Feeling just as stuck as Gabi with planting flowers? If so this guide is for you!
Gabi Planting Flowers Puzzles Guide
Hairball City
Hairball City 1
The first puzzle is just a tutorial, one pot and only one bulb. Pick up the bulb and jump to put it in the pot.
Hairball City 2
This next one shows you a new bulb, one that fills in a 3×3 grid
Place one yellow bulb in the middle pot second from the bottom (As seen in screen shot)
And another yellow bulb in the top middle pot (As seen in screen shot)
Hairball City 3
This next one combines both bulbs from the previous puzzles
Place the 3×3 yellow in the second row first pot
And now place the single pink bulb in the only open pot
And that’s it! You finished Hairball City’s flowers!
Turbine Town
Turbine Town 1
This first puzzle uses the familar 3×3 pink and 1×1 yellow
Pick up the yellow and place it in the third row middle pot
And now finish it by placing the yellow bulb in the last open pot
Turbine Town 2
Pick up one of the yellow bulbs and place it in the third row second pot
Place the other yellow bulb in the second row first pot
Turbine Town 3
Take the first yellow bulb and place it in the second row first pot
Place the pink bulb in the last open pot
And that’s all of them in Turbine Town!
Salmon Creek Forest
Now buckle in this one is a long one since they spread the pots all over the map
Salmon Creek Forest 1
Get off the train and head to your left and you’ll run into the first set of pots
This first one uses 2 blue + shape bulbs
Place the first one in the top left pot
Place the second one in the second row 6th pot
Salmon Creek Forest 2
Head up the mountain behind you and you should run into the next set. You can still see pots we just did in the background!
This puzzle uses a yellow 3×3 and a blue + blub
Place the first blue + blub in the third row 3rd pot
Place the yellow bulb in the second row first pot
Salmon Creek Forest 3
Head up the mountain and head to the empty pots on your right.
This puzzle uses two blue plus shaped bulbs
Place the first blue bulb in the upper left pot
Place the second bulb where ever you want to, it’ll fill in the rest no matter where you put it.
Salmon Creek Forest 4
There is another one on the mountain, scroll ahead to 6 to save a bit of walk time
Look around until you see the hamster ball, in the far distance the island has some pots on it
This one uses two blue plus bulbs
Place the first bulb in the third row second pot
Place the other one second row third pot
Salmon Creek Forest 5
Jump off the island and head towards the log stakes in the water
This one uses a yellow 3×3 and a blue plus
Place the blue bulb in the third row third pot
Place the yellow bulb in the second row second pot
Salmon Creek Forest 6
Head back up the mountain and find the pots to the right of the hamster ball
This uses a yellow 3×3 and a blue bulb
Place the yellow bulb in the second row first pot
Place the blue bulb in the second row 4th pot
Public Pool
Requires Contacts List from Tadpole HQ
Contact List location: On the bench just after getting off the train at Tadpole HQ.
Public Pool 1
Starting on the far left, this one has one yellow 3×3, one pink and one blue plus
Start by putting yellow in the third row third pot
Put blue in the top left pot
and finish by putting pink in that last pot
Public Pool 2
Next has two blue plus bulbs and one pink
Start by putting the pink in the 5th row second pot
Then put a blue in the second row 6th pot
and put the last blue in the 6th row second pot
Public Pool 3
Next we have one yellow and one blue
Start with the yellow in the second row 4th pot
and then put the blue in the second row second pot
That’s all of them only two places to finish now!
The Bathhouse
Requires Contacts List from Tadpole HQ
Contact List location: On the bench just after getting off the train at Tadpole HQ.
The Bathhouse 1
This first one starts with an empty pot and one yellow 3×3
First take the pot and place it in the second row in between the two pots already there
Then take the yellow bulb and place in in that pot
The Bathhouse 2
This one starts with an empty pot, a yellow 3×3, and a blue plus shaped bulb
First take the empty pot and place it in the second row third spot
Then take the yellow bulb and plant it in that pot you placed
Now take the blue plus bulb and place it in the third row second spot
The Bathhouse 3
This one starts you with a pot, and blue plus, a yellow 3×3, and a pink 1×1
First take the pot and place it in the 4th row first spot
Now take the blue plus and place it in the pot you just placed
Now take the yellow 3×3 and place it in the second row second spot
Now end it with the pink in that last open pot
Tadpole HQ
Contact List location: On the bench just after getting off the train at Tadpole HQ.
Tadpole HQ 1
The first set of pots on the lowest building start you with 1 pot, a yellow bulb, and a blue plus
First take the pot and place it second row first position
Now take the yellow 3×3 and place it forth row first pot
And finish it by placing the blue plus in the first row first pot
Tadpole HQ 2
The next tallest building starts you off with an empty pot, a yellow 3×3 and a blue plus
First place the pot in the second row first position
Now place the yellow bulb in that pot
and now end it with the blue bulb in the top right pot
Tadpole HQ 3
Now the tricky pots, this starts you with 2 blue plus, a pink, and a yellow 3×3
First take the pink 1×1 and plant it 4th row third pot
Now in that same column plant the first blue plus in the first row 4th pot
Plant the other blue plus in the 5th row third pot
Now you should have this:
Now end it with with the yellow in that third row first pot
Tadpole HQ 4
Now everything at once, this one starts with 2 blue plus bulbs, a pink 1×1, a yellow 3×3 and an empty pot
First take the empty pot and place it in the third row first spot
Now take the pink 1×1 and plant it in the 6th row 5th pot
In that same row plant the first blue plus in the 6th row second pot
Now take the yellow and plant it in the 4th row second pot
Now take that last blue and plant it in the 7th row 5th pot
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