The stuff I found when going through the files…
Cool File Stuff
The Combinations and Other Stuff I Found
- Meeting notes 2.txt 130
- Meeting notes 3.txt 030
- Track 06 name ideas.txt 123
- Project plan.txt 221
- MESS.txt 344
- DDLC.txt 404
- 14.txt 501
- 151 is Missing
- 420 is Missing
- 545 is Missing
This was recorded after I did the reset.sh
Other Stuff but now with Images
- In internal > backup > System
There are 10 files 9 are not able to be opened
Towerkeys is able to be opened.

Changed Time to 2:40 PM project plan.txt is able to be opened, if opened you will get the “Stonks” achievement.

This is recorded at ACT 3 or the Just Monika Part of DDLC.
Other Stuff but with Pictures
- Name: MES.txt
- Location: 344
- Time: 8:33

- Name: Meeting notes 2.txt
- Location: 130
- Time: 9:15

- Name: DDLC.txt
- Location: 404
- Time: 12:55

- Name: Meeting notes 3.txt
- Location: 030
- Time: 1:58

- Name: Track 06 name ideas.txt
- Location: 123
- Time: 4:30

- Name: 14.txt
- Location: 501
- Time: 2:14

Mail Images
These are found by doing the Side Stories.

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