Ore Farming Locations
Here is a list of all the Ores found in each zone to help you collect all 500 items since rank 1-5 of each count as different items in your collection.
You might find ones not listed, but for the sake of finding all or farming a certain type this was faster and easier.
You can save after a fight in a different map, then travel to the map the ore is on to roll the RNG, loot the deposits and if you don’t get what you’re looking for, reload your save and travel to the map again, the RNG will be rerolled upon entering the map so you’ll get different ranks and ores each time. From what I can figure out is the RNG is manipulated when doing a fight off map, and then deposits are locked in when loading into the map.
Act 1
Zionne mine tunnels
- Antidote
- Abyssal
- Paralaxstone
- Hex
Sandinus Ravine
- Paralaxstone
- Abyssal Pearl
- Almandine
- Antidote
Iglia Wastes
- Antidote
- Lucky
- Almandine
- Paralaxstone
- Abyssal
Fagan Ruins
- Almandine
- Antidote
Kyrd Garrison
- Antidote
- Almandine
- Lucky
- Paralaxstone
- Abyssal
Glanymede Castle
- Paralaxstone
- Brimore
- Abyssal
Lacerda Cliff
- Paralaxstone
- Abyssal
- Almandine
- Brimore
Ulvhan Grotto
- Chrysoberyl
- Enduro
Berg Volcano
- Hex
- Transcendent
- Awakening
- Regenerative
- Lucky
- Brightstone
Act 2
White Silver Plains
- Enduro
- Thorn
- Paralaxstone
- Antidote
- Chrysoberyl
Rudhir Forest
- Antidote
- Paralaxstone
- Chrysoberyl
- Thorn
- Enduro
Nevira Snowplains
- Antidote
- Chrysoberyl
- Thorn
- Paralaxstone
- Enduro
Underground Waterway
- Enduro
- Chrysoberyl
- Antidote
- Paralaxstone
Frozen Valley
- Lucky
- Regenerative
- Chrysoberyl
- Antidote
- Enduro
- Thorn
Safar Sea Cave
- Opal
- Fleetfoot
- Brimore
- Abyssal
Act 3
Overseer Hill
- Opal
- Brimore
Traslida Highway
- Brimore
- Opal
- Abyssal
- Fleetfoot
Tietal Plain
- Brimore
Gilanne Woodland
- Brimore
- Opal
Razum Quarry
- Fleetfoot
- Opal
- Brimore
Mount Dhiara
- Opal
- Inhibitor
- Astral
- Lucky (ridge)
- Hex (ridge)
- Awakening(ridge)
- Regenerative (ridge)
- Transcendent (ridge)
Act 4
Valley of the Wind Spirit
- Regenerative
- Transcendent
- Hex
Aqfotle Hills
- Astral
- Inhibitor
Este Luvah Forest
- Inhibitor
- Opal
- Scaled
Adan Ruins
- Scaled
- Inhibitor
- Astral
Adan Lake
- Astral
- Inhibitor
Act 5
Shinefall Woods
- Immutable
- Thermalrock
- Barbed
Fogwharl Limestone Caverns
- Awakening
- Transcendent
- Hex
- Regenerative
- Brightstone
Aureum Falls
- Almaden
- Healing
- Antidote
Lavtu Marshlands
- Barbed
- Thermalrock
- Healing
- Immutable
Forland Mountains
- Awakening
- Lucky
- Regenerative
- Transcendent
- Hex Breaker
Act 6
Gegham Helgarahi
- Hex
- Transcendent
- Mysterious
- Pixie
Tarfhal Helgarahi
- Mysterious
- Hex
- Pixie
- Transcendent
Act 7
The Wedge
- Hex Breaker
- Regenerative
- Awakening
- Transcendent
Uninhabited Island
- Regenerative
- Transcendent
- Lucky
- Hex
- Awakening
- Regenerative
- Hex
- Transcendent
- Lucky
Warning Endgame Spoilers!!!
The Otherworld
Cavern of Fate (Destiny)
- Astral
- Regenerative
- Inhibitor
- Scaled
Spirit Forest (Symphony)
- Brimore
- Barbed
- Astral
- Inhibitor
- Scaled
- Regenerative
Oracle Snowcap (Abyss)
- Brimore
- Astral
- Barbed
Dragon Slumber Mountain (Zest)
- Astral
- Barbed
- Regenerative
- Mysterious
- Pixie
Volcano of Renewal (Scarlet Night)
- Astral
- Brimore
- Barbed
- Pixie
- Mysterious
Nice guide. One advice: I’d add screenshots of each game area (in case someone is missing some mining spots).
This thread honestly saved me. I was missing 10 items and discerned that they were all ores. Composed a list of all the ores I was missing and then just kept repeating areas until I got them. Saved me a lot of hassle. Kudos!