How to Get All Endings and Obtain All Achievements
- Hateblast someone through a window 3 times
- As Roger: Flee, down the stairs, make a break for the door, try to open living room window (1/3).
- As Gloom: In Joh’teolath office: hateblast plague demons out of the window (2/3).
- As Wynona: In the dark alley: Ask Gloom to chase away Cheong and Brock (3/3).
Every Horn Counts
- Kill an incubus
Unmissable. Kill Roger.
Good Clerk
- Do a good deed in the video store
- Exclusive with “Bad clerk”.
- Video store, recommend a better movie for the 2nd customer (the girl).
Bad Clerk
- Video store, let the lady customer rent a bad movie.
- On next day you’ll get the achievement
Unhappiness in slavery
- Reunite a demon family
- Exclusive with “I knew this would come in handy” achievement.
- In Joh’teolath office: spare Joh’teolath destroy the controlling device.
- Achievement will be awarded later when questioning demons under the bridge.
No peeping
- Stop a pervert
Lake, as Gloom, waiting to meet Michael: investigate man in tree, scare him.
Stop and Listen
- Help someone by being a listening ear
Furever Home
- Find a home for Sonic
- After meeting Nathaniel, drop Wynona to save jumping lady, listen to her.
- Later, as Wynona, try to find a home for Sonic on the IRC, local news channel.
- You’ll get achievement next day when yo go to see Sony.
Ultimate Geek
- Win a trivia quiz without getting any wrong answers
Answer correctly at Ham and Nam’s quiz:
- Heather Duke, Bobby, Taming of the shrew, Robert Smith from Cure, Streets of Fire, Ninja dog, Princess What’s-her-name, Green Hill Zone, Hadoken!, Lara Croft.
Drop the “The”
- Repeat JT’s greatest contribution to movie quotes
As Wynona, when meeting Lorael 1st time dark alley: hound her about her name.
You’re doing great!
- Reflect and recognize that you’ve achieved a lot already
Likely unmissable. When meeting Nathaniel at skate park 2nd time.
I knew this will come in handy
- Use a secret weapon at the cathedral
- In Joh’teolath office: spare Joh’teolath, get the controlling device.
- At the cathedral: use the device.
Angel of Mercy
- Reach a good Ending without the death of any major angels
Super Angel of Mercy
- Reach a good Ending without Gloom directly killing anyone other than Roger
- Follow the non sinner path with Wynona (see Endings below).
- As Gloom, don’t kill Wynona when she arrives to your hideout.
- In Joh’teolath office: hateblast plague demons out of the window, spare Joh’teolath.
- Don’t kill Joh’teolath on next encounters.
- As Wynona: don’t order Gloom to kill Cheng And Brock.
- Answer correctly Ham and Nam’s quiz and don’t kill them.
- Cathedral assault: attack from the sides = Gloom will only hateblast the demons.
- In heaven, stop Wynona from Killing Michael.
- Approach gate defended by Lorael and ask Wynona to burn her wings.
- When meeting Muriel before the heaven exit, choose Muriel.
Most choices are not important for the Endings, except:
- The early bad Ending 6.
- Sinful choices (see below).
- Choices made once you reach heaven.
- Early Ending: as Wynona, when meeting Gloom 2nd time: decide you don’t want to die.
- Ending 6 “Hell of Earth”.
- Achievement As if we’d end the game like that, chyeah.
All other Endings depend if Wynona is on the sinner path or not. Sinner choices:
- Let the lady customer rent the wrong movie.
- Keep running in the nightmare dream.
- Skip school.
- Ask gloom to kill cheng and brock (not strictly required) ask gloom to kill the dog.
- Not sinner path Endings + heaven choices.
Kill Wynona
- Ending 4 “The more the things change …”
- Achievement “A New Hobby”
Don’t kill Wynona
- Don’t let Wynona kill Michael
Choose Muriel
- Ending 7 “Just like a dream”.
- Achievement Like a power ballad.
- No major angel killed: Achievement Angel of Mercy.
- Don’t kill anyone except Roger: Achievement Super Angel of Mercy.
Choose Wynona
- Ending 1 “No fate”.
- Achievement “No fate”.
Let Wynona kill Michael
- Let Wynona kill Muriel.
- Ending 2 “An Irreversible mistake”.
- Achievement “Wrong way on a one-way track”.
Stop Wynona
- Ending 4 “The more the things change …”
Sinner path Endings:
Do not kill Wynona in heaven:
- Ending 3 “New Celestial Order”.
- Achievement “Fanboy Fantasy Fullfilled”.
Kill Wynona in heaven:
- Ending 5 “Doom has been brought”.
- Achievement “Fatality”.
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