Tetragon – Full Walkthrough

Greetings! I present to your attention the full walkthrough of the game Tetragon!

Tetragon Game Walkthrough

Chapter 1: Fruitful Forest

1. Lost Awakening

Just keep going to the exit in the left bottom corner of the level. You can pick up a shard in the right bottom corner.

2. The Stranger

Go right on the tops of the rising piles.

3. About Death

You should use the device to your left to turn the game world counterclock-wise (by moving mouse up or using LT on your gamepad). When it’s done leave the level.

4. Rock Garden

Go right and pick up the lantern. Pull the bottom pillars up and the side ones to the left to build a stairs to the exit.

5. Crossroad

Walk to the device on your left and turn the game world. Head to the east and push out the three bottom pillars to build a stairs. Push the pillar sticking out of right wall back in it to build a stairs to the exit.

6. Breeze of Remembrance

Proceed to the ledge on your left. Pull the both high pillars to your character and then step on the pillars while slowly releasing them. Step to the left pillars to get down and talk to the ghost. It opens the entrance to the secret level.

Climb up the ledges to the game world turning device and use it. Once the two pillars are in front of you, move them to reach the house with the gleaming door. It’s the entrance to the secret level but you can’t use it for now. Head back.

Pull out the left pillar to leave the level.

7. Witchcraft

Head to the east until you get teleported to the upper section where you can talk with your son’s spirit. You can’t pick the shard at this moment, so just head back.

Pull out the pillar with a world-turning device on it and jump onto it. Turn the game world and reach the next device to turn the game world again. Leave the level.

8. Secret Path

Head east and reach the game world-turning device by moving the pillars. Turn the game world.

Use the device to your left to turn the game world once again.

Get down and use the device on the ground (in the middle of the level) to turn the game world.

Use the next device on the ground to turn the game world again.

Now you need to pull out the pillar on your left to jump to mud pillar on your right and get out here.

9. Twisted Tree

Talk to the ghost on your left and then climb up to the device on the right side. Pull out all the pillars (above and on the bottom) and then turn the game world.

Build a safe way down with the pillars on your left and jump down to the column with a world-turning device on it. DO NOT turn the game world – just proceed to the exit.

10. Silent Village

Reach the device on your left and turn the game world counterclock-wise (by moving mouse up or using LT on your gamepad). Talk to your son’s spirit and then use the device there to and turn the game world counterclock-wise. Now you can solve the puzzle. It’s all about combining the symbols on a background and on the golden columns. You should pull out the column to combine the symbol on it with another on the background. Do it with all 8 golden column to complete the First Chapter.

Chapter 2: Gnik Castle

1. Beyond the Great Wall

Jut rise the red-hot pillar and head to the exit.

2. Obstacle

Arrange the pillars on the right to create the passage to the west part of the level. Head west and pull the lever once you are up there.

Get back and head east. Once you are down there, pull another lever then move the pillars to create a passage to the shard and the statues on the bottom.

Now your task is to create a passage by moving the pillars.

3. The Pendant

Head west to the device on the top and use it to turn the game world counterclock-wise (up). Walk to the chest on the left and get the Pendant out of it – now you can get few blocks higher.

Use this new ability to get to the device on the ledge on your right and turn the game world clockwise (down).

Get up to the left and pull out the right pillar. Use the device and turn the game world clockwise. Then head to the device on the right and turn the game world clockwise (down) before leaving the level.

4. Gallery

Use the pillars on your left and right to proceed to the door on your right.

Once you are down there, move the pillars to create a passage to the device on the right. Get to the device and pull out the pillar on the right before turning the game world clockwise (down).

Head to the device on the right and turn the game world clockwise (down) once again. Proceed to the exit while clearing the pillar path.

5. Clock Room

Head to the west part of location and climb up to the device on the very top of the level. Turn the game world clockwise (down).

Jump up to the left and pull the lever. Head to the right and use the columns to create a passage all the way down to the device. Turn the game world clockwise (down). Use the columns on the left to create a way up to the exit.

6. Ambush

There are two flaming columns on the left side of you. You need to put the lower horizontal column under them. Go up to the library and just head to the right after the brief cut scene.

7. Queen’s Lounge

Move the two horizontal columns you stand on of the vertical columns on the right to release the nearest one and to clear the way up to the device. Turn the game world clockwise (down).

Move the columns on the right to create a stairs to the device on the top. Release the columns on the right and turn the game world clockwise (down). Move the columns under the character one by one to clear the way down and out of the level

8. Conspiracy

Pull up the two flaming columns on the right. Us the horizontal column on the left to get on them. Head east and use the columns to get down to the game world-turning device. Pull up the column on you right and turn the game world clockwise (down). Use the flaming column and the other columns to build a bridge to the exit.

