Heaven’s Vault – How to Create Your Own Save File

This guide will show you how to manually create a save file.

Guide to Create Save File


This guide will show you how to manually create a save file in Heaven’s Vault and how to use it.

Heaven’s Vault features an auto-save option only and I can understand that because the game should be played more than once. However, in my opinion it can be frustrating, especially if you are a new player.

Why Would You Need Your Own Save Files?

Let’s say you played for 20 hours already and made a choice that you regret. You can’t go back. The only option you have now is to start over or finish the game and start New Game+. Same goes with accidental situations as they can happen as well.

Creating your own save files will prevent all of those situations.

How to Manually Create a Save File

After playing for some time, you will notice the information about auto-save in pause menu:

This information means that there is now a save file created somewhere.

What you need to do next is to navigate to your AppData folder (it’s a hidden folder in Windows). Overall the path looks like this (you have to replace “<username>” with your folder’s name of course):

  • C:Users<username>AppDataLocalLowInkle LtdHeaven’s Vault 

You will notice various folders and files.

The only file that matters to you is named “heavensVaultSave”. Copy the “heavensVaultSave” file. Create a new folder anywhere you want. Place the copied file there.

You’ve just created your own save file. Now every time you do something in game and think “this is a good moment to save”, just repeat this process. Also make sure that the information in pause menu says “Last saved just now” before you create a save file!

How to Use Your Save Files

You now know how to create a save file. The next step is how to use this file.

Every time you feel like you need to go back to one of the saves you created, you have to replace the existing “heavensVaultSave” file in AppData folder with the save file that you created.

With all the important knowledge you now posses, it would be best to store all future save files in an organised way (that is, to your liking).

It’s best to create a separate folder for every save file and name this folder however you need. Here is an example of a way in which you can organise your folders:

Since you organised your save files in a suitable way, you can finnaly breathe easily and play this fantastic game without the thought that you could have made the “wrong” choice or “missed” something.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 7931 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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