of age and want more content, or you’re just that eager to see what an SFW game won’t show you, it’s a worthwhile purchase.
Things You Should Probably Buy
These are things that are absolutely worth your diamonds and/or cash. If you want to spend, these will give you the best value.
Speed Boosts
This is the most worthwhile thing in the game. It just makes everything go a lot faster. This multiplier is multiplied by your Reset Multiplier to give you absolutely monumental speed. For example, if you have x128 as your Reset Multiplier and you buy the x64 Speed Boost, you’ll have a total speed of x8192. If you max out your Reset Multiplier at x2048 and your Speed Boost at x8192, you’ll have an insane total multiplier of x16,646,144. These are absolutely worth investing in, and will permanently shorten waiting times a great deal.
It’s also worth taking a moment to describe how multipliers work. When you buy a Speed Boost, it gets multiplied by your current Speed Boost. If you have a Speed Boost of x2 and you buy the x64 Boost, then your Speed Boost becomes x 128. This means that the cheapest way to max out your speed boost is to buy x64 twice and x2 once, for 400 diamonds (64 x 64 x 2 =8192). The most expensive way is to buy x2 thirteen times, which will instead cost 520 diamonds (2 ^ 13 = 8192).
The main point of this game is meeting waifus and wooing them. As such, one of the best ways to spend your money in this game is on new girls to woo. The bundle girls come with bonuses such as jobs, speed dating, and in Darya’s case, diamonds, but these are all secondary to the most important part: new waifus to woo and spend time with.
Unfortunately, this game is slightly pay to win. If you want to see all of the girls and/or this game’s ending, you’ll need to forfeit a bit of cold hard cash. It is going to take an astronomical amount of time to beat the game without Speed Boosts, and the x8192 multiplier makes it doable.
Fortunately, the payment format makes it possible to spend money overtime instead of all at once. The overeager can probably drop $100 and get everything they want out of the game, but the more patient could spend spend much more slowly and end up in the same place.
Just to review, you shouldn’t buy:
- Gifts
- Dates
- Outfits
- Skip Reset
- Time Skips
- Time Blocks
You should think twice before buying:
- Time Lord Bundle
- Events
- Gilding
- 18+ Naughty DLC
And you should probably buy:
- Speed Boosts
- Characters
- Diamonds
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