9. King’s Rooms

Pull up the columns on the right ant get down to the lever. Pull it and get back to the first platform. Use the flaming column and the other columns to get down to the game world-turning device in the right bottom corner. Turn the game world clockwise (down) and create a passage to the right by moving the columns.

10. Useless Thief

Head to the game world-turning device on the right and turn the game world clockwise (down). Go to the column next to it and turn the game world clockwise (down) once again. Repeat it at the next device. Leave the level.

11. Petrified King

Use the columns beneath and on your right to get on the second horizontal column on the right. Then move closer to you the horizontal flaming column on the right and then pull up the vertical flaming column on the left. Get on it and run-and-jump to the ledge on the left with a device on it.

Turn the game world clockwise (down). Then move two vertical columns and the platform under you to get down. Then move the horizontal flaming column and the other columns under you to get up to the game world-turning device on the right.

Turn the game world clockwise (down). Pull the lever to open the exit.

12. Secret Garden

Use the column to get to the ledge on the right with a device on it. Turn the game world clockwise (down). Head to the game world-turning device on the right and turn the game world counterclock-wise (up). Push the horizontal column on the left towards you and go left. Move aside the column under you to fell down to the game world-turning device. Turn the game world counterclock-wise (up). Pull the lever on the right. Go to the game world-turning device on the left and turn the game world counterclock-wise (up).

Pull the lever on the left. After the brief cut scene head to the big world-turning device in the middle and turn the game world upside-down to drop the character into the pool.

13. Choices

WARNING! If you enter the door on the left of you the game ends with a Game Over line (you get an achievement though). Do not open this door if you want to live.

You need to get down to move on. To get under the floor you should move the first horizontal column (ornamented one) and push it to the right. Then stand under the left vertical column and pull it out. Move aside all the horizontal columns under the character to get on the vertical one. Then just move it down while standing on it.

As you come to the prisoner, the symbols appear on the. You need to combine these symbols with those on the columns.

First, you need to pull out the left column. The new column rises over you and you should combine it with a nearest symbol. Then do the same with the rest columns on your right.

After the cutscene you need climb up to the exit on the left. Once you are on the right side of the level move away the column under you and leave the level.

Chapter 3: Deep Woods

1. Dark Garden

Move away the upper column to create a passage through the column under your feet and the hole in the next one. Interact with the stones to get to the boy’s spirit in the east side of the level and then open the door. Get up to the upper platform and head to the other side of the level to reach the door.

2. Magical Wand

Walk on the columns to the stone on the left. Secure your position with the column next to it and turn the game world. Use the columns to reach the double stone and then turn the game world down. Reach the portal and head to the other side. Once you are there, turn the game world down twice with the stones and use the column to build the way to the portal.

3. Hidden Village

Raise the platform and then get down while moving close to the partition. You should rotate the platforms until you can move to the next floor. Walk out the passage and rotate the platforms to meet the spirit. Get up to the upper part of the level using the platforms and stones. Get the platform with the passages down and create the stairs to the lower one. Use the passage to get to the east side. Move away the floors with the passages and pull the platform up to the portal.

4. Shadows

Get on the top of the column with a stone. Turn the game world to get to the east part of the level and use the portals to pick up the green shard. Return to the beginning and jump on the platform. Reach the double stone and turn the game world down. Turn the game world so the platform close to the portal is horizontal to you. Get up on the platforms and use the columns to build a passage to the portal.

5. The Cave

Move down the lower column and go through some ♥♥♥ the portal, then pull out the column you stand on to the platform you plan land to. Turn the game world. Build a stairs of the platforms to you right and use it to reach the single stone. Turn the game world (up) and lower the platform with a passage. Turn the game world again and head to the double stone, turn the game world up so you can stand on the platform with a passage, then use it to build a way to the portal and jump to it.

6. Master’s Lairs

Fell right into the portal and turn the game world down at the stone, go through the portal again and reach the single stone. Turn the game world to fell onto the other side of the portal.

7. Lost in the Woods

Turn the column under your feet to feel into the hole. Go through the portal. Open the passage to avoid the sharp traps. Pull out the platform you stand on to reach the stone and then turn the game world down. Head to the double stone down there. Relocate the platform above your head and the platform on the top to reach the stone using the enforced jump ability. Pull 2 platforms into the hole and turn the game world up. Build the platforms so you can reach the Stranger. He will bring you to the portal.

8. The Warrior

Pull out the column above your head and move it to the right clearing the space for the spiked platform. Get to the double stone and turn the game world so you could reach the second double stone next to the Stranger. Put the spikes against each other and get down as soons as spikes disappear. Go to the portal below.

9. Death Zone

Move the spiked column so the hole is located next to the boy’s spirit ant the column closest to him blocks the first one. Build a stairs to reach the portal and go to the spirit. Turn the game world up and then get down. The spiked column will start moving so you have to block it again before you can go through the hole in the column. Reach the stone on the right and turn the game world with it. Use the platform you stand on to reach the stone with the enhanced jump.

10. Final Frontier

Come up to the lever on the right and use it to open the part of the level. Pull the column there one block higher than the stone. On the left upper side pull the column in releasing two platforms on your right. Go to the stone ant turn the game world down. Reach the stone and turn the game world once again. Pull the platform under your feet so you could fell down from it and reach the second lever. Pull up all the signed platforms so the middle signs are the same.

Chapter 4: Ancient Stones

1. No powers left

You need to go east as far a possible and then climb up to the ledge build of the 3 blocks. Use the stone to turn the game world. Go right and use the nearest stone to turn the game world. Jump off the ledge and use the stone to turn the game world back. Go left and climb up to the ledge. Use the stone to turn the game world again. Go left again, climb up to the top and turn the game world gain. Go left again. Use the stone to turn the game world. Go left and enter the portal.

2. Primordial Lands

Go east to the stone. Use it to turn the game world clockwise.

Go east to the stone. Use it to turn the game world clockwise.

Go east to the portal

3. The Unknown

Go west to the first stone, BUT pass it by and jump up to use the second stone to turn the game world. Go east to the stairs to reach the portal. Pick up the shard of the Tetra crystal, Go back to the stone and use it to turn the game world. Go west to the double stone and use it to turn the game world. Go west to the double stone. Use it to turn the game world counterclock-wise.

Enter the portal.

4. Stone Warrior

Get to the ledge on the left to use the double stone. Turn the game world counterclock-wise. Go left to use the stone there and turn the game world counterclock-wise. Go left, jump down, go left to the double stone and use it to turn the game world counterclock-wise. Climb up to the ledge from the right side and enter the portal. Jump down and pull the stones out before proceeding to the portal.

5. The Crack

Jump onto the ledge to your right and enter the portal then go right to the huge stone. Move the horizontal blue platform (the level start) so it’s right above your head.

Use the stone to turn the game world to 180 degree. Pull the two lower vertical columns to build a stairs. Pull out the horizontal column and walk down the stairs to the portal. Us the blue horizontal beams to get all the way down. Go to the double stone and pull the two horizontal blue beams from below. Use the stone to turn the game world clockwise. Come down and enter the portal from its left side. Line the blue stones so you could use them to walk to the middle of the screen so the double stone is right under you. Rise up the pillar with the double stone and jump onto it. Use the stone to turn the game world clockwise. Move the platform you stand on, so you could enter the portal you used at the beginning of the level.

6. Willpower

Move the transverse green column to the left so the left green vertical column could be raised up and then fix it with a horizontal column. Walk to the right to the stone, push the nearest blue column as high as possible, use the stone to turn the game world counterclockwise. Go left, and talk to the spirit. Remove the lower horizontal green column as far as possible to the left. Push the blue column up from below and use it to go down.

Walk to the right and talk to the spirit. Use the stone, to turn the game world.

Use the blue horizontal columns to go down and talk to the spirit.

7. The end of Tetragon

To beat the final boss you have to deal a damage to him 5 times. That’s only doable if you you move the columns so they could reflect his shot back to him. The boss has two attack types – default shot and the charged shot. ONLY charged shod can deal any damage to him.

First 3 shots can be reflected to the boss by doing the following:

Move away the two blue columns on your right. Jump onto the green ones and wait until the boss shoots (and hits himself). Then go all the way right through the portal to the wall and wait until the boss shoots and hits himself again. As soon as the boss turns the game world we pull out the nearest blue column (to your left) so it could reflect the next charged shot. Then run to the right to face the boss and pull (at max) the blue column located in the right half of the screen just above the green columns. The game world now randomly turns a couple of times and you have to manage to deal a damage to the boss two more times to complete the level and the game.

Volodymyr Azimoff
About Volodymyr Azimoff 3754 Articles
I love games and I live games. Video games are my passion, my hobby and my job. My experience with games started back in 1994 with the Metal Mutant game on ZX Spectrum computer. And since then, I’ve been playing on anything from consoles, to mobile devices. My first official job in the game industry started back in 2005, and I'm still doing what I love to do.

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